r/SneerClub archives

An Argument To Prioritize “Positively Shaping the Development of Crypto-assets”

Neglectedness, Impact, Tractability (NIT)

Blockchain could be a crucial piece of a macro systemic phase shift

Blockchain is a high-impact Organizational Technology, therefore EAs should be part of shaping it positively.

blockchain-based disintermediation will create lots of white-collar job loss, which will lead to political unrest

concentrate specifically on blockchain’s ability to solve Game Theory Problems


I love the varying capitalization: Blockchain or blockchain? The blockchain, a blockchain or BlockChain(TM)?

Because I’m old-school I kept looking for “synergy of emergent processes”, but “macro systemic phase shift” is already a full row. Need to remember that one.

I am wondering why they didn’t make it “Impact, Neglectedness, Tractability (INT)”.

Needs more pickup artistry.