r/SneerClub archives
Laurie Penny reports on a blockchain/cryptocurrency cruise. It's exactly as bad as you think. (https://breakermag.com/trapped-at-sea-with-cryptos-nouveau-riche/)

Damn, that’s some great writing. Funny, self-aware, vicious when it needs to be, but also full of empathy.

The actual content is not news to me at all; I’ve met clones of most of the people she meets, I think. But she captures something of the way those events feel - bright-eyed idealists who don’t notice they’re surrounded by the worst people on earth, unnoticed misogyny pervading like background radiation, a general undercurrent of sleaze and desperation beneath the surface-level sheen, a few scattered “normies” quietly horrified that this is how the people they admire live…

You could write a similar article about Bay Area rationalists.

"the spectacle of an entire community in a prisoner’s dilemma scenario mashing the Betray button as hard and as fast as possible over and over" - QuarkJets on bitcoin
Yep. Laurie Penny is one of my favorite journalists.
It was an amazing read which also made me feel really sad.

In the olden days of cypherpunks and financial cryptography nerds there used to be conferences like http://ifca.ai/fc98/conference/program.html but these were likely a bit more low-key affairs.

this is basically the real-life version of The Basilisk Murders, except with less murderers and more not convicted of murderers

This is a great article! Love Laurie Penny’s writing.

Expected more rotavirus and Somali pirates, TBH.

I promise not to write about what happens at this party, because I’m off the clock, and I keep my promises, even though it was the only part of the whole adventure that gave me any hope whatsoever for the future of humanity. The world still needs hippies, insufferable though they are—and I come out of a culture where people open their homes to strangers, try to believe the best of each other, wear lumpy jewelry, and share whatever they have. This, still, is what the crypto-burners are about. I sank into it with relief. I may have got hammered and chalked some socialist poetry on the walls. I may have listened to straight-laced, lost-looking businessmen tell me about their secret sexual predilections as hippies played the same songs hippies always play on the guitar at four in the morning. I may have fallen asleep in a puppy-pile of half-dressed futurists. I promised no more details. I feel that the details would be less shocking and more reassuring than the people they feature worry, but what do I know? I come from a community where sex and drugs aren’t shameful, but sexism and coercion are. A community where, when a total stranger tells you you can show up at their house anytime and stay for as long as you like, they mean it. A girl I met at that party happens to be sleeping on the sofa behind me right now.
