r/SneerClub archives

Reminder that the neanderthal autism thesis is derived from a dude who believed that the secret masters of humanity were giant-domed humanoids known as melonheads, who bred the Cro-Magnons to destroy the peaceful neanderthals, but actually interbred with them which allowed some of the cro-mags to destroy the melonheads, though descendants of the evil melonheads exert malign influence on us today as, you guessed it, the Jews

ah, the respectable, evidence based race science I've been looking for all my life.
Basically a Nazi version of Nation of Islam ? lol
I'm so annoyed that barely any trace of Koanic Soul remains on the web. The neoreactionaries were *seriously* into that stuff around 2012-2014. They don't talk about it any more.

Here’s a link that works. IIRC this dude had an entire PDF about his theories about n e a n d e r t h a l a u t i s m, gotta try to find that one.

I just can't understand why his Patreon has no backers

this guy’s a clock truther too, thinking the kid who brought a clock to school was too brown stupid to make a clock, really did want to bring a bomb, or possibly both

"Clock truther".
[Oh, well.](http://slartibartfastibast.com/post/177612759189/wait-your-roommate-is-eron-gjoni)
Literally the only valuable information ever gleaned from this blog is that Toby Fox was a band geek. Everything else can visit the trash can.
holy shit

I’m getting a blank page.

Try without the "s", you should get this: >**“Genes affected in \[autism spectrum disorder\] represent suitable candidates to study the evolution of human social cognition. …our data indicate that genetic diversity was shaped by distinct selective forces, including…introgression from archaic hominins.”** > >Hey that sounds exactly like that thing I kept saying on the internet eight years ago when I should have been doing homework.
I'm gonna need context to understand the problem
There's a new talking point among white supremacists that Neanderthals breeding with humans created ubermenschen powered by hybrid vigor. I'm not sure if that's what this one in particular is getting at though.
It's amazing how smoothly and effortlessly they can switch from "miscegenation is bad, there's no evidence hybrid vigor applies to humans, we must not pollute our gene pool with those of low IQ " to "wait, actually it's good and hybrid vigor is real and totally empirically verified"
Sometimes, facts do care about your feelings.
tfw no qt3.14 neanderthal gf
Basically bragging that you were right when you were saying things on the Internet when you should have been doing homework is extremely sneerworthy.
that's it?

What is this blogger actually saying - that contemporary humans who are “on the autism spectrum” have more Neanderthal alleles?

That's a secret probably nobody knows.