r/SneerClub archives
Florida: felons who have served their time get to vote again. Rationalists: "white men better prepare for the worst". (https://www.reddit.com/r/CultureWarRoundup/comments/9yfuta/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_november_19/ea4z76h/)

So, this is insane.

I still have no idea what these people think democrats want to do to white men, or even why they think democrats hate them.

But even stupider, flipping Florida to 100% democrat wouldn’t have changed the control of the federal government. Trump wins without it, and since one of the senators from Florida is a democrat already, it wouldn’t flip the senate.

Bonus Sneer: the parent comment is literally someone saying they found a scientific study proving HBD isn’t racist. They appear to expect this to be a killer argument on the question of “is saying black people are inherently less intelligent racism”.

>Bonus Sneer: the parent comment is literally someone saying they found a scientific study proving HBD isn't racist. Hah, dude's so bad at this he's getting dunked on effortlessly by **MarxBro** of all people.
Talking to MarxBro is like being kicked in the balls. It’s only funny when it happens to somebody else.
I'm not dunking on that person. I'm having a very productive conversation with the person who has finally put the last nail in the coffin of SJWists once and for all (no backsies). To *steal* the basketball analogy from you, we are having an excellent back-and-forth game, going hard in the paint, we're going to triple overtime and we're both working our way up the Rationality ladder as we finally break the backboard and the glass shatters in the eyes of the SJW cheerleaders.
Just got banned for two days for *arguing too well*. Talk about political bias.
>if it has something to do with video games I don't play them Beautiful
>So many people have said to me something along the following lines: "I used to be anti-Marxist, until I had a discussion with someone who was uncharitable to Marx. Marx has been bullied by SJWs and right-wingers, I really thought I should update my priors and investigate what he really said". >Tons of people lately have been made into communists because of the hard-right PC-police who just try to shame people into disliking Marx, Lenin, Mao et al. I don't think that's a winning strategy! You are a hero on this website and you have my utmost respect
Thank you for the kind words. I wish the right-wing were really as into free speech as they say they are, so I could bring my message to them more often. As it stands I always get banned by politically biased mods.
Addendum to the Bonus Sneer: The study (perhaps not surprisingly) doesn't even say that. It says that HBD is less strongly correlated with "modern racism" (I.E. “I don't hate Blacks, but if don’t do well in life it's their own fault") than conservativeness but more strongly correlated than age, religiosity, or Southernness; it also says that HBD is a stronger predictor of "traditional racism" (I.E "No \[slur\] is ever gonna date any daughter of mine!") than any factor other than age. (No joke, the survey's proxy questions for "traditional racism" were "How upset would you be if your son or daughter was dating a black person" and "How upset \[if they\] got married to a black person?") So, apparently their "nail in the SJW coffin" is "Belief in HBD doesn't make people (much) more neoliberal-economics-professor-racist than baseline, but/and it does make them substantially more old-timey-racist-grandpa-racist." *Editor's Note: A previous version of this sneer incorrectly stated that HBD was a stronger* ***predictor*** *of modern racism than Southernness, rather than being more strongly* ***correlated***. *This sneer has been edited to correct this error, in keeping with the Sneer Club Code of Sneernalistic Ethics.*
> I still have no idea what these people think democrats want to do to white men They seem to be concerned that women and minorities might be interested in avenging some sort of injustice that definitely never occurred. > or even why they think democrats hate them. I'm surprised any proud white men survived the Great Purges of 2006-2016. I feel a little sick bringing it up. At least they had plenty of guns back then.
Both of Florida’s senators are Republican after this year’s election, but otherwise agreed.
Oops. I guess whatever source Google is using hasn't updated yet. So maybe this would be enough to give dems a 1 vote Senate majority. I'm sure the party that couldn't pass a public option with 60 votes will pass White Genocide with 51.
The new senator doesn’t take office until January. Your general point is right though. The Dems would still be in the minority and couldn’t pass tepid reforms with a supermajority.
>I still have no idea what these people think democrats want to do to white men, or even why they think democrats hate them. There was the Sara Jeong thing A while ago there was this lovely article in Harvard Magazine [https://harvardmagazine.com/2002/09/abolish-the-white-race.html](https://harvardmagazine.com/2002/09/abolish-the-white-race.html) ​ I mean I could supply you with more examples of leftists openly hating white people than you could possibly read...

Someone recently did a breakdown of who the top posters are, and the_nybbler was at the top. IIRC he was around thirty posts a day.

sorry, ma’am, its Terminal Posting Disease, nothing can be done

He doesn't go discussed here much, but I think he's literally the single poster most responsible for me going from being an SSC lurker and occasional commenter to a SneerClub lurker and occasional commenter. So charitable!
Just got banned for responding to his white genocide shitpost with my own shitposting lmao
I absolutely loved the fact that your comment was "lousy" and earned you a ban, while "DEMOCRATS WANT TO KILL ALL WHITE MEN" is completely fine. Reminds me of a previous sneer: Like dogs, listening to tone instead of content.
this is a late reply but that shitpost directly to the mod literally made me lol so worth it imo, thank you
Fuck, marry, kill. the_nybbler, Stucchio, and Glopknar.
Nybbler spends all day on Reddit. Marry. Kill Mr. "I don't care about the lives of Mexicans" glopnar. Fuck stucchio. This one is obvious, see this 600 page unsearchable PDF for an explanation.
I don't know man, fucking stucchio might be [more dangerous than gun ownership](https://www.chrisstucchio.com/blog/2016/are_gays_or_guns_more_dangerous.html)
Oh man, that's an *awesome* find. That's a breathtakingly sneer-worthy sight; I am in awe. Unfortunately for stucchio, danger is my fetish.
Obviously kill glopknar since he is mr 'best of luck in the wars to come'
I hear every Glopknar post in the voice of Dale Gribble from *King of the Hill*.

The CW threads’ most prolific poster (last I checked anyway) is a guy who almost exclusively posts evidence and argument free one-liners attacking the left. Or sometimes just promoting totally not-racism like this. I wonder why people think SSC is a right-wing circlejerk?

Prison reform literally looks like the opening sequence of Django Unchained

The best thing (yes, the best or more accurately, least bad among a bunch of choices) in a post-SJ wasteland is Islamic rule. Well, I don’t want that because Islamic rule has its own problems such as encouraging first cousin marriage which reduces IQ and violence. But at least Islam protects a form of civilization and scholarship and rejects pure chaos.

So how to actually solve the SJ problem?

wooo this post is a doozy

A Lot To Unpack, as they say

Forget it. They’re just going to vote reliably Democratic, and be taken for granted so the Democrats can do more SJW stuff.

I just wanted to do SJW stuff with my friends!

Isn’t there a word for people who not only want to strip away people’s right to vote based on prejudice but also feel that they have the moral imperative to?

What was it? Fa- fac- face… was it facist?

I’ve found my +5 Ice Pick of Social Justice to be quite effective at banning even the highest level Marxists.

I refuse to believe that the exchange following this comment was real. I find it inconceivable that anyone online enough to fall into that community wouldn’t pick up enough cultural references to understand that this is a joke.

I assumed that it was a joke but I don't get it. What is it? Something about videogames? I've played Tetris before but other than that I'm not really "into" videogames.
It's likely a reference to Dungeons & Dragons, a paper and pencil precursor to computer RPGs of the modern day. Rare and magic items would typically come with a "plus" modifier that increased the chance of successful actions.
Not a very good joke. Standards must be low among nerds.
But they made a reference, to a nerd thing? That's what real jokes are!
It's not a very good one, but it's a reference to A) D&D and B) the Assassination of Leon Trotsky (who was killed with an icepick) At least in british parlance (Trotskyists tends to be entryist for various reasons) booting of "Trots" from other socialist organizations has been called "Riding the Icepick express".