r/SneerClub archives
Accused of being pro-HBD on Tumblr, Scott's "defense" is that he lies about what he believes in order to trick people into an unfair compromise. (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9lj3g7/accused_of_being_prohbd_on_tumblr_scotts_defense/)

Link here. I know a lot of people either don’t have a Tumblr account or can’t bear to interact with the amazingly awful site design long enough to find posts, so I’ll quote the relevant passages here:

worriedaboutmyfern concludes a response to Scott’s NIMBY article with:

And lastly, I apologize for not being able to find a more charitable way to phrase this, but your framing of the NIMBY issue as “It’s not that I agree with them, it’s that I think you guys are so unfair to them” is exactly the same framing you often seem to use for the HBD/Jordan Peterson crowd, and I find it really disingenuous, that’s all. I think the argument would be stronger if you just said straightforwardly what you believe instead of presenting it as a “steelmanning.”

Scott responds (again, only posting the relevant parts):

If I am 30% of the way from socialist to libertarian, and all of my friends are 10% of the way from socialist to libertarian, I think it’s fair to tell my friends “No, look! Libertarians make some good points! We need to pay more attention to the way libertarians think instead of hating them and rejecting everything they say out of hand!” This doesn’t make me a libertarian - I’m still only 30% of the way from socialist to libertarian and so more on the socialist side…I thought I had an SSC post where I explained this further, but I can’t find it. The gist was that if everyone else is at 10% and you think the correct answer is 30%, you can either argue for 30 and have them compromise at 20%, or you can argue 50% and have them compromise at 30%. I’m not sure there’s a right answer to this question, but I sometimes end up arguing for 50% and I think this is at least a defensible choice.

So to make this clear: his argument isn’t that he’s pro-HBD, it’s that he feels others are not pro-HBD enough, so he deliberately argues a position he doesn’t believe in the hopes he can exploit their charity to get them to “compromise” at the mid-point between their apparent positions, which is his actual position.

This may be the most incredibly dishonest, reprehensible, scummy way to “win” an argument I’ve ever heard. You’re not just lying about what you believe, you’re presenting yourself as willing to compromise when you clearly aren’t AND you’re taking advantage of your opponent’s good nature.

Wait, what?

The gist was that if everyone else is at 10% and you think the correct answer is 30%, you can either argue for 30 and have them compromise at 20%, or you can argue 50% and have them compromise at 30%.

This is bad faith with your friends, but even by Facts and Logic this seems poorly thought out because he isn’t trying to make a compromise deal, whatever he’s doing isn’t with one person, and his audience isn’t homogenous people who are 20% to his left.

I strongly believing in putting forward strong arguments and I fully believe in presenting strong versions of but like… I believe in a two state solution in Israel-Palestine but I don’t think the best way to get there is to convince strong Zionists that we should have slight Palestinian supremacy (maybe 67 borders, no land swaps) and convincing Palestines that Israel should control Palestine even after independence (I don’t know, never giving back area C or something). That’s dumb. It would be more convincing to present what both sides want and be like I am Goldilocks in the middle. That’s fine. But when I want to meet in the middle, I don’t say, “Okay here’s something 20% to the right of my position so later I’ll meet in the middle.”

I think Scott wants to be speaking truth to power, but like… just speak your truth, man. This is another disappointing thing from Scott.

I'm willing to believe he's significantly to the left of most of his readers. If his subreddit reflects his readership at all, it's mostly off-the-charts, full-moon-howling, Trump-bootlicking right-wingers. Not sure how he thinks he's preaching moderation to his socialist "friends" at this point.
I think whatever surveys he does tend to show that the subreddit is not reflective of the general blog readership. Here’s the [2018 survey](http://slatestarcodex.com/2018/01/03/ssc-survey-results-2018/). The readership, it seems, does continue to be left of center but the comments (not just on the subreddit but in the blog) don’t seem to go that way.
The NRx dorks on the blog (who have been there for many years) and the Groypers on the Culture War threads are probably good at taking up more space than they deserve. That's what happens when you empower fascists because you're obsessed with appearing even-handed. But I've also noticed a few comments from people who are "about as far left as they come" who nevertheless take MAGA positions on everything that matters, then congratulate themselves for being such bold contrarians.
>But I've also noticed a few comments from people who are "about as far left as they come" who nevertheless take MAGA positions on everything that matters, then congratulate themselves for being such bold contrarians. There's a *huge* number of people on SSC who believe they're on the left despite: 1. **Holding right-wing economic positions** (standard US libertarian "deregulate all the things, free trade 4 lyfe"). 1. **Holding right-wing social positions** (writes giant rants on how much they hate social justice, believes some races are genetically smarter than others). 1. **Holding right-wing political sympathies** (constantly defend Republicans and attack Democrats, always happen to come down on the Right-wing side in any culture war flareup, etc). A couple of them are clearly concern-trolling, but the majority genuinely seem to think that they're bog-standard liberals who hold one or two contrarian views. I will never fucking understand it.
I wish I were that good at decoupling.
There's an industry and culture around this. If you read and watch enough of the content you start to understand why they think the things they think.
I don't think I can count the number of people on that sub who will call themselves left of center while advocating for eugenics and fascism though, so I'm not super sure that survey's going to be particularly reliable
To your and /u/reassemblage’s points, yes, I too have noticed people declaring themselves “left of center” and consistently taking right-wing points ([a new survey found](https://info.marublue.net/acton/attachment/36213/f-0012/1/-/-/-/-/BuzzFeed%20News.pdf) that 48% of Democratic millennials and *23% of Republican millenials* consider themselves to be “socialist” or “democratic socialist”—see Q11, it’s too high to be all or mostly lizard people). I think this goes to show the problems of only interpreting low level quantitative evidence without either 1) incorporating qualitative evidence or 2) digging down deeper into what these terms mean to people though more in-depth quantitative evidence, and also one of the problems with studying stated preferences exclusively. I fully agree with all of that, but I think it’s also one of the reasons (if not the main reason outright) that Scott thinks he’s talking to a primarily left of center audience.
There's also the stereotype of all right-wingers being fundie rednecks, so if I'm not a fundie redneck, I can't possibly be right-wing. This was, in the US, tied into the spectacular unpopularity of the Bush admin toward the end, when Republicans suddenly became "libertarians" (and then "classical liberals"). Also, socialism in the US is when the government does stuff. Hence, why I take these polls with a dumptruck full of salt.
>If his subreddit reflects his readership at all, it's mostly off-the-charts, full-moon-howling, Trump-bootlicking right-wingers. I think that's more a function of who's being charted than anything else. Most right-wingers are too scared to post in SSC.

This is a bit of a tangent, but Scott’s take on NIMBYism is so stupid and banal that I can’t help but suspect that the only reason he’s defending the NIMBYs is that someone accused them of being racist (and Scott always sides with those who are accused of racism).

If you ever wanted to convince Scott of Marxism, I’d try conspicuously accusing Marxists of racism whenever Scott is around; I’d wager you’d see a “steelman” from him within a month or two.

Entirely plausible. There's a certain kind of white, wealthy NIMBY that bought a house in a suburb that either informally or formally excluded POCs from moving in. This sort of NIMBY, of course, will viciously resist attempts to upzone their precious burbs in the name of preserving 'neighborhood character.' These NIMBYs are indeed motivated by racism, amongst other things (like classism!), and you'll find it's a very common criticism from leftist YIMBYs. (I will fight anyone who thinks that's an oxymoron.)
> suburb that either informally or formally excluded POCs How do you informally exclude POCs?
Formal exclusion was done for decades via neighborhood covenants / HOAs. Informally the same rules are applied via social pressure against selling to black families and harassment of any that manage to move in.
What does a non-stupid, non-banal NIMBY look liek?
I don't know, haven't really seen one.
Some historic preservationists have their hearts in the right place. It's one way more serious NIMBYs trick people into signing their petitions.
> If you ever wanted to convince Scott of Marxism, I'd try conspicuously accusing Marxists of racism whenever Scott is around Scooter go on Chapo.


[Flying saucers are just like tanks, only better.](https://i.redd.it/2sp7c9jq1uh01.jpg)

The best indication of how rationalists don’t understand human beings is Scott discussing politics as a slider along some interval rather than actually having beliefs and ethics.

It's abstraction, not over-simplification! That's rational. He's very definitely carefully considered all the other aspects of belief and taken them into account, he's not just being lazy and stupid. That's rational. That's rational. Having "beliefs" and "ethics" is on the wrong layer, you need to abstract it so you can rationally think about rational. That's rational.

what I like about Scott is he doesn’t realise that you can’t just straight up tell people you’re going to lie to them

Once you dig down to the root of it, a lot of these guys are just really insecure, and all the politics is just a (highly detailed!) layer over that.

If you're gunning for a "relevant username" comment sunshine you've got another thing coming

This doesn’t make me a libertarian - I’m still only 30% of the way from socialist to libertarian and so more on the socialist side…I thought I had an SSC post where I explained this further, but I can’t find it.

1 year ago:


My problem with this kind of thing is that I’m still unclear what leftists want.

Like, sure, single-payer healthcare, better welfare, less drug war, that’s all fine. But it doesn’t differentiate them from liberals.

So, has he both a) Learnt what a socialist is & b) Become 70% socialist since then? Or is he being disingenuous for the sake of escaping criticism?

Can we start calling this the SlateStarCodex fallacy or something. The assumption that people want to come to agreements with you, so you must argue for the stronger version of your stupidest beliefs in the false assumption that people will just randomly start believing your stupid shit.

I propose "No True Scottsman". You just keep moving the goalposts until "you win" because you're on, like, 15 levels of irony and clearly it was just a steelman argument.
Scott and Bailey.
Having a fallacy named and at-the-ready is the only way to make these nattering debate dorks listen for more than 5 seconds.

The gist was that if everyone else is at 10% and you think the correct answer is 30%, you can either argue for 30 and have them compromise at 20%, or you can argue 50% and have them compromise at 30%. I’m not sure there’s a right answer to this question, but I sometimes end up arguing for 50% and I think this is at least a defensible choice.

In Five Dysfunctions Of A Team, “politics” is defined as, roughly, manipulating the information people have in order to ensure they come to the conclusions that you want them to. While a very thin definition in terms of governments and societies, it’s still a useful tool to think with.

In other words, imagine being on this many levels of ideology.

'member when politics was the mind-killer? I think that's a pretty interesting definition. Is the book a good read?
I read it as part of a management course. Its well-recommended in the business school world. Get it from the library or torrent it.

Similarly, I’m only 99.5% Marxist but to convince people who are 0.1% Marxist I have to argue for 100% Marxism.

Dude your math is way off. If you're at 99% and you want to bring around the 0.1%ers, you need to be arguing for 1000% marxism.
Silly joke, long time sneerers will know I'm actually 50% Marxist and 50% Leninist.
Needs 50% Maoism
\>tfw no posadism
Dolphins are cool, but radicalizing corvids is the way forward I think.
I can't argue with that. Crows showed up in several of Iain (M) Banks' books, after all.
No, I don't think I'll be doing that. People like my input here.

If I am 30% of the way from socialist to libertarian,

  1. Note the important “if” there.

  2. Wait till he learns about libertarian socialism! And that American libertarianism is dumb and no one should use it to orient a political spectrum.

How wonderful that policies within a given political ideology are completely fungible, so it doesn’t matter which additional 20% of libertarian ideas Scott argues for or convinces his socialist friends of, just so long as they score exactly the same as him on ideology quizzes.

Of course the a problem here is, since he’s admitting to using bad faith tactics, how do we know he doesn’t actually want his friends to be 70% or 100% libertarian, and is lying here because he believes that his 30% number is as much as his socialist friends will tolerate, or 50% is as much as they’ll tolerate him devil’s advocating for, but as soon as they’ve become more libertarian, he’ll then ratchet it up to get closer to his true preference? How do we know this is the true Scott?

If you’re going to lie, and you want people to believe those lies (all or a fraction of them), you really shouldn’t admit to being a liar.

Hilariously, it is a series of very small steps from "I'm so obviously correct that it's ok to lie to people to get them to agree with me" to "I'm so obviously correct that people who don't agree with me should be shipped off to labour and reeducation camps" to "kulaks deserved it." Hey, what are these skulls?
Pssht I never noticed any skulls

Thought: what if SA’s friends are like him?

We’ll say there’s only one for simplicity. Due to confusion, she gets the idea that SA is at 50% libertarian. As she is only 30% libertarian, she pretends to be 10% to get SA to compromise. SA now sees this, and decides he MUST pretend to be 50% libertarian, or he might be fooled into actually compromising as opposed to tricking others into adopting his views. Now both parties are faking ideologies to convince the other of views they already hold.

This would make for a good little melodrama. *The Importance of Being Rational*.

“Just asking questions” and “I am saying as a friend of the good cause of X, I swear, which makes what I say all the more significant and impactful” are some of the oldest and dullest rhetorical tricks in the book. At least Scott admits that he’s dishonest and manipulative. It gives you a good ‘Bayesian’ reason to set your priors for trusting anything he says ever again very, very low!