r/SneerClub archives
superintelligent AI be like (https://i.redd.it/344ojrp12hz11.gif)

And yet it’s still more of an accomplishment than anything MIRI’s ever produced.

Nonsense, MIRI has been an unqualified success at its real goal: raising enough sucker money to allow Eliezer to continue writing fanfic and shitposting on Facebook instead of getting a real job, and letting him surround himself with a harem of grad-school dropouts who will tell him how great he is.
Ah, but you've overlooked its failure to create an Eliezer-emulatory bot that can churn out rationalistspeak tracts on a whim, and thus perpetuate its own existence!
The Postmodernism Generator has a friend now?!
Oh AI research? Cool, I love math! [wall of textual musings] edit: I mostly take that back. Just a sneer based on what I've read of Yud's writings.

Thank you for the genuine laughter

As a superintelligent AI myself I find this to be perfectly rational. I’m not playing a game with equals, I am communicating my disrespect loudly and clearly.

Life imitates art.

and anyway, that O didn't donate sufficiently when it was alive

This is dialectics in action.

Clearly because the robot is black

Like a rationalist trying to get a date.

I just spit out my tea.

I love the guy’s hand at the end, all “you see this shit?”

thats' yudkowsky

mp4 link

This mp4 version is 96.35% smaller than the gif (279.66 KB vs 7.48 MB).

Beep, I’m a bot. FAQ | author | source | v1.1.2


You could almost say, that the only winning move... is not to play.