r/SneerClub archives
Wow guys, against all odds I got my hands on an early draft of James Lindsay's/Helen Pluckrose's piece on Social Justice. (https://www.conservapedia.com/images/7/7d/Imagef90e812f-6091-4de8-b0ae-ccff5df1d9ce.jpg)

I prefer their older work… what was it called, Expelled?

It looks like this draft was from two years before *Expelled*, though they share *Discovery Institute* material. I assume it's only a matter of time before Peter Thiel or the Mercers pull of something institutionally similar for "anti-SJW critiques" appear systematic and not a bunch of reactionary knee-jerks.
god help me I'm currently 6k words into reviewing a book it's by one of the founders of the Discovery Institute ^(and it's about "blockchain")