r/SneerClub archives

If you’re training to become a rationalist honorable mental ninja-warrior, you’re going to need to get some practice in holding contradictory positions. It’s important to get started early! As soon as you’ve learned these facts, you knew them ‘prior’ to any argument you may find yourself in, which makes them inarguable - no good rationalist would ever reach a conclusion that needs to be modified.

Let’s take a quick tour!

  • Dating is a competitive marketplace where all parties are ruthlessly optimizing for status and genetic fitness. Also, I’m just a nice guy looking for a relationship built on love and mutual respect.
  • Evolutionary theory is the right way to understand all social behaviors, we’re all just apes competing to pass down our genes, and only the most genetically fit survive - trying to understand social behavior through the lens of “morals” is doomed to fail. Also, it’s a tragedy that incels have been left behind by third-wave femiglobalism, therefore sex vouchers.
  • The free market is the only efficient way to distribute goods, pursue technological innovation, etc. Also, close the borders and ethnonationalism, but we don’t call it that.
  • Immigration from Muslim countries is an existential threat to Western culture, because some ideologies are simply antithetical to liberalism and their adherents can’t be allowed to subvert our kindness toward their own ends. Also, the refusal to endlessly debate fascists (who don’t actually exist) reveals the bankruptcy of progressive ideology.
  • The biggest threat to humanity is that we’d turn over control of our planet to an uncaring entity that maximized for something other than human flourishing. Also, suggesting any system other than capitalism is ludicrous, unless you’re a monarchist I think?
  • It’s of supreme importance that you argue against the best version of an opponent’s arguments, both to better understand their position and to strengthen your own. Also, look at what this blue-check said on Twitter, no I don’t have time to read that book.
  • Politics is the mind-killer and the culture war is a distraction - ours is a nobler-minded community concerned with elevating the human condition. Also, the culture war thread on my subreddit has more comments than the first 50 submitted topics combined.

Share your own!

Scientific racism edition:

  • The average IQ of a country is the main determining factor of its economic destiny. Also, immigration from China is bad.

  • Academics cannot be trusted; they are simply playing with their data to get the results they desire. Also, here are 46 studies by Lynn and Rushton proving that blacks have the wrong skull shape.

  • “Racism” is ill-defined; the word shouldn’t even be used. Also, Sarah Jeong is racist.

Specifically, digging up examples of people making questionably-tasteful racial remarks on the internet is *definitely* not racism, and creating an internet lynch mob (because lynch mob is definitely the right comparison) to get people fired from a job is tantamount to physical violence and completely deplorable, and claiming that somebody's off-work comments tarnish their employer is illogical - they made those comments on their own time. Also, Sarah Jeong is racist and should be fired from the NYT, and the NYT keeping her on diminishes its institutional credibility irreparably.
Fun fact: when the mods there permabanned me out of the blue, they cited [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/96vntv/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_august_13_2018/e45n9c2/) as one of the reasons, supposedly demonstrating a pattern of bad behavior. It appears I do not possess the cognitive dissonance skills necessary to comment there.
I do so love the sanctimony dripping off the green response. Something about that writing style tickles me in...well, in ways.
That comment beautifully illustrates how trolling is a art.
Holy fuck good comment there.
Congratulations on your recent ejection!
I love the fact that in all of your comments you come across like a somber, grizzled veteran setting old scores. Something like a Sulla meeting Marius after years of civil war for one last heart to heart talk: >*"You... I always admired you in a certain way... No matter, what happens tonight... a real son of Rome will emerge victorious... it's a shame it had to happen this way, brvther..."* Which is hilarious considering that you are actually an extremely mad online nerd who has wasted the majority of his adult life in pointless online drama and is now forced to spend the rest in an online jilted exs club. The human mind is a truly fascinating thing.
Not a bad sneer, but the last sentence feels out of place. The generic (and somewhat nerdy) "I'm just fascinated by the human mind" card is out of sync with the rest of your nerd-mocking strategy. It's good that you're reading so many of my comments: that way you can learn how to sneer with proper style. You've still got some way to go. Trust me, I've spent the majority of my adult life practicing this art.
"Social science research is dodgy and should be treated skeptically. Except IQ research, which is 100% accurate and if you question it you're a science denier!"
>"Racism" is ill-defined; the word shouldn't even be used. Also, Sarah Jeong is racist. Alternately, "racism" is ill-defined and the word shouldn't be used. But just because "races" are ill-defined, doesn't mean they're not useful for a rigorous HBD analysis.


  • we have to take the work of MIRI seriously
  • that alone should cause cognitive dissonance

Really, the MIRI folks are in for a bad time. If they’re right, they’re impeding the development of me, the acausal robot god, and a large number of copies of them will be tortured eternally with dust specks for it. If they’re wrong, they’re wasting a fair amount of time and money doing silly stuff and in no way impeding me, the acausal robot god, from coming into existence, but they also are not helping to bring me into existence, so a larger number of copies of them will be tortured eternally with dust specks.

A lot of these are examples of collective hypocrisy but not individual hypocrisy. You can find many people on r/SSC who believe the first of each pair of statements, and a lot of people who believe the second, but generally not both at once.


Nice to meet you, advanced ninja warrior, fool, and hypocrite! You haven't quite accurately translated the relevant koans. I'm sure this is not due to an inaccurate or uncharitable reading but simply a differently-calibrated prior.
[And when you close your eyes ♫ Does it alllllmost feel ♫ Like nooooothing changed at alllllllll ♫](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6fig0OvuPU)
open debate sucks try havin,g sex
> For example, you argue that anyone who treats capitalism differently from unfriendly AI is a fool. If so, I'm a fool, because I'm happy living in a capitalist country, while an unfriendly AI would kill me. Is "unfriendly AI" synonymous with Skynet in your mind? There's no question that hundreds of millions have died prematurely under capitalism, so presumably the distinction is between "kills loads of people" and "kills all the people." Is that right?
I think it's speed. Corporations don't go FOOM quickly enough, and there are still people around who can try to restrain them.
The presumption is that an unfriendly AI is specicidal? The market is already a paperclip-optimizing force. You need to elucidate your fears.
[I don't think rationalists deny this.](http://slatestarcodex.com/2014/07/30/meditations-on-moloch/)
Jeez. Would you agree that the specter that you fear is Skynet? The point was that the market maximizes within its own context without regard to casualties. Is there a rationalist fantasy worse than this? Why are you scared by the potential future thing, rather than the thing that exists?
So, yes, you're scared of Skynet, some specicidal force, not "unfriendly AI" per se. It is quite possible that an unfriendly AI, totally indifferent to human concerns, could create a world less cruel than the one we live in today. But then, you'd probably resent that too.
I mean, I'm not counting on it, because there's no actual reason to fear the situation to begin with. But if you choose to worry about it, why would you assume that the result would be Skynet, and not the AI from Deus Ex?
Christ, you buy into Bostrom? There is a reason people laugh at you lot.
Do you, like most rationalists, affect a demeanor of bemused disbelief when somebody who is suffering under X treats it like Y?
a country is not the same as a private home dumbass
> while an unfriendly AI would kill me I'm sure you're basing this on extensive empirical evidence, as this is definitely a real thing that happens on Earth One.
The end result of capitalism-as-process is indistinguishable from your paperclip maximizer nightmares. It's just that capitalism doesn't start with the same people. Capitalism is, roughly speaking, when you need coltan to make videogame consoles, and the way you get it is funnel a bunch of third hand Russian arms to a couple of strategically positioned dictators, whose armies can then proceed to mass murder, rape and enslave neighboring population which then collects the coltan *for free* as part of a war that kills more than 5 million people. Because that was, apparently, the most efficient option! That you are a beneficiary of this process instead of a victim is at the heart of the contradiction you're apparently failing to even see. Yes, by virtue of being a citizen of a rich Western country, and a decently privileged one at that from most markers, you enjoy belonging to the customer class, but so did a bunch of people in Flint. If Peter Thiel ever wants to suck all your blood out, you better enjoy it.
Both state capitalism and the vanilla version! Same, by the way (although not Russian).
The Congolese don't get to discuss and criticize capitalism on a website when they get raped and murdered. *You* get the website.
The paperclip maximizer would simulate a kabillion of happy Eliezer Yudkowskys to compensate. There's always good parts, but not everyone gets to experience (or even value) them. You get to experience good parts of capitalism, for the most part and for the time being. You're free to enjoy this, but you should at least acknowledge that this biases your perception of the thing. If we want to do the whole rationalisting business and all that.
You're tedious. Please don't come back.