r/SneerClub archives

Isn’t it convenient how every positive trait just happens to correlate with being white? It’s almost as if HBD was actually just racism. Couldn’t be that though, because HBD advocates keep saying they’re not racist. No one would lie about being racist.

I was just going through these old English language encyclopedias, and it turns out that most notable figures from history have been white Europeans. Imagine that! Hey, don't blame me, I'm just Presenting The Data. Facts can't be racist.
What page of *Human Achievement* is this quote from?
I believe that was the full text of his initial pitch to the publisher.
> Isn't it convenient how every positive trait just happens to correlate with being white? I know right! I love being white

Meta plea, don’t downvote these posts! Preserve the vote total as it was, it’s harder to point out which r/ssc posts were eerily supported/unchallenged if everything linked here is downvoted (and brigading can catch admin attention).

Back on SRS we called this Don't Touch The Poop. Additionally to what you said, voting on linked threats is a good way for your sub to catch the attention of admins in a bad way.
There should be a hard rule about only allowing *np* links.
I think the honor system can work on an extreme niche sub such as this. Even for a monster like SRD, np doesn't really do what it's supposed to.
SRD is huge. So even "99% efficacy" can still mean a lot.

God, this is… terrible. You are why we cannot have nice things.

At least there’s someone there I can agree with

He’ll probably get banned for being u n c h a r i t a b l e shortly.
Nah, he saved it with a barely related game theory reference. You can't ban game theory, it's math!
That's unlikely, the moderator agreed with him. Racist posts are frequent on SSC, but it's not like they're popular.

My IQ rose 10 points and my skin got two shades lighter upon reading this.

Why'd you say the same thing twice?
[Took an IQ test today!](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/eb/Von_Luschan%27s_chromatic_scale.jpg)
Bro don't make fun of stuttering that's not cool

This was pretty bad, and this is coming from a galaxy brained individual with multiple sneers under my belt.


If they can perpetuate and benefit from white privilege and western hierarchical systems of oppression then yes.

For the record; In response to the multiple individuals who’ve reported this comment with some variation on “Is overt racism acceptable” the answer is “it’s complicated”.


this is how you get nazis.

I’m not defending the devil, I’m defending the law. After all, I’ll be wanting it’s protection should the devil turn on me.

god liberals suck at dealing with fascism

Same as "it's complicated" relationship status on Facebook. I don't know if the SSC mods are *in love* with racism, I don't know if they want to *settle down and have babies* with racism but when they're a little lonely at night, having a few beers and feeling bad about themselves are they gonna call up racism to help them feel better? You fucking know it.
> Alexander blogs at *Slate Star Codex*, where he flirts with neoreaction like a horny teenager befuddled by a bra. - Elizabeth Sandifer, *Neoreaction a Basilisk*, footnote 46.
"The rules means we can't have nice things, but instead of looking critically at the rules in place, we're just going to accept overt racism as part of the status quo. After all, the only two options are this and a sub where everyone who says something that one of the mods doesn't like gets banned."
Dude, that mod is a solid conservative of the gods and guns type. He's as far from liberal as they come.
eh, even if the he's solidly right himself the sentiment is depressingly standard amongst liberals
Fair enough
i'm not a tankie, but american conservatism -- with some caveats about its increasing flirtations with open fascism -- is ultimately a liberal tradition

So spirit_of_negation is an outright admitted white supremacist now? Last I saw of him he was just using the language of IQ fetishists, but this is preeeetty blatant.

Was thinking the same thing. So much attention is paid to TPO I forgot about how shitty they are
[Looks like he's gone](https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/9uau50/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_november_05/e99nvup/) for that reason. Oh, wait, no it's for: >being relentlessly and egregiously obnoxious [Holy shit man.](https://old.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/8jc7i6/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_may_14_2018/dz19nqk/)

implying all leaders aren’t corrupt

To be fair, when I couldn’t vote for a Democrat I chose the candidate I thought least likely to be white and male because they’re least likely to be shitty reactionaries

the alternate principle of banning any one who offends or vaguely annoys a mod would quickly destroy what value this place has.

Counterpoint: sneerclub utilises this alternate principle.

\>When you have so little faith in your own ability to effectively moderate a racism subreddit that you limit your moderation powers by allowing racism

Capitalizing “white” is a pretty reliable warning sign

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