r/SneerClub archives


"Here's this tweet where your grandfather called some rando a 'filthy casual'."
Pop-pop, what were you doing during the great 2016 Meme Wars?

I guess I was predestined to be a Rationalist when my plant died and I realized I couldn’t trust anybody. Also I failed to water it, but that’s not my fault. The plant was clearly a spy from the outgroup.

>The plant was clearly a spy from the outgroup. You're saying it was... a plant?
Don't worry, there's nothing you can do about climate change. Just monster AI.

I thought I was annoying as a kid, but after reading this thread I feel incredibly relieved that there are people out there who were much more obnoxious than I was.

Sounds like it would indicate growing up a sociopath more than a rationalist.

Just teasing :)

This but not just teasing :)

To me it says the op was in a phase of being a "lol edgelord".

Apropos of nothing, Cuck Philosophy has a bit in their video on Stephen Hicks where they talk about how calling your philosophy “objectivism” is a bit like calling it “goodism.” “Of course you want to be objective, and this is the most objective you can get. What, you think my philosophy is a load of nonsense? Well clearly you’re just not objective enough.”

anyways i’m sure these paragons of reason call themselves rationalists only out of the deepest humility and desire to broaden their horizons

Probably when I cited Kevin MacDonald, Steve Sailer, and Jim’s Blog in my 7th-grade science project.