r/SneerClub archives

Is it that they really don’t understand? Or is it that people who live with over-policing in poor neighborhoods understand that it’s not a fluke thing to be encountering a bad cop. They know that they are engaged in an ongoing iterative strategic game with individual cops, whose names and reputations they also know. That if they are a pushover to these cops then they will be seen as a pushover going forward and that these bully cops will pick on pushovers all the more. It would be a strange occurrence if Sam Harris were to actually fit the description of a criminal being sought and it would be unlikely to recur. It can be a daily occurrence for poorer racial minorities in America. Sam Harris is so clueless here. “it’s something that people just intuitively, it seems, do not understand.” Or maybe their intuition is right and Sam Harris’ intuition is not valid across all demographics.

I’m almost certain some black people have been killed by cops they called themselves. And what videos has he been watching? All the ones I’ve seen go viral have been black men peacefully complying with cops and being killed anyway, or being shot in the back as they ran away. I’m sure there happen to be cases of black people getting killed after pushing a cop, but I don’t think any right minded person would say they are the majority.

.. I don't understand your comment and I am not sure you understand mine. I was referring directly to something Harris says in the clip, I don't remember exactly what it was but it was something like "unless you call the cops yourself, you should always comply immediately with all cops instructions, then you won't get killed". Unfortunately, the clip was removed (and I am sure it wasn't quite like I wrote there, but I can't remember sorry)
To keep things clear I will reply to your edited post here I wholeheartedly agree. The penalty for pushing a cop should not be death, and the cop should not be the judge jury and executioner for any black person they meet. I didn't mean to imply otherwise, sorry. In a truly free society, anyone should be able to walk up to a cop and punch them in the face, and expect that the punishment for that crime is in proportion (and I don't mean an eye for an eye). I focused on the wrong thing here, so sorry about that. But I just noticed that Sam Harris is talking as if every video he has seen involves a black person putting a cop's life in danger and that's just absurd.


But like, you can have a low opinion of cops and still not buy into the stupid NPC meme.
Honestly, the only people who are NPCs are people who unironically talk about other people being NPCs.