r/SneerClub archives
Top EA priority is AI risk, closely followed by funding EA YouTubers, according to EA YouTuber who work in AI risk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sivsXJ1L1pg)

Where does he talk about EA priorities? A 75-minute talk is a bit long to just jump into.

Multi-level marketing logic kicks in around [29:04](https://youtu.be/sivsXJ1L1pg?t=1744).
yep, if we can have a timestamp of the smoking gun, that would be very useful

Perfectly normal function of a movement that is totally not a charity-themed Ponzi scheme.

now now, that's unfair ponzi schemes at least promise returns the EA model- taking money and giving nothing in return except the promise of averting an imaginary doomsday- is much more like a cult
It actually is! Most charities think that the cause area that they're working in is important! This is because if they didn't, all their employees would quit and work in a different cause area (check out the make-a-wish foundation, perhaps the biggest icon of conventional charity. right on their front page, there's a request to donate to... wait for it... the make-a-wish foundation. hm, I wonder why?)

This would make just as much sense about the game company.