r/SneerClub archives

Also Medium is “a prominent feminist site” for some reason.

We never should have let them start posting.

Let’s not address the fact that neurodivergent men are routinely painted as monstrous threats, who therefore must be placed in institutions against their will or forcibly medicated because they are psychotic and freaks and dangerous to society

It’s not like mentally ill women are considered psychotic, freaks, or dangerous to society, right?

Edit: actually I cut it off too soon:

because they stand too close and walk too oddly or because they have hallucinations and delusions

Can you believe that someone would call someone psychotic just because they have hallucinations or delusions? It’s not like that’s literally what the word means or anything

Imagine being this mad, red and nude online instead of just buying a fruit flavored lady shampoo like a normal person.

One of the more eloquent incel tirades, I’ll give it that.

Yes, this essay, which does not mention incels, which was written by a [boyfriend-having](http://silver-and-ivory.tumblr.com/post/179131920522/whats-one-thing-youre-excited-and-hopeful-for) trans girl, is an "incel tirade." You know this because you know that only a man could possibly experience empathy for any form of gendered suffering specific to men, and only a weak and contemptible man could object to feminist rhetoric that shames men for being weak and contemptible, and all weak and contemptible men are incels, because virtuous masculinity is the same thing as being sexually successful with women, and your awareness of these true facts makes you superior to the essay writer, and all of us should eat a big sloppy shit sandwich, because that is the best, most delicious kind of sandwich there is.
Good sneer tbqh The article's not great but calling anyone you disagree with on gender issues an incel is v bad praxis
The article is by a trans man.
Thanks for the clarification, although a quick search to try and confirm it only turned up [this](http://silver-and-ivory.tumblr.com/about), in which the author identifies as bigender, and [this](http://silver-and-ivory.tumblr.com/post/170469569242/yeah-you-cant-be-transfeminine-if-youre-not), which is a further wrinkle on trans identity that I hadn't encountered before, but appears to confirm the author was afab, at any rate.

This article may be disingenuous, but it does point to some fracture points that will eventually be exploited. For example, fascists could convince liberal feminists to be useful idiots or outright join them when the climate refugee crisis starts in earnest (a preview of this happened in Europe during the migrant crisis). It will very bad news when Western liberals discover the global south isn’t as woke as they like to imagine.

I don't think anybody serious considers "the global south" to be "woke". I mean, people who live in poor countries obviously don't have the same preoccupations as people who live in rich countries. And this ideas that feminists will turn racist the minute they see immigrants comming their way is ridiculous as well.
I mean we're definitely going to see more language about "protecting our (white) women from the virile (nonwhite) invaders" or whatever, especially given that we [already are](https://twitter.com/willsommer/status/1054847501205942272), but I definitely wouldn't class it as feminist
Don't you know that feminism is just when you don't want someone to have sex with someone else?
Sorry, are you lost ? Did you mean to post this to /r/slatestarcodex ? /r/kotakuinaction ?
Are you trolling r/SneerClub? I noticed within your first few posts here that you seem to choose anomalously sympathetic targets to sneer at, compared to other posters, and even by SneerClub standards your post titles uncharitably mischaracterize the contents of what you link to. Don't get me wrong, I could totally believe you're sincere, but you could hardly do a better job of validating the typical r/slatestarcodex poster's negative stereotype of the typical r/SneerClub poster if you were consciously trying to. I mean, why else would you bother to dredge up a (mildly heterodox, but still) pro-SJ essay by an obscure trans kid who was [probably in high school](http://silver-and-ivory.tumblr.com/post/179131920522/whats-one-thing-youre-excited-and-hopeful-for) when she wrote it two years ago, if not so that you could later turn around and use it as an example of how mean-spirited this sub is? (I apologize for being so hard on you if you yourself are a naive teenager riding the high of snarking at people who disagree with your politics on the internet for the first time. Unless you and the essay writer are one and the same person, as part of some implausibly elaborate hoax, in which case, \*slow clap\*.)
Here here! I have noticed this also.