r/SneerClub archives
/u/Impassionata (one of the few left-wingers still posting in CW threads), finally calls it quits with a rant about how HBD is nonsense and the subreddit is increasingly comprised of fascists. (https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex_cw/comments/9sbu9m/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_october_29/e8oqnuu/)

This is quite possibly the stupidest thing I have ever read here. You are a fucking idiot, JTarrou. I say the following with a mix of sarcasm and sincerity: congratulations, you might as well hang up your keyboard now because you will never write anything as gloriously, miraculously profound in its blithe self-assured inanity.

Whiteness is inferior because it elects a degenerate man who has never known sexual morality or discipline and tries to pass it off as presidential. Whiteness is inferior because it sees journalism that reflects badly on white people and assumes that it must be fake; its pathetic and weak attempts to imitate journalism end up backfiring and making whiteness look even more idiotic.

Here are the facts: the mechanisms that watch for fascism are in full alert right now, and I’m not afraid of Trump so much as of what comes after Trump. Neutrality is a fun place for stupid intellectuals to stay in, stupid intellectuals comprising the majority of this community. Neutrality is safe and cozy. It’s also useless.

Woah, this person is not fucking around

> Better and more powerful people than you have tried to crush me. I've come out only moderately damaged. You don't have a chance. "My high school chemistry teacher said i couldn't just write 'bayes theorem' for all the answers on a test and gave me a D. But I... I *survived*."
>I've come out only moderately damaged. That's.....not exactly impressive... Edit: New flair whoop
They went on a bit like this in modmail. Think they might have ego issues.
Honestly, I think if you're a left-winger and you're still regularly posting in the CW threads, you probably have issues of some kind.
what if I'm just bored at work

Here’s /r/SSC’s take on this. It’s … pretty much exactly what you’d expect. Apparently Impassionista is wrong because they got angry about racist and fascist talking points going totally unchallenged while anything left of Trump piled on by half the community.

I think this is my favorite response:

He is, as all ineffectual missionaries are, not here to convert us heathens to what he believes, but as a narcissistic journey of self-discovery.

It’s just so close to being self-aware. Plus, it’s got everyone’s favorite “social justice is really a religion” take.

So, how long until Darwin finally gives up?

I'm particularly baffled by this bit: > It's like being called a kettle by a pot when you're not even a cooking vessel. It's "the pot calling the kettle black" not "the pot calling some random asshole a kettle". How do you even get from the original saying to this?
I don't see the problem, words are fun
I don't know, but it my head-canon for this is: >It's like being called a negroe by a pot when you're not even a cooking vessel.
> It's like being called a negroe by a pot when you're not even a cooking vessel. in this case the rat term is cooking vassals
Quality sneer
I had to break my vow of not-posting-here for this: >>u/BurnAllCommies, u/SkullShape88 >First poster hasn't posted anything anything in two years (maybe he just deletes everything he posts?), second poster doesn't exist (I guess he could have deleted his post). I'd like to see the specific posts in question because I doubt they are going as far as you suggest. This is in response to "SSC tends to argue the particulars rather than the full point." Thanks for proving yourself wrong with your inability to grasp obvious satirical names.
In particular, it potentially implies that *those are plausible /r/slatestarcodex usernames*
I bet this guy performs stand-up comedy at Campus Republican ice cream socials.
Truly incredible Also since you’ve now posted here, [one of us, one of us](https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=39Bnk6VU53Y)
Yeah I literally laughed out loud when I read that reply, I just pulled those names out of my ass so it amuses me greatly that u/BurnAllCommies is a real user

Oh my God this is so good.

Whiteness has no masculine virtue. White people can’t dance. What does it mean to not be able to dance? It means an inherent inability to move freely, quite possibly because of some Authority looking over your shoulder judging you. If you can’t dance, maybe it’s because you’re an authoritarian. No one gave you permission to dance, and you only eat marshmallows when you have permission.

So. Fucking. Good. I want to print it out and sleep with it under my pillow. Bravo /u/Impassionata

A time-traveling rationalist goes back to 5 years before the Holocaust, and he finds the people that knew Hitler was a monster, and he offers them a bet. “If you really think this is serious, I’ll bet you 0,000 there will not be death camps in the next 5 years.” Unsurprisingly, none of the Germans that went on to save Jews took his bet. Nor did those who ended up in the French Resistance. Churchill was busy.

I had to read JTarrou’s post (linked after the joke) to see the origin of this experiment, but is the point here that people actually invested in preventing genocide aren’t wasting their time making bets with fascists before the slaughter happens? Sounds like a good lesson for those still engaging in a dialogue with right-wing nutjobs.

> If you don't gamble, you need to find some other costly means to signal your true beliefs. Wow. I was unaware of the betting fetish, but that's totally in line with the general obsession with risk. edit: clarity; said 'general' 10 times
I liked how in a thread full of "awful stuff", Scott Alexander chooses to argue, at some length, against the idea that he might have bad heuristics.
Evolutionary theories applied to conversation between self aware sapients? That's never not going to apply.
> you should never trust a friendly conversation in a bar because the other person is probably lying Ooo, I never considered this dimension to the redpill+rationalist overlap. *Spots lady at the bar* "Can I buy you a drink, hot stuff? Your physique shows high probabilities of fertility, which is pleasing to me thanks to evolution. You see, this drink exhibits a "costly signal" of my interest, whereby I..."
You joke, [but....](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/x8Fp9NMgDWbuMpizA/rationality-lessons-learned-from-irrational-adventures-in)
Holy fuck some things really do transcend parody >So I broke up with Alice over a long conversation that included an hour-long primer on evolutionary psychology in which I explained how natural selection had built me to be attracted to certain features that she lacked. I thought she would appreciate this because she had previously expressed admiration for detailed honesty. Now I realize that there's hardly a more damaging way to break up with someone. >Rationality Lesson: Know your fields of incompetence. If you suspect you may be incompetent, sanity-check yourself by asking others for advice, or by Googling. (E.g. "how to break up with your girlfriend nicely"... ... >I learned all kinds of interesting details I hadn't learned in the books about what makes an interaction fun for most women: >"Hi. I've gotta run, but I think you're cute so we should grab a coffee sometime" totally works — as long as the other person is already attracted because my body language, fashion, and **other signals** have been optimized.
>The value of information was high, so I decided to become a social psychology nerd. I began to spend less time with Alice so I could spend more time studying. This wasn't easy. She and I had connected in some pretty intimate ways, including a simultaneous deconversion from fundamentalist Christianity. >So I broke up with Alice over a long conversation that included an hour-long primer on evolutionary psychology in which I explained how natural selection had built me to be attracted to certain features that she lacked. I thought she would appreciate this because she had previously expressed admiration for detailed honesty. Now I realize that there's hardly a *more* damaging way to break up with someone. >"Aha! Body language and fashion matter because they communicate large packets of information about me at light speed, and are harder to fake than words." I kinda hate when people say this, but I can't help but seriously wonder if this person is autistic
If we're gonna go the 'armchair-diagnosing online people' route, I'd say that sounds more narcisstic than autistic
Idk I only say that because there's some specifics that are pretty common with autism. For example: * Becoming obsessed with a topic and giving it priority over close interpersonal relationships * Seeing "detailed honesty" as a virtue and being surprised that someone might be offended by said honesty * Not understanding the significance of body language The whole thing kinda reads like "I needed to study psychology in order to understand how human beings interact normally with each other". The issues involved seem mostly to do with understanding and communication rather than deliberately antisocial behavior. But yeah obviously I don't actually know this person and they might just be some awkward nerd.
You're not wrong, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9smsee/uimpassionata_one_of_the_few_leftwingers_still/e8qtd8j/). Redpill is clearly a new 'type system' for rational mating.

The most hilarious thing of that whole subthread is the people still claiming to be on the Left, when 90% of their posts are about how terrible SJW’s are.

Leftism is when you smoke weed. The more weed you smoke, the more left you are
Leftism is when you're OK w/ the gov't you and the rest of your gamer friends free healthcare and college, but making sure you never lose a spot in school to a black or brown kid.
Leftism is when you support things that maintain the current class structure, but you're also okay with means-tested charity, as opposed to literally feeding the poor into a wood chipper
Leftism is when you think you should be allowed to sexually harass women, but you support abortion rights so you never have to pay child support.
Leftism is when women avoid you like the plague but it's okay but that's just biology
Leftism is when immigration of poor brown people is okay, because they'll do the poorly paid, dangerous jobs nobody else will.
Leftism is when bombing the shit out of a place is actually good because now you and your boys can get Shwarma on the way back from the bars
Leftism is when economic imperialism towards developing countries forces their citizens to immigrate to America and open up ethnic restaurants for your delectation.
Well this has been fun but I think if I keep jerking I'll rip my dick off
this, but... damn I forgot what I was talking about
That's how I know you're woke, hit that bong my dude
That's not a contradiction at all, there absolutely is a tradition of technocratic left-wing eugenics. Read Thomas C. Leonard's *Illiberal Reformers*. Indeed, I'd go as far as to argue that the "SJWs" actually have rationalist ideology at their base! They both came out of the same educated class, and they believe in the same technocratic ideology which defines that class: that hierarchy is justified by intelligence and academic achievement alone. For SJ people, this implies a corollary that patriarchal and racial hierarchies are illegitimate, therefore they seek to abolish racism and sexism (but not class exploitation, which is presumed to be justified by academic/"meritocratic" inferiority). The "rationalists" are distinguished form SJ people not by different values, but by their belief in pseudoscience claiming that women and people of color are *currently* in their rightful place within the academic-intelligence hierarchy, and are not oppressed.
Banned for the dumbest take of this thread.


> lso /u/895158 got some fantastic in-thread sneering in, too Holy shit those are some *quality* sneers: > Come now, where's the race hate? "White people can't dance" is a factual claim. It can be wrong, but it cannot be hateful. Facts can't be racist. > Obviously /u/impassionata is merely making a statistical claim about the dance gap between blacks and whites. If you dispute the statistics, feel free to provide a source, but what you're doing now is just dismissing his argument without evidence. Man I wish I was that good at sneering.
I read it almost in disbelief. 895158 was laying it on so thick and they just couldn't get it. Even spelled it out explicitly and they still couldn't see it. Put on a real clinic there. Bravo.
Thank you u/[895158](https://www.reddit.com/u/895158) for throwing their argumentation style back at them
And in magnificent style, seriously I'm thinking about trying to find a way to sticky it to the sub.
Stiller voice: But scientific data... can't be racist.
Galaxy-braining himself into being a racist because he saw people get angry at racism. He's literally [this meme](https://i.imgur.com/Nynaa5y.jpg) brought to life.
Second-option bias is the most solid form of reasoning.
are you implying that they weren't racist all along?
I came here specifically to shit on that. It's crazy how much these nerds can make obviously irrational arguments while still self-identifying as smarter than everyone else.
I've come to suspect these guys aren't really "nerds" the way such terms are typically used. Nerds have better things to do. Nerds are to these guys what Arnold Schwarzenegger is to the bros who hang out on bodybuilding and PUA fourms. They're only interested in the dick-measuring aspect of this. This is why these "nerds" are so quick to identify with vacant, dick-waving meatheads like Bolsonaro and Trump.
>I've come to suspect these guys aren't really "nerds" the way such terms are typically used. I think because "nerdiness" has tended to correlate so strongly with "geek culture" a lot of dudes come away with the impression that they must be smart because they build PCs and like *Firefly* or whatever. They may have even been in "gifted" programs in school. But that's actually. . .not very impressive in the grand scheme of things. Don't tell them that though. Edit: Those gifted programs are a trip, incidentally. It reminds me of Jude Law's character in *GATTACA.* It's really a mistake to tell kids they're special on mere potential. Wait until they actually do something worthwhile before heaping praise on them. Otherwise they go out into the real world and can't cope with how their training to be magnificent sheep entitles them to fuck all.
> Those gifted programs are a trip, incidentally. It reminds me of Jude Law's character in GATTACA. It's really a mistake to tell kids they're special on mere potential. It's also bad because literally everyone benefits from the structure and methods used in most gifted programs and everyone should be given that kind of educational opportunity. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/003172170508600808
>"nerdiness" has tended to correlate so strongly with "geek culture" a lot of dudes come away with the impression that they must be smart because they build PCs and like *Firefly* or whatever Word. "Having geeky interests" != "Actual rigorous pursuit of the truth"
The former is enough to get you swirlied and wedgied, which makes me wonder what these dumbshits expect their strongman fascist heroes to do with them in the end.
deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.9456 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/09344)
As soon as I heard of that blog post he made as a plea to stop ridiculing nerds, I thought to myself, dude, everything feminists are criticizing neckbeards for are different flavors of the same sexist shit feminists have been calling out Chadbros for. Belonging to a geeky subculture doesn't make their views about women any less abhorrent.
Really weird cuz when I was in high school the feminist and social justice types overlapped considerably with the nerds
Ditto. I very distinctly remember [this Magic the Gathering card](http://static.starcitygames.com/sales/cardscans/MTG/WTH/en/nonfoil/Peacekeeper.jpg) was the first time I saw a coded traditional African person depicted as a figure of authority and respect. It was seriously a formative moment for my young mind, helping me realize that all people in all societies have their own sorts of cultural coding for that sort of thing. I actually think this is why nerd culture was one of the first fronts in the modern fight against fascism. It’s one of the few spaces in mass culture where “different” people has room to imagine themselves as real, fully realized people. It’s fantasy! Of course we don’t need to take gender dynamics, colonialism, and white supremacy for granted here. But evidently this was grievously offensive to sheltered White dudes.
I mean the first science fiction writer (Mary Shelly) was the daughter of the first feminist and the first anarchist. Science fiction has always had reactionary elements but I'd say that squaring such reaction with the desire for exploring radically different worlds creates a tension that can't really be resolved. There's a reason that most reactionary science fiction tends to not be *very good*
Jesse Mason was right about everything :(
Ah, but you see, that's exactly the problem! Those were the only girls the nerdy boys had a chance with, and now feminism has *ruined them* by telling them that they deserve to be respected. An absolute travesty, to be sure
>t's really a mistake to tell kids they're special on mere potential. Do they do that? Telling any kid they're 'special' is a rookie mistake. One would think gifted teachers would know that, and the programs exist so that kids won't be forced to be bored in programs for normal kids. ​ Because that's what happens if you educate everyone together. Whoever has more than five braincells will find it dull to keep hearing the same things over and over again. Plus the normie kids are going to bully whoever seems 'different', just on general principles. ​ As I understand it, properly run gifted programs are basically testing which kids are smarter and then throwing more complex stuff at them so they're as engaged with what they're taught as normal kids in standard education. ​ ​
> Do they do that? It's impossible to avoid the implications of separating some kids out and giving them more complex stuff to do. Remember, the educated classes in our society are bathed in this sort of Social Darwinist worldview from birth.
> Remember, the educated classes in our society are bathed in this sort of Social Darwinist worldview from birth. ​ That's odd, given that calling someone a 'social darwinist' is the next best thing to calling them a nazi.
more like in freeze peaches ahahaha amirite
Was the ban lifted? https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex_cw/comments/9sbu9m/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_october_29/e8pxndq/
I don't understand the connection between the link and the comment, but no impassionata is still banned from sneerclub
Sorry, reading-comprehension failure.
Is going out a blaze of glory like this not worth a lift?
Given that said blaze of glory shows all the signs of being the same stuff they got banned for do you think that's a good idea?
Watching them go out from sneerclub in a second blaze of glory would be entertaining.
Good point, but it might be fun.
He's unironically too good for this subreddit.
Late ta the party, but I just saw impass's dump of modmail, and their first message to us contains this line: >Thanks for your attention. **Whatever decision the moderator team makes I will of course respect.** Ell oh fucking ell.

Looking like this might be the thread that gets me to pull the plug too 🤷‍♂️

Someone tell me what HBD is.

First you get the calipers out and find yourself a selection of skulls, then, from careful measurements, you deduce that the Welshman's shortened zygomatic arch is scientific proof of their inferiority. ...non-sneering answer; you know how the creationists renamed Creationism to Intelligent Design? HBD is that but for [Scientific Racism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_racism).
**Scientific racism** Scientific racism (sometimes referred to as race biology, racial biology, or race realism) is the pseudoscientific belief that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism (racial discrimination), racial inferiority, or racial superiority. Historically, scientific racist ideas received credence in the scientific community but are no longer considered scientific.Scientific racism employs anthropology (notably physical anthropology), anthropometry, craniometry, and other disciplines or pseudo-disciplines, in proposing anthropological typologies supporting the classification of human populations into physically discrete human races, that might be asserted to be superior or inferior. Scientific racism was common during the period from 1600s to the end of World War I. Since the second half of the 20th century, scientific racism has been criticized as obsolete and discredited, yet historically has persistently been used to support or validate racist world-views, based upon belief in the existence and significance of racial categories and a hierarchy of superior and inferior races.After the end of World War II, scientific racism in theory and action was formally denounced, especially in UNESCO's early antiracist statement "The Race Question" (1950): "The biological fact of race and the myth of 'race' should be distinguished. For all practical social purposes 'race' is not so much a biological phenomenon as a social myth. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28
And we need to ~~keep them segregated~~ maintain diversity. ;D
>And we need to ~~keep them segregated~~ maintain diversity. ;D Those genes continue to exist even in hybrids. The only reason white people need to maintain "diversity" is that in that model white people bring nothing to the mix. Black and Asian people should get it on; the smart strong babies can eat the stupid weak babies and a true master race will inherit the earth. White people, in this model(and as we know a model is basically the thing itself) white people have nothing to offer.

SSC commits the same problem as “IQ”.

We can’t say one race is smarter than another. Instead, we formulate some meta criterion, and assign it a cool sciency name. How does “Intelligence Quotient” sound? Next, do some meme statistics on this criterion that is DefinitelyNotBiasedInAnyWay^TM and use it to show that black people are in fact subhuman to white people.

The only difference is that Scott doesn’t actually SAY “black people are in fact subhuman to white people”, he just lets his commenters do that for him.


Also HC isn't the sharpest either
Care to enlighten me if you've got a mo? Obviously I can take a look but I won't have an Eagle eye view without experience
This is gonna be a scattershot but, Basically the issue I came across with HC is that he's got a critical eye but he has a hard time turning the lens around and looking at himself. Shame and Society is a good post but what's missing is the "why is this bad" statement. The unstated assumption of the piece is that western culture is going down the drain but I don't think HC makes a particulrily compelling case for why that's bad. He spends most of the piece complaining about hipster and woke culture, and I think his complaints are good but his targets are meh. Similarily he spends a lot of time complaining about hookup culture which is hilarious and impossible to read as anything but the sour-grape griping of a man who was told he would smash in college and instead became blog famous among some of the biggest nerds on the political scene, which is already a huge nerd fest to begin with. Overall the whole thing just reeks of the type of over-domesticated middle class mind who is sharp enough to realize that mainstream culture is 100% full of shit, but not sharp enough to dig themself out of the nihilist spiral. What everybody forgets about Neitchze and his disciples is that Neitchze is an epistemology, not an ontology, and the ontological version of nihilism (Heidegger and so on) is actually way less edgy and way more friendly to a happy and normal life. HC has basically critiqued himself into a pit that he can't climb out of, which is why he's taking indiscriminate shots at everyone; he dunks on *Girls* and *Bojack Horseman* in the same post, despite the fact that those shows are not even close in quality, or he goes bananas over tinder hoes, even though tinder is probably one of the last true holdouts of a meaningful dating culture in the west. The whole post is just a blast of critique with no direction and no conclusion, which is why it turns into a call to arms at the end. But a call for what? Burn it all down, sure, but then what? HC certainly doesn't know, because it's clear he's totally rejecting culture, but he isn't quite there yet in rising above it. So he's just lost in the wilderness, and it shows. What he is missing is that the crisis he is terrified about *is* the culture. That's the hidden kernel at the bottom of the pit. "These hoes ain't loyal" because imagine if they were? Is HC ready to marry the next woman he sleeps with? Ditto with television; of course *Girls* sucks, nothing lasts on TV because young writers are cheaper and old writers see their fingers move off the pulse. This is the economy in action: nothing is built to last because if it were, we'd all be out of jobs. That's what HC is missing; he thinks he's critiquing a bug, when he's actually describing a feature; nothing is stable or transcendent because *we* aren't stable and transcendent, we live our lives in a constant state of flux and confusion. The core of nihilism is to stop trying to define who you are and rather start focusing on what you do, because what you do is who you are (Heidegger again). So who is HC? He's a guy who watches *Girls* and complains about Tinder, just like every other man in his age category. And that's why he's miserable, just like everyone else. He's a smart guy. But being smart alone can't save you from nihilism. He needs to spend time clearing his head and returning to a baseline. Otherwise he'll just stay in this maze of critiques that go nowhere and say nothing of any real value. There's bigger fish than 21yo women saying "choke me daddy" ironically. It's a good read though, I do recommend it.
I use continental philosophy to analyze everything. It's part of why my life is such a mess. I'd be happy to do more content like this if there is an audience tbh Edit: also I took this approach because HC is clearly writing from nihilism himself.
Well thanks! Here I spend the whole day ripping into people and vice versa, just to wrap it up with probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me on Reddit. I do like the idea of pursuing a larger audience, not quite sure where to start. Perhaps that's a project I'll take up in a month or so when my shitty job slows down a bit. >community Honestly I have no idea. It's a problem I've been hacking at for about 2 years now, and although I've had a lot of ideas I've yet to land on one that I think really constitutes a solution. If you have any ideas I'd love to hear them.
This is all really good but I'm still skeptical that our solution is technologic. There is a big part of me that thinks the technology *is* the problem, or at least a significant part of it, as it exists currently. Modern Marxists are dinosaurs, but not in the way you mean. Most people who call themselves Marxists today have more in common with religious reactionaries than anything meaningfully socialist, and it shows in the way they organize their movement: they venerate a lost age, elevate individuals for their martyrdom, and are perpetually calling for a return to form. The actual *material* analysis, the part of Marx that was worth saving, has been lost in this retreat to myth-making and hero worship. When people valorize a figure like Lenin, all I see is the abandonment of Marx' project, which was about capturing history itself and bringing it into a general philosophy. Even the name, Marxism, is itself a misnomer; it should be called what he called it: historical materialism. I don't think more technology, or even better technology, can do that either, because the process of capital production is inherently atomizing. The sickness at the center of all this is alienation; the process by which individuals are cut off from themselves (as pieces of time) in service of the production of capital. When an individual produces, they are functionally converting time into an object, and alienation is the result of that time then being appropriated as capital stock, rather than used as a consumable object. That's the core of Marx, everything trickles out from there. The reason Marx advocated for organization was that only through organization would there have been a massed power large enough to reclaim control of the capital and close the gap opened by capital production. But I'm not convinced that even that could work at this point. Seemingly in 2018 one of the core problems with technology is that although it helps us connect better than ever, this connection can still only be deployed in service of perpetual atomization; telecoms so we can work from home, cars so we can live dozens of kilometers away from anything of note, the media-industrial complex so that we can replace authentic interaction with voyeurism and psuedoactivity. In Marx' day the prescription was obvious because there was one clear class interjecting themselves into the capital production cycle, and so he falsely believed removing this class would solve the problem. But it looks like he was wrong. The soviets (or the Chinese) certainly seem to be smashing up against the same issues we are, which is that industrial society tends toward totalitarianism. We have that now, the totalitarianism of a society wholly mobilized to increase the global capital stock at all costs; human life, human time, the environment, our sanity, our sense of decency and dignity, all of these are up for grabs if it means a +1.2% growth each cycle. And even questioning this process of perpetual capital stock growth will see you pushed far to the fringes of the system; the only debate left is whether we try to meter this process through green technology or if we go full Blade Runner. To quote Mark Fisher (rip), it's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. What is capital? An object in the production process, either raw resources, currency, or tools. And what is a tool, really? Our problem is that in this moment we only understand tools as capital stock, not as extensions of a human conscious, which is what they truly are. Aside from the continentalists, I know of nobody trying to liberate the tool from it's position as capital stock. I'm extremely skeptical that more tools in their current form will help us socialize our way out of this problem. Our tools are how we got backed into this corner in the first place. Also, we are not even close to the bottom of this pit. The model of the industrial world is truly the machine, a series of unique parts, each with it's own purpose, each completely useless unless in concert with the others. This is also how we organize our social interactions; workers, managers, departments. Alienation, again, this time in the form of biopower and hyper-specialization. A worker in the modern professional class trains for that position for almost 25 years. And then they spend another 10 years signalling loyalty, building up a reputation, and generally getting "broken in". They spend almost as long training and preparing to be a productive consumer, which is the gasoline that makes the machine go. By the time they're in a position of institutional influence, whatever revolutionary spirit was in them has been crushed. Breaking that programming should be the first priority, and not in the way neoliberals want to break it, wherein the atomized worker becomes truly interchangeable: geographically lost, technologically in perpetual retraining, and spiritually dead. We need to break this programming in a way that encourages people to become generalists again, to push back against alienation, if not at the object-level, then at least at the level of *how* production occurs. Bring back the renaissance man. I've been trying to make it big in the big city for 6 years, and I'm about done my tenure, leaving here within a few months for a smaller arena and then to who knows where. I'm leaving because I am sick to death of the nightmare that is trying to live in a big city, and I'd rather take my chances "outside the walls" than watch my spirit drip out, drop by drop. We're at our most communal when we cook together, when we sleep together, and when we have days where we do nothing together. We're at our most alienated at a work party. That should tell you all you need to know about where the problem is. What I've concluded after 6 years is that the future for the left is something like [solar punk](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SolarPunk), deploying high-tech in concert with our natural surroundings, not for growth, but for suspension and eventual (natural) de-population. We need to take the concept of a tool and rip it away from the concept of capital stock production; tools need to be returned to their proper place as extensions of human consciousness, rather than exploitable external objects that individuals use to harness other's time. That is the way out of alienation, and probably the only way to save the planet. The alternative is Blade Runner. Can we do this with existing telecoms technology? Maybe. But before that must come good old-fashioned legal action. Before 2008 the internet held revolutionary potential. Centralizing the majority of traffic onto a handful of privately owned websites was a terrible decision, both practically (look what's happening in America) and as part of the larger revolutionary mission. The only way to break this hold now is to either destroy the whole thing or to leverage state power to shatter these monopolies. So I think that is a good place to start. Otherwise anything we cook up on the side will be equivalent to Zion beside the Matrix. As it exists right now, telecoms is a mix of a telescreen and soma, an amazing tool that keeps people more atomized than ever. Breaking that spell should be priority number 1 for the left, at least in the developed world.
> even though tinder is probably one of the last true holdouts of a meaningful dating culture in the west. How do you mean?
Tbh I was shooting from the hip so take it with salt but, Talking to gen Xers and Boomers about dating culture has been strange because according to the ones I know, everybody used to be a lot more promiscuous. I think this is reflected in the film of the era and a lot of macro studies about how millenials have less sex than their gen x and boomer ancestors. From where I'm standing, this seems mostly true, because there isn't really a place that I know of for young people to meet for casual sex that isn't also high-pressure. The exception is tinder and its clones, which have mostly absorbed the whole field. People shit talk it as sleezy or whatever but in my experience it's loudest critics would also never go to a bar, have a one night stand and so on. Basically what used to apparently be part of the general culture for our parents and grandparents is now mostly an online subculture, while the rest of our generation is either going steady (iirc the number of lifetime partners has gone down, I.e. People pair up early in life and stick with their partner for a very long time) or are just wholesale not fucking at all (incels, workaholics, and so on). If tinder and all that goes where will people go for low-pressure dating? I've yet to see a real replacement aside from just drawing on their existing social networks, which is not really dating in the sense it meant in generations past.
>Basically what used to apparently be part of the general culture for our parents and grandparents is now mostly an online subculture Where did people use to date?
I don't think it's a where so much as a how. Broadly, we can group most interactions on a scale of structured to unstructured. A legal proceeding is a highly structured interaction, while a casual conversation between old friends is a low-structured interaction. A wedding may be something in the middle, for example. What I think has happened is that since the 1990s, North America has been steadily moving dating in a more structured direction. "Casual" and "chance" encounters are a lot lower, while the barriers for engagement seem to be much higher, at least compared to how the gen xer's and boomers I know describe dating in their own time. The way in which dating is supposed to work is more structured than ever. I don't think I have any hard data here but the change seems to be a more general in-elasticity in who dates who; there's the obvious ones like class divisions but also the "soft" ones like cultural differences; since so much cultural clout is about being into the "right" stuff, people don't really interact with others outside their own ever-shrinking circles. Compare that to Tinder which is basically the "randomize all" setting of who you get paired with
thanks for the response btw :)
HC is mere cut-rate TLP
He's actually worse than that, I think TLP would have torn HC to shreds. HC is functionally the image of TLP's schizoid
The TLP copycats get more and more incoherent as they get more and more derivative.
TLP was an actual psychiatrist with several years of experience under his belt. He was experienced enough that he had something interesting to say, and conducting talk therapy for a living gave him an easy to read, conversational way of saying it. But he was also new enough to the profession (in his 30s I think) that he could still see through entrenched professional biases and practices. It was a very lucky, one-off thing to have happened, and way too many angry right-wingers are doing their worst to imitate the inimitable.
He was also dumb as shit.

Can we please unban /u/impassionata from sneerclub?

This sneer was beautiful.

Wait, why were they banned in the first place?
From a discord thing I said on the subject, I don't think there's anything wrong with reposting it here since everybody keeps asking: >They got on their soapbox to deliver a...speech [to me] about becoming the enemy you battle against or whatever because I was rude to one of the user, accused me of engaging in rat tactics because...i was rude to one of the users... which resulted in a temp ban for being dumb, then mounted a genuinely hogwild...campaign in modmail to have me demodded as a "test" of the quality of the sneerclub modteam, and castigated me for not being able to see what grave danger I'd put myself in, so the ban became permanent.
I love Manchego, I don't know why I don't eat it more often.

“They’re ordinaries,” Jason said, “and they’re morons. Because”–he nipped the lobe of her ear– “because that’s what it means to be an ordinary. Right?”
She sighed. “Oh, God, to be in the flyship cruising through the void. That’s what I long for: an infinite void. With no human voices, no human smells, no human jaws masticating plastic chewing gum in nine iridescent colors.”
“You really do hate them,” he said.
“Yes.” She nodded briskly. “And so do you.”

from Flow My Tears the Policeman Said by Philip K. Dick
Dick’s genetic uebermenschen called them ordinaries, not normies.

Us, they call normies. Otherwise it’s the same mechanism. Dick wrote the book in 1974.

…is this satire? It just seems like the inverted version of rationalist crazy


If you're going to keep pulling this shit have the good fucking grace to be actually funny, this is lazy. I'm making a special MarxBro effortpost rule: be funny or fuck off.
I don't care what your goal is, fuck off.
Fuck off.

Seems like if we label people fascist we have justification to do whatever we want. And we can inflame others to do that too. Anything.

>"B-b-but what if by putting up literally any resistance to fascism, we become fascists!!?" Life isn't a fucking Twilight Zone episode. Punching a Nazi does not make you a Nazi. Pointing out that a subreddit is filled with fascists does not make you a fascist. Fuck off.
It actually doesn’t seem like that at all if your head isn’t firmly planted up your own ass