r/SneerClub archives
"Left Moldbugism", 2018 contender for the J. Posadas Memorial Prize for Wokest Meme Ideology (https://fragmentsandmachines.wordpress.com/2018/09/14/left-neocameralism-a-heretical-rethinking-of-mencius-moldbug/)

so, as far as I can glean, the proposal is to divide the state into a network of democratic cooperatives engaged in free-market competition. not sure why the author thinks this is a novel idea / feels the need to tie it to Moldbug. Edginess points, I guess?

b/c sadly more leftists know of Moldbug then of [Elinor Ostrom](https://www.economist.com/obituary/2012/06/30/elinor-ostrom)
>Cites Kevin Carson >Doesn't mention mutualism or market socialism >Pretends to have a new idea
like he cites Proudhon in the essay! I'm so confused
Heck, that's arguably *Nozick's* schtick in Anarchy, State & Utopia.
Uh, because in a society of networked democratic cooperatives engaged in free market competition, the end result is NOT a society of networked democratic cooperatives engaged in free market competition. /u/Marxist_Vargism, what do you think of capitonationalism?
fuck off nerd
He's following in the proud anarchist tradition of endlessly recreating capitalism with minor cosmetic differences and calling it a new ideology
What do you think of capitonationalism?

User RiverC comments on Nick Land’s blog Outside in, that “Neo-cameralism is, if viewed in this light, a ‘political system system’, it is not a political system but a system for implementing political systems.”

Wait until they discover the prefix “meta-”, it’ll blow their minds