r/SneerClub archives
We may be less than two thousands, but we are already pressuring the rats into dealing with their skeletons in their closets (https://thingofthings.wordpress.com/2018/10/30/brent-dill-is-an-abuser/)


Conveniently the first recommended link on his blog. Yes, it seems those two had a ridic and mutually abusive relationship. What of that?
Not even sure what that typo was supposed to be.
There are generally different standards for doxxing famous and non-famous people. By the time that was written, every potential employer on the planet, the Sentinelese natives, and several extraterrestrial civilisations knew who Zoe Quinn was, so there wasn't much additional potential harm in pointing and saying "hey, look, Zoe Quinn, guys" (beyond, like, that big game-theoretic coordination problem where *everyone* posts their stale gamergate takes and it adds up to a mess). ​
yeah, no, your excuses are terrible and reprehensible
So, out of curiosity, what is the right haste with which to signal boost that people are abusers, and what facts about the abuser affect this?
The haste with which one signal-boosts should be correlated to the number of people the boost helps. Ozy could do a lot of good in their community by getting rid of a predator who targets the young, vulnerable, and housing-insecure. Considering the internet's role in rationalist dating, a post is arguably the *most* helpful thing they could do. The Zoe post, meanwhile, isn't of much material use to anyone. And, if you think it was meant to be a serious spotlight on emotional abuse or female-on-male abuse, stroll on over to the unmoderated comments, where Eron's experience is questioned and dismissed.
If you seriously can't tell the difference between the two cases, you are too fucking stupid to post to /r/sneerclub.

Further, Brent Dill’s Google results already include a discussion of his abusiveness. Unfortunately, the discussion is of a sort that, I’m afraid, Brent could easily twist to support his own narrative of persecution.


"I worry that the people there might not be showing enough charity, niceness, community, and civilization to the rapist."

Downvoted for lack of sneer.

Lack of sneer is okay if you tag NSFW, and I did tagged NSFW.
Thanks for being pro-active!
God you're pathetic