r/SneerClub archives

“Our society functions better if we can use ID people as slave labor” is pretty fucked.

Hating BNW is definitely a low-key rationalist pasttime; gwern also went on a lengthy rant about it once on LessWrong, I’ll try to dig up the link. He was trying to play it off he like was just annoyed at how unrealistic it was– “this world could never arise naturally”, that sort of thing– but in context and especially given the lack of applying this same complaint to their beloved classics like Snow Crash, it’s pretty obvious that their real beef is, “how dare you portray the endgame we’re trying to build as a dystopia”

Really the least realistic part of it is that eugenics works, which they shouldn't object to anyway.
I mean in the book, eugenics isn't even about genes, they're just stunting people's growth in utero.
It's going to be great when the Chinese eugenics program they like to raise so much concern about ends up resulting in basically no difference
Except it's not real, so I wouldn't hold my breath.
You’re saying Geoffrey Miller and Steven Hsu are full of hot air?!
A lot of what these guys are looking for was documented (and refuted) by Bertrand Russell in the Scientific Outlook in 1931, which Brave New World was written as a satire of. So you're not too far off the mark here.
Honestly I think they just get butthurt because looking Mustapha Mond and what he represents is like looking in a mirror, and the book calls it bullshit.

i also don’t exactly like BNW but for different reasons; Huxley really moralizes about the noble savage and the superior value of reactionary traditionalism

Yes and if Huxley had really been all about the primitivism his protagonist could have joined the savages instead of killing himself
The Shocking Truth: "This femoid - promiscuous!" The Savage: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!" At least that was my uncharitable impression of the book.
Perhaps I am wrong, I last read the book over three years ago
It's a fair point actually. Huxley himself later wrote that he wished he had included a third option in the book aside from the World State and the reservations, one where technology is used to improve people's lives but not to rule over them. His later book The Island is very much along those lines.
Not being rude but tbf I haven't read it for maybe 10