r/SneerClub archives
The life sentence given to the neo-Nazi who drove into Charlottesville crowd is a blow to freedom of assembly (https://np.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/a2lipn/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_december_03/ebbp1t0/?context=10000)

Note how he assigns no agency to Fields at all. Everything is driven by the actions of wicked leftists.

Fascists would be pathetic if they weren’t so vile.

Also, notice how it's only the leftists choosing violence. Maybe they were 'in a haze of fear and anger', and couldn't help but protest violently. Is this uncharitable? No, don't worry, his first edit changed "mob" to "group" in the initial sentence. Good faith reflection, there.

It’s strange; one of the reasons I joined SSC was I was worried I was trapped in a “liberal bubble” and needed to spend some time engaging politely with intelligent people from the Right to remind myself that decent people can have different politics.

…And instead I learned that 1) they’re about a million times worse than I thought and 2) Antifa are 100% right about how they should be engaged - let the boots do the talking.

Scott successfully convinced me that I was in a bit of a bubble and there were stronger arguments against my positions than I thought. But if I'm being honest, the subreddit's been eating into that newfound good will for a while now.
Isn't Scott himself in a very small bubble?
>It's strange; one of the reasons I joined SSC was I was worried I was trapped in a "liberal bubble" and needed to spend some time engaging politely with intelligent people from the Right to remind myself that decent people can have different politics. SSC and the larger lesswronger community bank *so heavily* on this narrative, and once you take a step back it becomes clear that the whole narrative acts as a mechanism to try to push left-leaning people rightward it kinda falls apart though because everyone they find to be their designated Intelligent Decent Right-Winger is an utterly repugnant monster of a person (remember when they chose *nydwracu*, of all people??)
> (remember when they chose nydwracu, of all people??) No, actually, but as usual I'm curious now
he was the designated pet fash for quite some time the trouble with keeping a pet fash is that they only pretend to be house trained
Found some...colourful records of their online presence, cheers.
wesley's amazing in many ways
One problem I've encountered with the online right is that they can be blind to their own groupthink. They will (accurately) observe that many liberals live in an information bubble. The part they don't say out loud is that they believe that if people are shook out of the bubble, they'll naturally gravitate to the right, because to them, the right isn't a position, it's just "common sense". So they constantly try to "red pill" liberals out of their bubble. Where it goes wrong is they don't realize there's no guarantee that redpilling somebody will automatically bring them to the right. It seems just as likely that somebody "waking up" to their position in a bubble will swing left, or swing to a third position.
> I was worried I was trapped in a "liberal bubble" I've never really understood this argument when tested against the real world. It turns out there are ample supplies of racism and other bigotry out there in the world, whether you're looking or not. Like, is there supposed to be some sort of daily nutritional requirement of poisonous fuckwittery.

He killed someone

this is my favorite comment about this whole situation

See, when I post things like that I get my comment deleted for sarcasm, but if you say it unironically you get gilded.

Authoritarians like to play games of Simon Says with meta rules, tone, and procedure because they get their asses handed to them on the merits.

Look, it’s really important that people should be able to march the streets raving about blacks and jews. I’m on the left myself, but someone has to stand up to those SJW cucks before it becomes literally illegal to be white in this country.

You could change the words a little to make it less obvious parody and get upvotes.

OP’s linked comment is fucking gilded. Warning: play-by-play. This one ticked me off.

Maybe in that final minute he chose to become an unprovoked murderer

Maybe he was a rational free agent. But no, that’s not common. Plz don’t punish this one.

Other scummy murders, fine, they made their choice, they get the needle.

but this is also unlikely given that a murderer would probably have worked up more speed than the mere ~25 mph that he collided at.

It’s not murder if your car can’t accelerate fast enough to kill only one person.

Fields found himself boxed in on a side street, and in a haze of fear and anger

whoops, where did my agency go?

the jury has handed a blank check to radical activists to use violence and intimidation to occupy public spaces, secure in the knowledge that the situation they precipitated will not be taken into consideration should anyone strike them back.

a blank check to not be struck back intentionally with a car

As far as the law is concerned today, Fields is every bit as guilty as if he had just made the premeditated decision to plow through a group of pedestrians in a crosswalk for the sadistic fun of it. This is an obvious farce, and empowers bullies

Those damn bullies who don’t like to be intentionally hit by cars are even more likely to not be intentionally hit by cars. smdh

in the same way all context-erasing zero-tolerance-policies do.

Yeah, if only there was a public setting where elected officials, peers, and well-paid professionals have a chance to consider the context of the actions. Instead, we get … blind policies.

First, they came for the Nazis…

are you shitting me

By not opting for any lesser charge, the jury has handed a blank check to radical activists to use violence and intimidation to occupy public spaces

By giving a radical activist who used violence and intimidation to occupy a public space a life sentence?! Unless Nazis don’t count as “radical activists” lmao

Goddamn but the mods of /r/SSC are a bunch of limp-dick cowards.

They are [about to](https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/a2lipn/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_december_03/ebe1igo/) ban PMMeYourJerkyRecipes for promoting violence while *not* banning the self-identified white nationalist for saying that ramming over protestors should be legal. I don't know if "cowards" quite covers it; on some level, the mods find nazis more acceptable than arguments against nazis.
>They are about to ban PMMeYourJerkyRecipes Looks like they wussed out, unfortunately. I'm hoping for better luck next time!
I think I was confusing you with PMMeExistentialDread, actually. You both posted similar comments in that thread, you have similar user names, and my RES upvote count is at about the same number for both of you. Are you the same person?
Ahh, gotcha. I'm annoyed at myself for posting in that thread, BTW. I knew that they'd just frame the debate as "why are you so mean to right-wingers?" and sure enough; their subreddit being full of Nazis was waaaay less of an issue for them than me being \*gasp* UNCHARITABLE. No doubt I just ended up reinforcing their prior beliefs about how they're all persecuted free thinkers.
Yeah, for this reason I'm sometimes glad I'm banned. Btw, ExistentialDread did end up getting banned: https://np.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/a2lipn/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_december_03/ebhhrxn/

Gotta love the self-admitted white nationalist complaining about the violence committed by evil leftists against innocent vehicles.

Why not just own your shit? You’re in favor of use of force in order to reverse the ‘dispossession of white people’, which is your five-levels-removed-because-you’d-never-have-the-balls-to-actually-get-your-hands-dirty way of saying ‘ethnic cleansing’, so how now this pearl clutching? Own your shit, /u/anechoicmedia.

Advocate for a white ethnostate where you expel non-whites from America? >Completely acceptable on r/ssc. Say we should punch Nazis? >Advocating violence, three day ban. Incredible how well the mods bootlick fascist users, protect them and baby them.
As the [third rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/91th1q/new_rules_for_sneers/) for the subreddit clearly explains, this is not a place to debate racists. So don't ping the racists and invite them in, because they're just gonna use the opportunity to try to 'debate' (= spread their ideology). And hey, that's exactly what happened in this thread! Edit: Oh hey, this is actually also the fourth rule. Banned for a week for forcing me to clean up after your shit.
>user reports: >1: Hello white nationalist While it's superficially funny for me to reply to this wanker by quoting this report, it also chokes up my mod queue, and y'all have been *really* abusing the report button lately: don't do it. If you want to report somebody for being not just a dickhead, but a racist, or whateverthefuck, do that. If possible I want a summary of the *actual* issue because I don't tend to want to bother reading the stupid shit idiots like this say. Ya dig?

Sentencing hasn’t happened yet. What a sad, chronic masturbator.

This trash is unreal.

Responding to comments like this is of questionable utility, because it’s just a concentrated dump of “I don’t like you, violence against you is good”. We’re seeing a lot of that today.

I don’t know how to really square this with the fact that it’s being said in the defense of a murderer who plowed into a group of protesters.

Ugh we live in a wild time, where people trust the narrative over what they can see with their own two eyes. Watch the video, you see dude pick up speed and clear open ground before ramming people. How is that not intentional? The only debate should be between 1st and 2nd (ie did he go to the rally looking for an opportunity or did he snap?), not whether or not he did it at all ffs

Wait. What is the difference between starslatecodex and slatestarcodex?

The crying Nazi meme, I think, captures this genre of reaction pretty well.