r/SneerClub archives

Too incel to get a date? Let’s fantasize about Asian women.

Note he’s not talking about prostitutes, he legitimately believes by virtue of being “temperate skinned” - Asian women will just bow down to him, no matter how much of a slob he is.

Not really. I think the average white incel can easily fuck a lot of women there. Well, you don’t really even need to be white because mail order brides from that region is also how the problem of incel is solved in..say South Korea. Also China and Taiwan.

Southeast Asia is truly a source of sex for all temperate-ancestry nerds.


Chinese women are a trap. They give them to you and make your male descendants servile and sexually incompetent. Also China just hands out “free” NE Asian girls!

Yeah, I know this trick well. Bow down before whoever have conquered China, give them good food, good houses and your daughters as wives and concubines (what do you really think these “free” NE Asian girls for foreigners…not only whites but also blacks and Pakistanis are about???). Then their descendants will be as servile as what used to be the Han. This is what China means by Sinicization..which is the same as spreading Sinic corruption, cruelty, servility and sexual incompetence. Well for the record there are also really awesome things such as cool infrastructure, safety, good food, conscientiousness, IQ and business acumen…but some very important things such as asabiyyah, military spirit, freedom and male sexual assertiveness are lost forever when one Sinicizes..

Why not….fucking learn how to be free instead of remaining slaves and enticing others to be slaves as well?!

Late pre-Muslim Egypt and more importantly (North) India used/use the same trick…which ends up harming almost everyone involved. Yeah…a group of “barbarians” invade North India, murdering a lot of people and taking a lot of local women into the harem. Gradually descendants of these “barbarians” become as non-militaristic as natives and then new “barbarians” invade India..


Northeast Asians are spineless and servile, unlike my perfect jewish blood:

Not really. Instead the problem is pathological servile attitude of NE Asians. Thousands of years of oppressive Confucianism, authoritarianism and arranged marriages have so domesticated the NE Asian population to the point that it is no longer sexually healthy. Virginity rates, fertility rates and ridiculous intermarriage discrepancies versus SE Asians and Indians that can not be explained by testosterone level, socioeconomic status, physical strength, penis length or height are just symptoms of this illness.

If your theory is correct, then how to explain why in Singapore which is an ethnic Chinese-dominated country Malay and Indian men fuck Chinese women a lot more than Chinese men fucking Malay and Indian women? OK Malays are mostly Muslim and reject intermarriage with non-Muslim men but what about Indians? Indian men don’t have higher testosterone levels compared to the Chinese…Poor Filipino workers in China managed to fuck local Chinese girls while rich men in Hong Kong and Singapore can not fuck Filipina maids unlike Arab men. In fact in SE Asia almost all factors favor NE Asian men over native ones other than servility…but apparently servility is the decisive factor.

Noone could clearly date an Asian man for anything other than the fact they’re good at math and make money

Do the African wives actually stay with them at all? Or do they literally just eat what the Chinese dudes put on their tables while having sex with local alpha men all the time?

Some more gold here:

Most people in the West are increasingly fellahized. A hundred years ago Westerners were pretty much not fellahized. On the other hand right now the degree of fellahism in the West is probably at least on par with that of Egypt and Iraq judging from the fact that many Westerners fear Muslims but not vice versa. Nobody on this planet fears Westerners other than East Asians and nobody fears Southeast Asians other than Northeast Asians which have pretty much established the global hierarchy of fellahism and servility. There is a reason why even the lowest status mestizas and part-black women in Peru could easily treat men from China as slave husbands despite their competence in the 19th century… There is also a reason why Indian men who themselves have serious dating woes globally could easily get ethnic Chinese wives in Singapore while ethnic Chinese guys almost never marry ethnic Indian women..

His outgroup is Chinese people. He wishes the country would just go away. Peacefully

What’s my creative solution? China simply should not exist. Let every province be independent. Then at least some places such as Guangdong and Zhejiang will no longer have to subsidize the monstrous centralized state. NE Asia did well when it had a feudal system but often performed poorly militarily after the centralized Qin Dynasty. There used to be a time when NE Asians were strong enough to expand from the Yellow River to Central Vietnam. After the centralized state the people became largely incapable of political, military and demographic expansion. NE Asians only settled Taiwan in the last several hundred years and Northern Xinjiang (the Tarim Basin where Uyghurs are is Southern Xinjiang) after the Manchu Empire started a settlement program to repopulate Dzungaria after the awful Dzungar Genocide.

But if someone genocides them because they hate them so much (not saying he does, rationalists are above hatred) - then so be it:

Nope. This is a key blunder of Chicom fuckers. Without Samson Option-like full deterrence (i.e. no Chinese, no humanity) who the hell knows whether some weird group who hates the Chinese people will release some ethnobioweapons or AI one day to wipe out the Chinese population?

I actually consider such an attack fairly likely. There are Islamist groups, powerful governments and foreign ultranationalists who probably prefer that China gets depopulated. One likely motive is stopping climate change. Another likely motive is preventing a weird nation from having UFAI.

What if most of the world agrees that a certain successful or semi-successful tribe needs to be wiped out for whatever reason? This is certainly possible due to jealousy inherent to humanity.

Thousands of years of oppressive Confucianism, authoritarianism and arranged marriages have so domesticated the NE Asian population

Can always rely, despite all pretense and venue, that racist nonsense will be both remarkably racist and then also just plain nonsense, even by its own racism. Domesticated the NE Asian population. Fucking what?

There's 1.6bn NE Asians. If thats sexually unsuccessful I don't know what success is.
they haven't bred themselves white yet have they? check and mate
SSC don't play chess - they play checkers so that the white squares aren't oppressed by having pieces put on them.
But the white squares are always complaining, you can't win.
> Domesticated the NE Asian population. Much lower incidence of feral humans in NE Asia.
They aren't real men like AutisticThinker here - who is very sexually virile and very Alpha.
Ever since the agricultural ~~revolution~~ catastrophe, humanity has increasingly neglected the masculine ritual of obsessively posting manic theories online about why one can't attract a mate. I believe the ancient potency of this practice is well-testified in the relics preserved at Lascaux.
Dude, I'm a virgin. I'm not macho at all. I think this is pretty clear...Everybody in the SSC community knows that I'm GTOW.
> I'm GTOW I'm trying to parse this into a coherent sentence and I'm just lost. "I'm going their own way"?
"I'm [brand]" which is all this stuff functionally is for these types.
Look up MGTOW aka men going their own way if you dare. It’s next level intel stuff. It’s for incels who want to believe they never really wanted to have sex anyways.
Yeah. That's... basically a Lamarckian argument. That's not even correct, like, basic biology, let alone anything else.

It’s AutisticThinker

I want off Mr. \/u/AutisticThinker's wild ride.
... who apparently just deleted their account. Who will moderate /r/HardcoreRationality now?
MarxBro, hopefully.
Hoping he's gone forever. Knowing he'll be back and collecting upvotes again next week.
one of us should cop it
Banned for being super gross.
I actually wanted to hear out his reasons. He's a prime example of how "rationalism" and working from "first principles" can be used to justify any form of wishful thinking that pops into someones head.
> I actually wanted to hear out his reasons. Don't care. This isn't the venue for hearing out racists. For fuck's sake, it's explicitly in the rules.

Incel shit isn’t even funny anymore it just makes me sad.

I can't disagree
Eh I used to find it funny, because I love gallows humour and the idea that at any moment my life could be ended when the weird smelly kid from your tenth grade math class decided he wasn't going to "take it" anymore so he comes blazing into your local Denny's and shoots up the place because his 6th grade crush waits tables there, and you take two shots to the chest while pouring more creamer into your 2$ coffee and make the evening news, like damn if that isn't the most ridiculous fucking thing possible and yet it's the world I live, Revenge of the Nerds but rated R staring the kids from Superbad and legally purchased 12 gauge shotguns, goddamn you gotta laugh, and for a while I did, that sweet mix of unchecked nerd rage and genuinely terrifying psychosis really made for some absurdist art, like a black mirror episode but better because people are actually getting blown away and that's a terror you get to live with. I work in an educational institute currently, we have done training on what to do if there is a shooter, that's my life now and I always got a kick out of how twisted that is, perfect example of how anything can be the new normal. But now all the incels are too ashamed of their shameful "philosophy" so they just hide in the bottom of the Internet and occasionally crawl up to write never-ending scrawls about how those submissive Chinese would totally fuck them, never mind there's already millions of Asians in North America and they hate these weirdos as much if not more than the white women because at this point if an incel tried this shit on a white woman, the type who's being dealing with this her whole life, she'd probably roast him to death and they know that so they put their hopes in the orient because what else is there? Just Denny's and they're too beat down to even do that. "I took to the blackpill and now I see everything!" Bullshit man, you took the bitchpill, unplug your computer and go outside or something goddamn You hate to see it really. That rare mix of absolute misery, ossified impotency, and manhood stripped of all content but aesthetics. Truly the bottom
I want to have a beer with you.
If you're in the Toronto area dm me
Might travel up that way next year, will do.
The is a quality comment.
Maybe it was funny before they started murdering people, but they've been doing that for at least ten years now.
Eh, they've always been murdering people. It's just that now they have a name and media attention.
Yeah...this isn’t sneer-worthy. It’s just fucking sick. Real sick shit.

Sneers, we have done it. AutisticThinker has deleted his account.

Hurray! We really are doing the lord’s work.
But now who will use the word "asabiyah" hundreds of times per day? If he hasn't made a new account he needs to ASAP.
He has a new one at TruthSeekingCat now.

Most people in the West are increasingly fellahized

the degree of fellahism in the West is probably at least on par with that of Egypt and Iraq


Is that like when instead of Iraq you have Hisraq and it’s just for the fellas?

ah, a fellow mullenist
I thought it was a neologism like dhimmitude, but it's actually from Spengler. Fellaheen (peasants in Arabic) are said to be a "civilizational residue" that still cares about staying alive, but has been denuded of culture.

Note he’s not talking about prostitutes, he legitimately believes by virtue of being “temperate skinned” - Asian women will just bow down to him, no matter how much of a slob he is.

To be entirely honest, there is some truth to this. A lot of losers go overseas to nonwhite countries and enjoy much more “romantic success” than they would in their home countries.

There’s fairly popular toxic subreddits devoted to angst over this.

Yeah, but most of that isn't due to the superiority of the white race - it's because those dudes are the equivalent of the 23 year old who shows up to the college party. They're not actually all that impressive, but to some poor Filipino or Thai girl looking for a way out of her crappy situation, they can seem to be.
Keyword is **POOR** Source: Southeast Asian here -- those dudes are the butt of many jokes to people fortunate enough to have options
Oh sure, obviously, just like the 23 year old dude at the high school party is likely the butt of jokes in most places as well.
Something something in their heads they're like "If Matthew McConaughey could do it in *Dazed and Confused*, so can I, dammit!"
These Lions of the West are, by the standards of those places, [quite wealthy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiuZIno6KPA).
Which ones? Are you referencing reddit asian mascunlinity?

