r/SneerClub archives
This isn't really a sneer, but God, imagine thinking about the world like that (http://slatestarscratchpad.tumblr.com/post/179569403671)

in his defense, I would also hate everything about a Bay-Area-rat halloween party

i mean, don't forget, he is in a social group that tolerated the world's most obvious domestic abuser because was good at event planning and costume/prop-making.
Not their fault, he was cleared by Ethics Supervisor Max Goodguy.
In the interest of fairness, rats are exceptionally good at missing the obvious.

You’ll need to be on Tumblr to see this particular blog

screenie/copypasta please

Confession: I hate Halloween costumes. More specifically, I hate events that I want to go to that expect me to have a costume. I hate how I am expected to throw together all of the *quirky clothes* I definitely already own because I am a *quirky person* who has an entire *quirky wardrobe* full of *quirky things* he can mix and match. I hate how somebody is going to reply to this with “What? You don’t need to own any quirky clothes! Just take all of the fabrics you own, take out the sewing machine you own and know how to use, stitch the fabrics together, and then use the face paint and sequins and craft glue that you totally have already to interpret them in a new, creative way” and think that they have totally demolished my complaint. I hate how I could go to the store and get a very professional-looking costume for $50, but then I would be spending $50 on a store-bought Halloween costume, which is both a waste of money, and signals that I am a rich but boring person who thinks he can use wealth as a substitute for quirkiness and talent. I hate how if I go as a ghost, some much cooler guy is going to go as “the rightward shift on economic issues among American youth between 2010 and 2018”, and go around telling everyone “You know what’s really scary? The rightward shift on economic issues among American youth between 2010 and 2018!”, and everyone will think they’re hilarious and spend the whole night talking about how quirky and creative they are. And I hate how if I go as “the rightward shift on economic issues among American youth between 2010 and 2018”, everyone will just be like “What?” and I will spend the whole night awkwardly explaining it to people who think I’m insane, and the much cooler guy will go as a ghost, and spend the night flirting with the girl who dressed as a sexy ghost. I hate how if I apply a lot of creativity and money and time, I can eventually get something that sends all of the right signals and countersignals, and looks like I didn’t put much thought into it because I am a suave guy who doesn’t overthink silly things like Halloween costumes, and the final result is that I incur the same lack of social penalty as I would have if it had just been a normal dress event and I had dressed normally.   #this doesn't mean your halloween party is bad   #people are allowed to do many things that i do not personally enjoy!
my halloween costume this year was a stage hand. i dressed in black. it got a few laughs, which were probably undeserved. the total amount of time i spent thinking about it was around ten minutes. i flirted with several people of indeterminate gender and none of it went anywhere. it ain't easy being a chad 😎
So many of his problems would be gone if only he knew how to make small talk
He needs to talk about topics that are EARTH-SHATTERINGLY PROFOUND 24/7 to be at his best self that stupid normies won't appreciate! /s
inb4 someone on rationalist tumblr link this to say "SEE ? /R/SNEERCLUB IS ~ABELSIST~ AND HATE SOCIALLY AWKWKWARD PEOPLE"
Yea you know sometimes I read shit like this and fucking yikes, the uber-rationalist cynical view of the world is so miserably depressing. Halloween parties are about having fun and shit not competing with Chad to see who can talk to the most attractive girl, Christ. Anyway buy a fuckin onesie. You can get something cute stupid and cozy for all of $20, it's literally a zero effort zero commitment costume. Plus then your wardrobe will be all the slightly more quirky and whimsical.
He should split the difference between an upscale boring douchebag and horror film villain by going as Peter Thiel. A few bags of fake blood is pretty much all you need, although you should practice drinking it without getting it all over your suit beforehand. The price for this advice is five gold coins btw. Paypal is fine.
bonus points if you sue everyone who brings up your husband
Throw in a black turtleneck, and you're also Elizabeth Holmes.
Is this a pasta? I think I've seen guys like this sweating in the corner.
Uh I've come dressed as myself because you know what's really scary? People with social anxiety.
I go as that quiet, ordinary guy who the neighbors never expected would do something like that.
These people never emotionally left high school
>I hate how if I apply a lot of creativity and money and time, I can eventually get something that sends all of the right signals and countersignals, and looks like I didn’t put much thought into it because I am a suave guy who doesn’t overthink silly things like Halloween costumes, and the final result is that I incur the same lack of social penalty as I would have if it had just been a normal dress event and I had dressed normally. Goddammit no wonder people won't touch you with a ten foot pole. If this is your default view of most social situations, you might as well do it right and live at the club with a cocaine snowman. And no use giving that "nice guy/bad boy" bullshit -- they're both sides of the same coin in which a person views every fucking social interaction as a status contest, the only difference being one is impotent while the other isn't. Being socially awkward doesn't make you any less of an asshole for holding such a world view.
Pro-tip: if you're skinny enough, get a female friend to lend you a dress and go in drag. Maximal attention, zero cost.
He needs to get more creative. My friend once made a sash from paper, pinned a dryer sheet to his shirt, and called himself Jon benet Ramsey. Cheap and easy.
There's also the classic standby of wrapping yourself in toilet paper to be a mummy. Of course, most of the laughs would be from shoddy execution but that's usually deliberate as fuck.
You're really gonna try to make that point on a thread about making fun of someone for overthinking a halloween costume? *Really*?
this is delightfully narcissistic there's no such thing as a "cool guy" any more. you're a fucking adult. i get that you felt isolated in high school but so did i and i don't go around basing my entire world view on it like - nobody actually gives enough of a shit about you to assess your entire personality based on your halloween costume. you're not getting graded or marked. it's not some libertarian evolutionary marketplace where everyone is ruthlessly competing for sexual status i feel like all of scott's politics are just - well, of course i understand intellectually that the left is right about everything, but i'm terrified of them because i constantly play out a paranoid fantasy in my head where a mean girl calls me a dork in front of the whole school. so you see i have no choice but to believe in race science
ok here's my real take if you're not competent to decide what to wear to a halloween party, you're not competent to have an opinion on politics. you're simply not intellectually equipped to do it
I mostly think the same way as this, but my solution is to avoid halloween parties. Whining about it or hating it all seems pointless.


Scooter also identify as asexual.

My main problem with Halloween is a lot of the time I think of a good costume, but then I forget to actually make it until like a day before, and as a result it ends up sucking or never getting finished. There should be a Second Halloween like a month later so that all the procrastinators have time to finish our costumes.

I mean, there's the second Halloween a year later.
Too much trouble to update "The rightward shift on economic issues among American youth between 2010 and 2018!” to "The rightward shift on economic issues among American youth between 2010 and 2019!”
By the way, has there actually been a such a rightward shift on economic issues among American youth between 2010 and 2018? I mean that's the main Bernie demographic. I don't get it. Is it an ironic costume or something?
You don't want to go as something *actually* scary, do you? Wouldn't it be a bit of a downer to show up as a suitcase bomb 10 times more powerful than Little Boy, or mass climate-change-induced dispossession?
Can't we just go as the alt-right? There's so many options!