r/SneerClub archives
So it turns out Scott unironically buys into the Neo-Reactionary conspiracy theory of "The Cathedral" 110%. (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9xkgnv/so_it_turns_out_scott_unironically_buys_into_the/)

I was bored enough to flick through this week’s Culture War thread looking for something to sneer at and I hit absolute gold - a post linking to a web archive of a deleted post on Scott’s Tumblr from 2016 in which…. Well, go read it for yourself.

TL;DR: Scott has noticed that like 90% of scientists, journalists, educators, etc tend to support the Democrat party over the Republican party. Rather than reaching the conclusion a normal person would from this data (“gee, the vast majority of educated smart people are going with option A here, maybe that’s because it’s better than option B?”) Scott galaxy-brains himself into deciding that this is proof that there’s a vast Left-wing conspiracy to bias everything you hear against the poor Right-wingers (actual quote: “imagine an institution that’s 90% Klansmen, with all its findings interpreted by and transmitted through a second institution that’s 90% Klansmen, and consider how useful (or not) the information about black people that eventually reaches you through the conjunction of those two institutions will be”). Then there’s this segue into how nerds are oppressed by leftists because they’re so gosh-darn nice and fair and meritocratic and the Left hates that. Then he has the fucking chutzpah to end it with a paragraph about how you know he’s unbiased because he’s a Left-winger too, pinkie-swear!

It’s pretty much everything you’ve always suspected he secretly believes but would never say out loud.

Generally when a group is over-represented in a area of work, the right-wing thesis is that it’s just because that group is naturally better at/more inclined to that kind of work.

Unless it’s not enough Trump supporters in academia, in which case it is time to scream bloody murder and endorse affirmative action for conservatives.

oh snap

What irritates me is the notion that any accusations of racism or sexism are somehow performative or empty, about which, bullshit. It’s painfully obvious that the “red tribe” are manifestly racist, homophobic, transphobic, and sexist. Furthermore, they clearly delight in being open about these traits, which they feel emboldened to do under Trumpism.

Too many who play in “rationalism” space themselves delight in this new openness to hate. It’s sad that Scott has become a kind of fellow traveler to these monsters.

They're only empty to the red tribe (or the "grey" tribe, aka the red tribe with glasses on). That segment seems to have almost universally agreed that accusations of any -ism must be accompanied by a notarized statement of ill intent from the accused, because the notion of a false positive is unbearable; any examples of false positives are then amplified and paraded to reinforce the idea that any accusation of an -ism must be coming from a leftist who has either lost their marbles or is using it as a weapon. The presence of false positives means ipso facto the existence of true positives are unknowable, so we need to treat every accusation as if it's in bad faith. So the thinking goes. Almost anyone in the US other than ignorant white dudes knows that true positives are so pervasive and harmful that a few false positives, while undesirable, are not the end of the fucking world and aren't worth throwing out the activist bathwater with the baby who unjustly got called a racist.

In case it isn’t quite clear why this post is bad and Scott should feel bad; he never considers for even an instant the idea that, eg; journalists might have noticed that Republicans are worse than Democrats and that’s why they aren’t split exactly 50:50 between supporting them and not supporting them. Which is freakin’ insane, because it was the 2016 election season when he wrote that and he literally says in the last paragraph:

“after having watched the Republican debate tonight I can honestly say I’m terrified at anyone other than the Blue Tribe having power”

So despite the fact that it’s obvious even to him that Republicans are worse than Democrats, we still have to treat journalists who notice that the same way we would treat Klansmen writing articles about black people.

If you're a trained scientist or someone who reads books, how many friends are you supposed to have in your fucking "tribe" who think global warming isn't happening, and if it is, it's awesome?
If you look at the Heterodox Academy research, they find a sharp decline in Republican affiliation from the mid-20th c. to today. Why is this? There's no definite answer but in the intervening time, there was the end of the Cold War (i.e., Republicans are less interested in funding education to beat the commies), the rise of right-wing think tank networks (right-wingers can now use their doctorates to work at Heritage or AEI instead of a university), McCarthyite purges and blacklists (keeps number of leftists down relative to right-wingers), Republicans abandoning any pretense at conservationism after Nixon (polarization of environmental and climate sciences, etc.), rise of the Moral Majority/religious right (attacks on evolutionary biology, and the general devaluation of technocratic expertise (Newt Gingrich's dismantling of the Office of Technology Assessment perhaps being the big inflection point). Whichever of these was more important I can't really know, but there's clearly some historical effects going on there.
> Charlie Kirk, ostensibly the leader of a national college conservative group I think Kirk is just a big scam to suck money out of the Koch brothers. They're paying him to do conservative outreach to young people but instead he just shits on them on social media all day. Their facebook page is 100% all angry boomers who think anyone younger and more to the left of them is a snowflake beta cuck.
Don't forget the GOP's ongoing prioritization of [truly shameless gerrymandering and redistricting](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/06/27/ratfcked-the-influence-of-redistricting), which allows it to make a diminishing group of old, scared, rural/exurban extreme wingnuts much, much more relevant in the national conversation than they have any real right to be and saves it the trouble of any pretensions toward building an actual consensus.
There was also a reorganization of the parties during and after the civil rights era that resulted in greatly increased ideological polarization.
These people are all such spoiled Bay Area hipster jerkoffs that identifying with reactionary, anti-intellectual shitkickers from the Heartland is the only rebellion left for them.

The weirdest thing is when people point to the leftward shift among even hard science people as indisputable proof of SJWism as opposed to the massive rightward shift of the Republican’s.

If you were a physicist in 1970’s America, it made sense to vote for the Republican’s because they were funding science, low taxes, a reasonable welfare state, and especially on the coasts, fairly socially liberal stuff.

Like - if you work at Bell Labs in 1971, it makes perfect sense to vote for whatever moderate Republican is in your Congressional district, as opposed to the Lil’ Ball of Hate that’s likely the nominee in 2018.

Also, there’s the small matter that the youths (as in under 45) are just far more to the left than older people.

this is almost identical to this post satirizing scott:

[lesswrong “rationalist” voice]: “hello my fellow progressives. now, i’m a very left-wing guy. i’m about as lefty as they come. a real blue-triber. heck, i even vote democrat most of the time, and i’m a long-time hillary fan! doesn’t get much more left-wing than that.”

[lesswrong “rationalist” voice]: “at any rate, just speaking as a left-wing progressive here, have any of my fellow blue-tribe lefties noticed that all leftists are evil and irrational and are destroying america with their sinister tendrils of gramscian damage? i sure have.”

[lesswrong “rationalist” voice]: “just speaking lefty-to-lefty here.”

I believe the preferred nomenclature is "nerd voice"

this is just incredibly self-serving

“i agree with the left on everything for exactly as long as they’re talking about Other People, but the instant I come under fire for anything at all it becomes a vast international conspiracy. climate change may be bad but the real shit is preserving Nerd Culture”

it continues to bewilder me how an entire culture can be this pathologically and unreflexively narcissistic

When I read the Masterpiece To End All Masterpieces “Meditations on Moloch,” I kept thinking, “Moloch is capital, you ass,” while experiencing the sinking feeling of, “you think Moloch is (((The Cathedral))), don’t you?”

Well, if you'll excuse the non-sneer comment, he did point out non-market effects of Moloch like democracies pandering to the lowest common denominator and mentioned that capitalism is part of it, but not all of it. For more on what he said about the relationship of capitalism and Moloch, I'd recommend reading [this](http://slatestarcodex.com/2014/09/24/book-review-red-plenty/). Although, I'm really disappointed by how little he's read of actual Marxist thought, because that sort of thing is addressed, what with how bourgeoisie democracy is inherently beholden to capital. I feel like the rationalist community teeters on the brink of some sort of anti-capitalist thought, but views reaction towards a pre-capitalist world order as the only solution rather than progress beyond capitalism. I almost wonder if, in another world, they would have all become communists if Scott had grappled with Žižek instead of Nick Land a few years ago.
"A lot of the commentators say Lou Reed's 'Heroin' represents heroin. This is definitely a piece of it, even a big piece. But it doesn’t quite fit. Heroin, his wife and his life? Heroin, which makes him secure in his sense of masculinity? Heroin, which makes him the literal son of the Son of God? "Clearly, these commentators need to read Moldbug."
A lot of what all this stuff is is what happens when people recognize there are system-wide problems but are not exposed to meaningful historical analysis. People on ssc are constantly "discovering" leftwing concepts and attributing them to their own mechanism
Yeah, the rationalist case of Not Invented Here syndrome is egregious.
> And okay, this example is kind of contrived. So let’s run through – let’s say ten – real world examples of similar multipolar traps to really hammer in how important this is. > >\[...\] > > 5. Capitalism. The list of examples of Moloch literally, *overtly* has capitalism, *right there*, number 5, underlined for extra visibility. ​
We talked about this a week ago, but thanks for chiming in and missing the point in an irritating imitation of your hero's writing style.
You didn't, I checked.
[Fuck you.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9xkgnv/so_it_turns_out_scott_unironically_buys_into_the/e9tt048) Same comment, plus some research and insight, minus the literal-minded stupidity.

Ah, the most rational of conspiracy theories. The liberal elite, which controls everything, is ever creating new social causes to take even more power for itself from itself.

Comparing liberals to the KKK is one of the most on-brand things Scott has ever written.

It must be a vast and terrible Left-wing conspiracy that can force the Republicans to adopt positions (ranging from climate change denial and creationism to Laffer curves and the hordes of terrorist immigrants) that are just objectively wrong.

This is questionably low decoupling skills from such a statue of rationality as scott alexander

There are lots of places Scott goes overboard, but this seems like a particularly bad example. For a half ounce of context, I’ll just quote a bit of the intro;

“I’ll try to present it in as deliberately conspiratorial and tinfoil-hattish a way as possible. I make no guarantees I will stand by any of this when I’m sober / when it’s not 3:30 AM.”

And if you’re not sure if he stands by it… he did delete it.

“I’m only neoreactionary when I’m drunk” isn’t much of a defense. Especially when he makes a lot of the same points sober but spread out across more essays.
Probably the only part he would stand by if you pressed him on it is the "THEY TARGETED NERDS" part. Most of his extra loony political opinions are a support structure for that shit, I'd say.
They really do this a lot, don't they? Nerds are the truly oppressed class!
I'm just as happy to sneer at 3:30 AM drunk Scott as 13:00 sober Scott. By my logic, that means you can sneer at me when I post dumb shit in the wee hours while wasted. Please do.
That's just because he has patreon money riding on always maintaining the appearance of a "centrist".
If anything it's status, not money. He's clearly comfortable and has never used his blog as a means to a career (people had to pester him for a long time before he made a patreon) but he's willing to curate his image and *write about the art of image curation* so that he doesn't come off poorly to those he doesn't want to.
Except it's totally of a piece with everything else he has ever written.


>Academia and media are liberal because moderate liberalism is the default ideology of the professional managerial class I think it's true that what you call the "professional managerial class" have a default ideology (although I'd say the ideology in question is neoliberalism, and you can look at the unquestioning acceptance of utterly failed ideas like Austerity for proof of that), but it's a massive leap to conclude from that that; * a) educated people increasingly supporting the Democratic party are doing so out of blind adherence to ideology and not because the Republican party has gone *ratfucking crazy* over the past couple decades, and * b) scientists and journalists are so consumed by this bias that their work should be disregarded like a racist rant from a KKK member. The GOP becoming the party of Infowars is the most impactful political change of my lifetime. You can't claim to be rational and ignore that. You can't pretend the people who point it out are consumed by SJW bias and can't be trusted, as Scott does.
this is the real shit

Sounds like he’s just describing class politics