r/SneerClub archives

So there’s that meme with the levels of enlightenment or whatever that you see everywhere. My question, (because my the density of my skull prevents me from absorbing it naturally) is how does this relate to the slate star codex crowd? Please and thank you.

The basic structure of the Expanding Brain meme is that it starts with a normal or correct idea or behavior, then escalates in progressively more bizarre/pretentious/esoteric/“hot take” ways. Obviously it doesn’t always follow that exact structure, but the basic idea that “galaxy brain = absurd position” holds.

When people say that some SSCer’s comment is a “galaxy brain take”, they mean that what that person said was something that a normal person would have had as one of the parody takes in an Expanding Brain meme.

As an example, if you had an Expanding Brain meme about female and minority representation in STEM, the smaller brains might be things like “society discourages women from pursuing interests in STEM fields” or “hiring processes often discriminate against minorities”. And then the galaxy brained take would be something like “women and minorities are too stupid to do STEM”. And whaddaya know, that’s exactly the answer SSC will give you if you ask them why tech is almost all white men.

the galaxy brain would be that one libertarian that figured out keynes couldn't do economics because being gay made him not care about the future lmao (i think it was Hoppe)
Gotcha, makes sense now. So its like when an SSCer is saying something that any normal person would not take seriously. And usually the person saying it is being obtuse. 'Why does no one else think this is OK', 'They clearly are just not as rational as me'. Often half baked utilitarian ideas that are kinda funny as a joke but they're gonna write an essay on how this is actually a good idea.


LW/SSC has roots in an old email list called Extropians, so this has a 1:1 probability of being 100% literally accurate.
This is the real hot take.
“Jupiter brain” is so much more accurate. Big Yud is 99% hot gas.
Scott actually wrote the book on expanding brain memes back in the day, before anything as gauche as expanding brain memes existed. Back then, it was called [metacontrarianism](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/9kcTNWopvXFncXgPy/intellectual-hipsters-and-meta-contrarianism). The reasons this term never caught on in the way that "galaxy-brained" did are truly impossible to divine. But the basic structure of dumb idea - normal idea - smart hipster idea - insane hipster idea that is frequently identical to the dumb idea is indeed what he described.
See, I'm not sure he *wants* to be immune to it - reading the old article gives the impression that he instead thinks higher up contrarianism ladder = smarter and more sophisticated reasoning = better opinions. Which is *itself* a pretty galaxy-brained take...