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Has Scott ever addressed in a reasonable manner why his fan club is full of reactionaries and alt-righters? (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/a2i6c8/has_scott_ever_addressed_in_a_reasonable_manner/)

His subreddit and main site comments are all far right talking points. If he was on the left, shouldn’t this bother him? Has he ever admitted it? On my old account, I posted on r/ssc that his blog and subreddit made me feel uncomfortable as a woman with the comments. Everyone on there accused me of being an annoying white woman who was privileged and wanted to impose my values on men. Then I was banned for defending myself. If Scott lets this stuff fly, doesn’t he implicitly believe it too? Sorry for the rant but I’ve had a few drinks because I have tomorrow off and I was dumb enough to read the culture war thread.

Off the top of my head:

  1. Rationalists like to demonstrate how “contrarian” they are (and thus how clever and free-thinking they are) by arguing for reprehensible political positions. This attracts actual reprehensible people, just like the fake Voltaire quote would suggest (“Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they’re in good company”).
  2. A lot of Rationalists are socially awkward men, and socially awkward men tend to be both drawn to ordered hierarchies (as it’s easier to understand what everyone’s “place” is) and are fearful of political correctness (as their social awkwardness can cause them to not realize when they offend people).
  3. They’re socially awkward but high-IQ, and so it’s an ego boost to read stuff that devalues the importance of the former (ie - is critical of emotion and empathy) and overvalues the latter (ie - talks about how great IQ is and how people with high IQs are better than everyone else).

All three of these tendencies tend to draw them towards fascist ideas like HBD. It’s contrarian (so they can feel like an edgy free thinker), it gives them an ordered hierarchy (so they know where they stand) and it tells them that they deserve to be on top because of their innate characteristics.

Idk everytime Scott starts drunk posting its hyper reactionary conspiracies and other trash like that. So I think deep down he agrees with most of it

Why does he drink
Wouldn't you?

to quote liz sandifer, scooter flirts with neoreaction like a horny teenage boy befuddled by a bra.

he’s a rightist but refuses to admit it, preferring to think of himself as a member of the “grey tribe” like that gives him some sort of special moral character.

good on you for getting banned though, respect

> scooter flirts with neoreaction like a horny teenage boy befuddled by a bra. great line. OK, now I have to buy [Nrx A basilisk](https://www.amazon.com/Neoreaction-Basilisk-Essays-Around-Alt-Right-ebook/dp/B0782JDGVQ) Ok, just bought it and in the intro she's already shitting on Nagle. 5 stars would read again
*Fuck* Angela Nagle. I wonder if Chapo, Jacobin, etc. will ever take responsibility for foisting her on the left. I guess they needed a designated Pepe Whisperer just to prove they really hate Hillary Clinton.
What's wrong with Nagle? I did hear her on a chapocast.
(it's actually pretty bad)
not a fan of Sandifer in general? or is this particularly bad?
I liked the book but I doubt a novice would have a clearer idea of what the Rationalists and NRX folks are about. It's more of a comparison of Yudkowsky, Moldbug and Nick Land's ideas with older gothic works. Outside of that I've got nothing bad to say about Sandifer outside of her weird defense of Andrea Long Chu's brand of bullshit.
I only know her twitter feed and this book, but I was not impressed with it. You get a better overview of NRx just by lurking subs like this and reading a few texts.
It's not really a "primer" on the dumb things NxRs believe. It's ... something different. I quite liked it.
> preferring to think of himself as a member of the "grey tribe" like that gives him some sort of special moral character. The old libertarian delusion that they're above the left-right melee. See also the South Park dipshits.
Most charitable reading (and I'm still doing charitable readings for Scott, he does seem like a genuinely nice dude): Scott saw this group who were not tolerated anywhere and they hit just enough of the "weird ostracised nerd" vibes for him that he felt sympathetic. (Note also his personal experience with SJ-flavored bullying – go [here](http://slatestarcodex.com/2014/01/12/a-response-to-apophemi-on-triggers/) and ctrl+F "rallies"; I'm not asking you to take him at his word that it went down exactly as he says it did, but whatever happened there clearly shaped his perceptions on a lot of things.) So he made NRx into some kind of brave free-speech martyrs. He ended up spending way too much time and intellectual energy on their ideas, and as such he now takes them much more seriously than they merit.
Personally I think this part is worse: >I struggle against this all the time. H.L. Mencken writes “Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats.” Well, this is my temptation. It requires more willpower than anything else I do in my life – more willpower than it takes for me to get up in the morning and work a ten hour day – to resist the urge to just hoist the black flag and turn into a much less tolerant and compassionate version of Heartiste. Heartiste, for those not in the know, is the guy that writes articles like [this](https://heartiste.wordpress.com/2018/12/01/shemale-acceptance/) and [this](https://heartiste.wordpress.com/2018/11/30/slore-of-the-month-and-the-rise-of-the-sexless-slut/) (TW for extreme misogyny, anti-trans slurs, and general horribleness). Apparently it takes every ounce of Scott's willpower to not turn into a *less tolerant and compassionate* version of this guy. All his subreddit and blog commenters are doing is saying the quiet part loud.
Heartiste is a fucking atrocious writer and probably the worst star in the whole NRx firmament. He's also a coward who skittered like a cockroach when he was doxxed a few years ago (which makes him *less dignified than Roosh*). If Scooter was going for the funny there, he missed. *EDIT: Gotta love all the little hints Scott drops indicating he spends a* hell *of a lot of time curled up with PUA, NRx, and white power literature. He's the kid who just got home from camp and desperately wants to talk about the weird porn someone showed him.*
Less dignified than Roosh? Goddamn
Oh god. Just from the URL..
I think it's this: >(Apophemi’s essay complains about being misgendered but doesn’t give me ironclad evidence what zir gender is, so I’m going to use the gender neutral pronoun here as a least bad option. No offense is intended and if Apophemi tells me what pronoun ze prefers I’ll edit it in.) Which sounds like SJ scrupulosity if you don't click through and read the passage he's referring to: >I’m already standing next to her; I lean harder on my cane and say, curtly, “I can’t open the door.” >“You have all these friends who could’ve done it for you. It wasn’t necessary.” >I don’t know what to say. My best friend steps forward. “I’m sorry you feel uncomfortable, but you’re making him uncomfortable.” >“Who?” >My friend gestures at me. “Him.”
Ok, that is pretty shitty. The article makes it pretty clear Apophemi prefers he/him, and refers to being called "she" as misgendering. There is not any ambiguity in the article... ETA: The [about](https://apophemi.wordpress.com/about/) page even explicitly mentions preferred pronouns. Apparently that's too much effort for Scott? Check out a *whole separate page where one is likely to find pronoun information*.
Or just fucking guess? People get this shit wrong all the fucking time!
[Related](https://thingofthings.wordpress.com/2016/07/25/etiquette-about-accidentally-misgendering-trans-people/) (I think?)
Honestly, my takeaway is simple: he's precisely the wrong guy to be running a community like this. He should have enough self awareness to see this. He lacks this level of self awareness.
What kind of guy/girl would be better suited to it? (Honestly curious)
I'd say someone who didn't have the kinds of intrusive thoughts he seems to.
lol, Can someone please dig up his college "humor".
The story is incrediable for two internal reasons: 1. Scott doesn't knows what anti-racism is, so we can safely assume the humor is misplaced. 2: > ...as a result spent a couple of weeks having everyone in the college hold rallies against me followed by equally horrifying counter-rallies for me. Riiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhtttt...... If embelishment, then that's a big head he's got there. If true, then the actual content of the humor might be damning (and that's why its omitted).
Actual reality - he probably wrote something pretty dumb, a few dozen or so people trashed him, some frat boys stood up in support of him.
Definitely about 1,000x less dramatic as his suppressed memories have been "recovered" to have revealed so.
Sometimes I wish he would just go full brownshirt. I've seen a lot of people do this disingenuous little dance for years and years, and it's embarrassing for everyone.
I'm not a Nazi but they make some good points.
The SJWs are exactly the same. Maybe even worse!
There are bad arguments coming from many sides, many sides
I know, right? He thinks he can fool people by making his comment section less right-wing, voting Democrat, dating non-binary people, supporting trigger warnings and safe spaces, writing an anti-reactionary FAQ, and writing a persuasive argument in favor of accepting trans people's gender identity. It's fucking sinister how deep his cover is.
> I know, right? He thinks he can fool people by making his comment section less right-wing Fun fact; he's literally said that his aim is to convince his comment section (which, crazily, he thinks is very left-wing) to become more right-wing: >If I am 30% of the way from socialist to libertarian, and all of my friends are 10% of the way from socialist to libertarian, I think it’s fair to tell my friends “No, look! Libertarians make some good points! We need to pay more attention to the way libertarians think instead of hating them and rejecting everything they say out of hand!” This doesn’t make me a libertarian - I’m still only 30% of the way from socialist to libertarian and so more on the socialist side...I thought I had an SSC post where I explained this further, but I can’t find it. The gist was that if everyone else is at 10% and you think the correct answer is 30%, you can either argue for 30 and have them compromise at 20%, or you can argue 50% and have them compromise at 30%. I’m not sure there’s a right answer to this question, but I sometimes end up arguing for 50% and I think this is at least a defensible choice. He admits he does this by misrepresenting his own positions in an attempt to trick them into a false compromise. What a great guy!
But more recently he demonstrated that he's unhappy with the results of that, and is trying to reverse it.
I think you mean he wants to keep a few token leftists around to appear nonpartisan.
I think Scott is honestly intending to be "balanced", but it's gone too far. By being balanced to both extremes, in an attempt to curtail the abusive parts of extreme radical left, he's left himself open to the "lighter" forms of rightward thinking, in a time where rightward thinking is getting connected to racism more and more these days.
You joke, but I'd like to believe that's it's hard to keep a job in the mental health field when you flirt around with the old Lebensunwertes Leben: >Even more controversially, I think the government has the right to do the same. The lifetime cost of supporting an autistic person is $1.5 million, not including productivity loss of the person themselves. Much of this is borne by the government. The average taxpayer will give about $500,000 over their lives, so it takes three non-autistic people to support each autistic person – even ignoring all other essential government services like schooling and welfare and giant nuclear missiles. Of course, helping the needy is exactly the sort of thing the government should be doing, and right now the government ought to do whatever it takes. But if there is a cure for autism and autistic people choose not to take it but still want the $1.5 million, then the government has the right to start thinking things like “we could lift a whole lot of destitute families out of poverty for $1.5 million.” Everyone has the right to choose their neurotype, but I’m not sure they have the right to make other people subsidize it.

Sorry guys. I didn’t think this post would be such a shit show.

its not really your fault although folks should probably know better than to feed trolls

Scott actually has discussed that, sort of. Here’s the relevant pull-quote from this article, so you don’t have to to go searching (it’s a few paragraphs down from the top of secction III)

The moral of the story is: if you’re against witch-hunts, and you promise to found your own little utopian community where witch-hunts will never happen, your new society will end up consisting of approximately three principled civil libertarians and seven zillion witches. It will be a terrible place to live even if witch-hunts are genuinely wrong.

Basically, what a lot of us have said- that if you open a group dedicated to free debate of any idea, you’ll get inundated with people who have, just, like, the worst ideas. The same reason my high school’s debate club had to institute a “no advocating for eugenics” rule (and this was pre alt-right proper).

He skates so close to self-awareness here, but I don’t think he realizes that this principle applies to his commentariat, too. If he had that realization later, it was after I stopped reading SSC.

> that if you open a group dedicated to free debate of any idea, you'll get inundated with people who have, just, like, the worst ideas. if that was solely the reason then you would have a bunch of creationists, 9/11 truthers and whatever conspiracy theory is popular these days within them.
Thst is a good point, and I agree that there's definitely something else going on (like Scott Alexander being a cryptofashist, or any of PMMeYourJerkyRecipes's points); I was trying to answer the question of what Scott says about his fans.

I don’t think you know what an alt-righter is.

How so? I posted something here a few days ago that used /pol and JF Gariepy as his sources. Search for /pol on the culture war thread and you get like 100 hits. How is that not alt-right? If I'm wrong then please explain why. If I'm wrong I want to know. I'm not trying to be annoying I promise.
you're not wrong. the person you're responding to is just dissembling and casting doubts about ideology, it's a thing nazis do sometimes
snooty rationalists do it too sometimes i guess
That's better!
this is the subreddit for making fun of rationalists? i'm confused by this burn
It's full of apologists, concern trolls, Scooter fanatics, and straight-up griefers, too.
i guess that means i shouldn't make fun of your posts
i feel like i'm watching your brain expand in real time
Not everyone, but you two sure seem like nazis...
You said Mencius Moldbug was important stuff. [Literally a nazi](https://www.unqualified-reservations.org/2008/04/open-letter-to-open-minded-progressives/).
> Not everyone who disagrees with you is nazi seems like a nazi thing to say 😎
The alt-right precludes white nationalism and an opposition to democracy. The alt-right as a movement also died around 2018, and it is not a consistent ideology, but rather was a movement of different people united by their opposition to democracy and support for white nationalism. In short, I don't think you know what the alt-right is and what an alt-righter is.
This is like hipsters arguing about genres of music. You may know a lot about the inner workings of that scene, but OP makes sense using the [Wikipedia definition](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alt-right).
**Alt-right** The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely connected and somewhat ill-defined grouping of American white supremacists/white nationalists, white separatists, anti-Semites, neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, neo-Confederates, Holocaust deniers, conspiracy theorists and other radical political ideologies fringe hate groups. The alt-right intersects with, and to a large degree emerged from, the ideas and rhetoric of men's rights activists, many but not all of whom have to come embrace the alt-right's platform.Alt-right beliefs have been described as isolationist, protectionist, anti-Semitic and white supremacist, frequently overlapping with neo-Nazism, identitarianism, nativism, xenophobia, and Islamophobia, antifeminism, misogyny and homophobia, right-wing populism and the neoreactionary movement. The concept has further been associated with several groups such as American nationalists, paleoconservatives, anarcho-capitalists, national-anarchists, paleolibertarians, Christian fundamentalists, neo-monarchists, men's rights advocates and the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump. White supremacist Richard B. Spencer initially promoted the term in 2010 in reference to a movement centered on white nationalism; according to the Associated Press, he did so to disguise overt racism, white supremacism, neo-fascism and neo-Nazism.The term drew considerable media attention and controversy during and after the 2016 United States presidential election. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28
>The alt-right precludes white nationalism and an opposition to democracy. > > was a movement of different people united by their opposition to democracy and support for white nationalism. It precludes what unites it? >In short, I don't think you know what the alt-right is and what an alt-righter is. Somehow, according to you, the OP is both right and wrong.
Being incoherent to own the libs!
I was part of the alt-right. Of course I'd consider they were right.
Above, you stated that the alt-right both attempts to prevent and supports white nationalism.
Fuck off you stupid piece of shit.
??? fuck are you on about
This is the correct answer.
go away nerd
You should ask someone you respect to read your comment history and tell you how they think you come off.
weird flex but ok
i found ben shapiro in fortnite??
I say this because it's rare to see someone with your talent for coming off as a complete piece of shit in writing.
we are all pieces of shit on this blessed day