r/SneerClub archives
What is your opinion on nerds like this who seem nice enough but have crazy nerd beliefs? (https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/9pqxx6/i_need_advice_on_getting_over_this_counter/)


> I'm not giga Chad or Geralt of Rivia over here. Nephew...
> Geralt of Rivia Rivia, the land of manly mustaches, of which Geralto has the manliest.

You shouldn’t date your coworkers, not because SJeWs under your bed will get you but because it usually ends in a mess.

(she is single and I am not autistic)

I really, really hate it when people think the only reason someone could have bad social skills is autism.

That guy has been previously featured on sneerclub, so I’d object to the “seem nice enough” description.

Edit: retracted, see below.

> I never made any incel, alt-right, or anti-women comments. Low bar.
>I admit that was kind of a dumb comment and I was jealous she makes more money than me, Fair enough, since you're retracting that comment I'll retract my statement that you're not nice.

why would feminist SJWs ruin his life… these people are weird

What is your opinion on nerds like this who seem nice enough but have crazy nerd beliefs?

It’s mostly morally and ethically neutral, at that level of abstraction/vagueness.

This dude seems to not realize that women have inner lives of their own, and so do most of the chud commenters. In my experience that kind of guy is one of the creepiest when they pursue you, because they think they will eventually find a combination of magic words that will make you take your clothes off instantly, and besides that, they’re so NICE so you’re in the wrong for not wanting to talk to them.

I'm not saying you specifically are like that by any means. I'm saying that a lot of dudes self-describing as shy etc. are actually either knowingly or unknowingly very creepy. Again, not saying that *you're* like that.
Most people don't much like interacting with awkward people, which is understandable. What I find interesting is the need to morally justify the discomfort by piling assumptions and judgments on them as well. What I find less interesting and more obnoxious is the discourse that normalizes that prejudice.


> fucking weak ass pathetic beta male cuck for a second there I though I opened 4chan by mistake...
>account created specifically to make this comment hmmmm