r/SneerClub archives
Got Downvoted for posting the news of death of a Trans women and ICE (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/a0u7s2/got_downvoted_for_posting_the_news_of_death_of_a/)



Rationalists: we are the enlightenned center Also rationalists: bring back hanging
[...for everyone!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOM61lVLgKQ)
> I'm trying to find a link to that one where a user has a panic attack that Ozy wants to genocide him because she argues in favour of white privilege or some shit hey, anybody got it? Oh yeah, that was hilarious. [Here you go. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/8tpcyn/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_june_25_2018/e1d6mri/?context=10000) Ozy says, essentially: "I disagree with conservatives to the point where, according to my morals they're evil. But of course, I don't wish them harm or anything". And the *total dip* who posts it to SSC responds with: >I'm not a conservative at all. I'm very liberal, actually. However, this post still triggered me very hard. (I won't go into the details, but it lasted about five minutes.) And again, I'm the least likely person to be triggered by this...Some could get self-harm crises about this...I can totally see a very mentally ill conservative shooting herself over this. I genuinely don't get how someone so sheltered even gets through a day. Imagine them watching an episode of The Daily Show or something ("My heavens! that man is *poking fun* at the poor conservatives! I need my smelling salts and a divan to faint onto!"). Five minutes of Chapo Trap House would cause their head to explode like the guy from Scanners.
This is the same SSC, of course, that is happy to upvote calls for [genocide](https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/7x0w9y/culture_war_roundup_for_week_following_february/du8r78u/?context=10000) in order to establish a white ethnostate. If your community consistently shits on women, PoC, and sexual minorities, but constantly upvotes and defends white supremacy, I think we have a name for such communities and it is far from "left" or "liberal".
Happy cakeday!
> Jesus fucking christ! No! I am not going to murder anyone or kidnap their children! It seems like Ozy isn't quite aware just how reactionary nightmare fantasy has become fundamental to the social and political identity of many of these folks, and they're not going to give that up just because they or anyone else says otherwise.
>I'm not a conservative at all. I'm very liberal, actually. I'm starting to think this almost always translates to, "I'm a full-moon-howling genocidal fascist who doesn't think the Republican party is conservative enough."
Damn that thread conversation perhaps hits peak rationalist social dysfunction.
[music fades] -Will: So John Podhoretz had a new tweet storm at Long John Silver's this weekend. -Felix: Honestly, it rules how much of a big, wet baby he is. -Matt: Gormless oaf. -[r/SSC](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/DZf1Fxw)
>If there's indisputable evidence of a person killing others they should be metered the death sentence right then and there. I guess that's not as bad as calling the shooter a misogynist or a racist.
> he-she-it _it_
And of course the rest of the sub goes on to argue that there was no intention to dehumanize anyone and the commenter was just confused!
Sigh. Typing out "s/he" for "non-binary / I'm not sure / gender shouldn't matter"-situations isn't that hard -- literally only two more characters than the dehumanizing "it"! But still, if someone insists on identifying as a certain gender, there's no upside to people who aren't that person insisting otherwise.
> she argues I believe Ozy goes by they/them, just fyi :)
You're right, I don't know why I typed "she" for Ozy, and it's the first time I ever have. Weird.

I predict that no one on the right will defend beating and murdering a detainee.

First day, huh?

You see “trans” and “ICE” and think this is peak culture war. But it’s not. I predict that no one on the right will defend beating and murdering a detainee. It lacks the toxoplasma of rage. Similar to how the obviously unjustified killing of Eric Garner by police didn’t inspire nearly as much interest as the plausibly justified killing of Michael Brown.

“Lacks the toxoplasma of rage.” What “rationalist”-speak for admitting that the culture war is asymmetrical, that it’s just whatever triggers wypipo identity outrage. The detainee was a transwoman from Honduras, why would that enrage the right, which is all that matters? It’s a low-key culture war victory for white transphobic racists, and therefore can’t be recognized as culture war.

But also:

I predict that no one on the right will defend beating and murdering a detainee.

In the same comments:

Bigger issue: the feds justly detain someone without abusing them and later the private prison facility used to hold them while awaiting trial denies them medical care causing them to die from complications arising from AIDS. Also maybe some beatings took place. Maybe the private prison guards who are not ICE employees did it. But the death due to untreated AIDS seems to be the bigger issue here.

Instead of defense, how about diverting blame and minimisation?

>plausibly justified killing "I think the death penalty without trial is plausibly justifiable for black people." That's pretty blatant, even for them, sheesh.
This is, of course, "plausibly justifiable" to a scared, angry white Fox News audience, which would include rudimentary behavior to protect one's self from bodily harm, or "resisting."

Similar to how the obviously unjustified killing of Eric Garner by police didn’t inspire nearly as much interest as the plausibly justified killing of Michael Brown.

Holy shit these people.

Looks like things have turned around. 12 points, as of this comment.