r/SneerClub archives

gettin angry over women trying to negotiate basic labor conditions over here

Tough guys like us show our toughness by meekly accepting our bosses' barely-tolerable terms.
Real men function like ideal worker drones. That's grit baby.
Out of all the limitless possibilities of where I envision myself from behind the veil, I want to be a corporate ladder-climber who doesn't rock the boat.
The best thing about being a wage slave is that if you lick the CEO's boots hard enough, you can *almost* taste what it's like to have actual power, and this more than makes up for things like time off or a non toxic work environment.

I can’t believe this isn’t the businesswomen-at-a-strip-club guy.

One wonders what the reaction to this comment would be if it were a rambling, evidence-less, stereotype-filled comment about men. Or white people. Or Asians, or techbros, or libertarians, or right-wingers…but probably not SJWs.

Of the women I know who’ve gone the career route, only one of them treats it like a man. Because she grew up poor, raised by a single dad.

Step 1: “Men do [this thing], not women”

Step 2: “But wait, I know a woman who does [this thing]!”

Step 3: “Sure, but obviously, she’s Acting Like A Man^(TM) because she’s psychologically broken or something, so that’s baaaaad.”

Step 4: “There, contradiction resolved, the status quo is safe!!!”

“People today are way too pampared-”

Okay, agree so far

“they should work harder for less”

aaaaand you lost me again

I like to think that, by bullying and humiliating these guys (just like their rich asshole heroes do), we're inspiring them to work harder.
Good sneer.
What would Dalio do?

How do I use grievance and entitlement to get more for my group but then mention grievance and entitlement to take away from the other group??

It turns out that sometimes when you throw young boys to the wolves, the wolves become their family.

Wolfdreams01, go on /r/the_pack

Especially since seemingly more and more, we throw young boys to the wolves, and they either make it entirely on their own or not. They lack critical support in school, finding careers, in mental health, being supported during and after marriage.”

True, hence the elevated rates of ADHD diagnoses, suicide, criminal convinctions, etc, of young men and boys. What starts as “ADHD” often becomes “oppositional defiant disorder”, “conduct disorder”, unemployment and finally, a prison sentence. We should fix the system so that rambunctious boys with “ADHD” (I believe the male to female ratio is approximately 4:1, and higher if you exclude “ADD” diagnoses) don’t end up going down this path.

All the rest treat it like something that’s owed to them, with a sizable list of things they shouldn’t have to put up with along the way. Things like how they expect to be able to work from home, or work their own hours. Or how their boss needs to take an active interest in helping them grow as a person and an employee. Or how they need to be told what to do nicely, with sensitivity towards their schedules and out of work stress.”

So, to fix this problem, instead of reforming the school system to help boys and young men get a better start in life we should shame women that have expectations and hopes regarding their jobs? Like, by his standards aren’t they doing the respectable manly thing and “trying to wring everything out of life” that they deserve?

Stand up for yourself! Wait, no, sit down and shut up!
lmao because of people thinking ADHD is ~rambunctious boys~ I had to wait years for a proper diagnosis, thanks dude
I also received an ADHD diagnosis but stopped taking my medication after three years. I still have symptoms as an adult. Whatever you think it *really* is, everybody agrees that it is extremely overdiagnosed. [The link between an ADHD diagnosis and crime is well-established](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3398051/), and [this study found that 65% of children with ADHD developed comorbid ODD](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8824063), as I mentioned. The same study found that 32% of children with ODD had comorbid CD, which leads to unemployment and a prison sentence. These boys (80%, if the 4:1 ratio holds) at least, aren't supported. My own views are that ignoring the gendered aspect of this isn't helpful, and often serves to conceal problems with the way the public school system is unfairly biased against boys, a minority of whom simply cannot cope with the soul-crushing boredom and routine. The 4:1 ratio calls out for explanation, and my account fits well with the fact that boys in general struggle more in school. I'm glad you got a diagnosis and a treatment plan that works for you. We should help both boys and girls cope without ignoring that their "disorder" is partly a systemic problem. You should not have to give children Ritalin to make them behave. You should make school an enjoyable place to be.
The thing about medication seems extremely specific to the US - where I live doctors refuse to prescribe morphine to terminal cancer patients, and there's immense stigma over psychiatric medication in particular (it's definitely somewhat related to the restrictive drug policy here) As for boys in school - I agree it might be more difficult for boys to keep up with girls, especially in the earliest years of education as they mature later. I don't really think schools are significantly biased against boys (when I went to school teachers would be flat out more lenient towards boys, which is of course also offensive) as much as they're biased against any child who isn't perfectly behaved though. I also definitely agree that the school system needs to be reformed badly as it's at odds with what we know about child development.
Diagnosing a rebllious teen with "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" and putting him on Drugs to solve it, because the alternative is Prison, also sounds like a very United States thing to me. And also fucking dystopic.
Is it done that often? It seems that ODD is mostly treated with psychotherapy. I know that in the US it's been fashionable to prescribe atypical antipsychotics for just about everything, including aggression, and that's awful given that the side effects of these drugs include diabetes and permanent movement disorders.