r/SneerClub archives
Steven Pinker laments the monumental injustice of an open scientific racist being disinvited (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9ohc6a/steven_pinker_laments_the_monumental_injustice_of/)


I really have to wonder if Pinker even bothered to read LG’s SPLC page or if he just dismissed it out of hand. Some really choice material there https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/linda-gottfredson

I guess in Pinkers mind, calling the racial penis guy a “gentlemen and a scholar” and dedicating an entire article to defending him is just a normal non-racist thing to do https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/b74e/48d69ab19fef03ee9e443e0e6277692b12df.pdf (the article doesn’t even try to hide how racist it is lol)

Here’s LG in an interview with literal alt-righter Stefan Molyneux talking about the “tribes of man” starting at 1:16:55 https://youtu.be/CZPsXYo7gpc?t=4615 Again, not even trying to hide the visceral disgusting racism.

And OF COURSE she accepted a bunch of money from the Pioneer Fund. Did you really expect anything different? Actually here she is in the comments of the Steven Pinker-linked Quillette article defending them:

Linda Gottfredson

Wikipedia is about as biased as the Southern Poverty Law Center when it comes to human variation in intelligence. Hardly an appropriate source for the research or researchers on intelligence. Or on the Pioneer Fund.

A factual error in your post: Harry Wehyer was the long-tjme president of the Pioneer Fund. Rushton took over when Harry passed away.

A lawyer, Harry worked for John Marshall Harlan in New York before he was elevated to the US Supreme Court. Harry was a gentleman of the highest order. When I met him in the 1980s, he was funding some of the most renowned psychologists of the 20th century for studies they could not get funded elsewhere –like Tom Bouchard’s now-famous studies of identical twins reared apart.

See my online vita for my festshrift articles for three: Phil Rushton, Art Jensen and Hans Eysenck.

There are various books and articles purporting to “expose” the Pioneer Fund. They consist mostly of recycled falsehoods, innuendo and circular citation. I know, because some colleagues and I did the historical research the Fund’s detractors never have. Did it in late 1980s when my university invoked my Pioneer-funded research in an attempt to block my Pioneer funding and fire me. We checked out all charges against the Fund. Harry Weyher searched the Fund’s files for us, from its founding. He was good and honorable man.

By all means challenge ideas you not accept! But please do so with empirical evidence, not ad hominem critiques. Thanks.”

I’m sure people could find even more but I’m sick of looking at this crap. Someone tell Pinker he’s a fucking moron.

I get the feeling Pinker is just waiting for his academic career to wain to show his power level.

Definitely. He effectively outsources his racialism to Pioneer Fund types and then only defends it by proxy by bleating about the SJW mobs.
Try this one: https://twitter.com/sapinker/status/462666861725749248?lang=en
Wow, he's ranting about SJWs now? Jesus, I used to really look up to him. I mean I don't any more but I definitely used to think his theories about cognition were cool.
The American Humanist Association is *really* going to regret their '06 decision.

I thought it was known that Pinker is a really savvy race realist. Man, the craziest part is that his super racist interview with Razib Khan was scrubbed from the internet. I don’t think you could have read “10 questions for Steven Pinker” and left not believing that Pinker is a race realist. He seems to wholeheartedly believe in race-realism, but he is extremely wary as he could lose the favour of NPR liberals.

I tried to find it, but had no luck. If any internet search wizards can get their hand on it, please let me know! Edit: [Found it](http://web.archive.org/web/20060705222427/http://www.gnxp.com/blog/2006/07/10-questions-for-steven-pinker.php)
Edit 2: [Steven Pinker responds to a race realism comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1a67x4/i_am_steve_pinker_a_cognitive_psychologist_at/c8uhbwo)
Only parts of those answers were really concerning. Honestly the problem with Pinker is that he doesn't want anything to interfere with his milquetoast upper class lifestyle. Any activism has to be stopped and the motivation for the activism has to be shown to be either non-existent, actually solved by capitalism, or just natural. This article in Jacobin is a great analysis of Pinker's worldview https://jacobinmag.com/2018/10/steven-pinker-enlightenment-now-review
Dude's completely in the nerd-fascist ecosystem: http://mcclernan.blogspot.com/2018/03/steven-pinkers-right-wing-alt-right_6.html?m=1
This really seems like grasping at straws. They're playing 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon there. They basically take every person Pinker has ever interacted with who has ever interacted with some person who has ever interacted with some shitty alt-right person. Maybe there are some indirect "connections" between him and people like Gavin McInnes and Stefan Molyneux and David Duke and Richard Spencer (yes, that's who they're connecting him to) if you keep jumping from connection to connection, but I doubt Pinker would say he agrees with any of those people on just about anything or supports them in any way. There are some questionable things revealed there (like Pinker using some data from a racist, though with no evidence that Pinker had any idea he was a racist and no indication Pinker has ever supported him as a person or supported any of his racist views), but there's a huge jump between "complaining about SJWs" and "mingles or sympathizes with racists".

I’m really fucking embarrassed that I used to be a big fan of this guy.

I am constantly surprised that someome who wrote about the importance of empathy and civil rights in the decrease of violence and the improvement of society, holds so many terrible opinions. It's like two different persons.
Seriously. JFC.

I just want to note that they have the same hair. Coincidence???

I stumbled across Linda Gottfredson when doing some research on intelligence last year. Her writing gives the impression that she sees herself as some sort of brave, uncompromising fighter for truth who is being laughed at by Big Biased Academia for standing up for the idea that blacks are less intelligent due to genetics.

That's the default gimmick of all folks with cranky views. I can't tell you how many old html crank sites I've read that say that.

I really have to wonder if Pinker even bothered to read

I don’t.