r/SneerClub archives

Lurker here, how do you summarize the ideology that this sub mocks in a few words?


i’d summarize it as dunning-kruger-based silicon-valley technofeudalism with a side of sci-fi prosperity gospel

> sci-fi prosperity gospel +100
The Culture War threads seem to have made knuckle-dragging MAGA conservatism a much bigger piece of this than it was before. I've never really understood how Trump bootlicking fits with the AI/Rationalist/Californian stuff enough to become part of their consensus, but here we are.
That sounds about right... it's odd how there's kind of a "cabal" of economists (Tyler Cowen, Bryan Caplan), tech people, scientists (Geoffrey Miller, Sam Harris, Razib Khan), publications (Quillette, etc) but no "movement" that holds them together
I wouldn’t call Sam Harris a scientist.
Well, there is a white nationalist movement, and white people are the status quo in every country where such a movement exists. ​ I think these "rationalists" are extra-wary of being accused of tribalism or group-think, so even if they're guilty of those things (they are), they don't want to accept/admit it.
Note the code-word "smart", meaning inside the cabal.
also Vox journalists (Kelsey Piper), sociologists who claim to be biologists (Ozy Brennan), psych people (Scott Alexander, Jordan Peterson, Steven Pinker), far-right pundits (Steve Sailer, Anatoly Karlin, [Glenn Beck](https://np.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/9ejzkm/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_september_10_2018/e638hvd/)), math people (Scott Aaronson, Nate Silver), Z-list Youtube celebrities (Zinnia Jones), etc. A pretty diverse collection of morons.

Psuedo-rationalism. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be rational, but a lot of people who strongly identify as rational tend to be far from it. As a very crude rule of thumb, the more someone feels the need to remind you how reasonable they’re being, the less likely they are to actually be acting reasonably.

human garbage

Humarbage. *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This )^[portmanteau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portmanteau) ^( was created from the phrase 'human garbage'. To learn more about me, check out this )^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/78ilq0).

Let’s improve science and by turning it into religion.