r/SneerClub archives
Rationalist is concerned with the most vulnerable people in society. Minorities or trans people? Nope. Porn stars. (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/a1o48s/rationalist_is_concerned_with_the_most_vulnerable/)

Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/a1kxwx/why_doesnt_anyone_talk_about_the_mental_health_of/

Idk man porn stars are a pretty vulnerable group tho

I agree. I just thought it's funny that these guys deny marginalized groups even exist, but the one time they are concerned, it's for the ones they jerk off to and only after seeing something on /pol.
> Porn 'stars' are prostitutes. They are members, along with loose cigarette peddlers, the illegal immigrants outside Home Depot, homeless bums, petty criminals, the long term unemployed, people who live in trailer parks and low-level gangbangers, of the underclass. Like many (if not most) members of that group, a lot of them will be victims of vast personal trauma that led them to their current position - some of it built up over a lifetime, the rest of it short and sharp. >Like most of the above, they are on an individual level a broadly sympathetic bunch, the product of their lives and circumstance, and not the cold-hearted criminals or narcissists they are portrayed as in much of the media. And like the occasional ghetto gangbanger - or indeed the famous prostitutes and courtesans of history - the occasional one will make it big, achieve real success, fame and fortune, lend an air of romance to what is ultimately a sad, dangerous, disgusting and generally undesirable way of life. Few care when they die, even fewer are sad about it. >The truth is that society's lack of concern here is a defense mechanism built over generations. Prostituted women (and, occasionally, men) exist in the chasm of disrespectability. They are accepted, at least tacitly, but the subject of criticism, legal sanction, and mockery. Yes, pornography is legal in America. Prostitution is legal in Turkey. A pressure valve is not social acceptability. It is easy to say these women are victims of a rotten culture, but while it is true that the culture is rotten, *this* aspect of it is no stranger to history. Check out these nonsense fantasy worlds they imagine, though. They somehow have come to the conclusion that sex workers are wretched degenerates despite the fact that the “damaged goods hypothesis” has been soundly falsified and that sex workers are typically happy and well-adjusted. (Of course, one can be happy and well-adjusted while still in a position that leaves them more vulnerable to abuse, but “person who is young, hot, well paid, and has a lot of sex” is not the profile I expect of the supposed dregs of society).

Not really feeling this sneer to be honest. It kind of reminds me of the ‘why aren’t you talking about obviously more serious issue X’ criticisms used to shut down rights activists more generally. I would counter the premise of the OP though, as the mental health of porn stars is an issue I have read several articles about fairly recently (usually as part of a convincing argument that the porn industry is often abusive to the women involved).

This is a fair comment. But you don't think citing /pol and HBDMan1488 isn't cringe worthy?
Honestly I didn't know who JF Gariepy was. But yes I do, now that you mention it.
They're left wing though. They are literally citing the most far right sources they can. But totally left wing.
Yeah, a curious choice of source material.

I’m not sure how credible worthless piece of shit JF Gariepy is on the topic of women’s agency.

Is there a name for that stereotypical fantasy of men who visit prostitutes that their favorite prostitute will fall in love with them and then they “save” them from having to be a prostitute? Because I’m strongly reminded of that.

The *Pretty Woman* fantasy, except with a needy, alt-right-YouTube-loving mouthbreather instead of Richard Gere.

Lmao at the guy for rejecting the null hypothesis because he is almost 100% certain he will if he does the math. So rational.

Eh, he should have started by making sure that the phenomenon existed before studying it, but that's a common newbie error and he came around almost immediately when someone pointed it out. Honestly I'm not seeing much to criticize here. I'm always pretty triggered by the "why doesn't anyone talk about" framing but it's ubiquitous so what can you do.
True. It just cracks me up he was so concerned about porn stars and not real marginalized groups. It came off as an own the libs hypocrisy thing and he was 100% wrong. He also uses /pol and a far right YouTuber as his sources. But they are left wing. Totally. I also really don't like this poster. I had an old account because I told myself I would quit arguing online, and I argued with him over his idiotic Moldbug posts. His post history is a shit show. He is a huge racist that pretends not to be.
If he's really as naive and obtuse as he presents himself, he needs to not have /pol/ as his hobby.
My guess is that he is probably educated and smart, but really naive. He probably sees /pol as a place that doesn't get a fair shake in the media. It looks like he is book smart but doesn't understand how the real world works. This is a man that reads this stuff and wants to study it like a scholar. I can't imagine reading a 4chan thread and thinking I should study this. Dude is an idiot.
Why doesn't anyone talk about how "why doesn't anyone talk about" narratives are usually used to derail whatever we're currently talking about? I mean we're talking about it now but why doesn't anyone ever talk about it?