r/SneerClub archives
[SERIOUS POST] i know we're all here to sneer but i think the SJWs have finally gone too far (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/a7iwub/serious_post_i_know_were_all_here_to_sneer_but_i/)

They’re coming for Thomas the Tanmk Engline. This is the literal cornerstone of Western Culture and the sjws are going to DESTROY it by adding females and tropicals to the cast. I was so busy posting sneers so I could get extra virtue points and redeem them for free Apple products that I never stopped to consider the effect I was having on the world. I fear it might be too late now. A world without an entirely white childrens show about anthropomorphic trains is a world beyond saving. There are years which history remembers as disasters for the western world…. 476, 1453, 1945. In the future there will be another year, 2018, remembered as even worse than these, that is, if people in the dark future to come even keep written records or will have the intellectual ability to understand what years are. We are doomed.

Truly a betrayal of the series’ fascist roots

Honestly I wish they would go back and re-read the chapter “in the Cathedral” wherein they draw the name for their conspirators.

The section describes a parable of a man who comes to a gate, wishing to pass through on his way to Law. The gatekeeper however says “not right now”. The man pleads, begs, tries to bribe the keeper, tries to reason with him, but the gatekeeper insists that he cannot let the man through as per his instructions from his superiors on the other side of the gate.

For years the man tries to pass through and is rebuked time and again. Eventually the man sets up outside the gate, living their full time, constantly inquiring about when he can pass through the gate, but still it’s never the right time.

Finally, at the end of his life, the man lies down, surrendered, ready to die. In his last moments he looks at the gatekeeper, stone-faced as ever, and asks “who is this gate for? Who could pass through?”

“This gate was for you. You were the only one who could have passed through. But now your time has passed” says the gatekeeper, shutting the door as the old man dies.

What are we to take from this? What I took is that the nature of this type of power is predicated on the consistent, willing participation of those whom feel victimized by it. The only thing between the old man and the gate is the gate keeper, and the gate keeper is only there to keep the old man from passing through the gate, and the gate only exists as a trap for the old man.

The dreaded “SJWs” live on the same power, whether they are real or not. This is not news in spite of outrage, it’s news because of outrage. The changes to this show are noteworthy specifically because conservative pearl clutchers have set up the “media” as the arbitrator of culture; the media tells you what is culture, and your option is to demand to be recognized or to complain about recognition, I.e the pass through the gate.

But this power only happens because the ssc user chooses to listen. If nobody told him the Tank Engine cast was getting woke, would he know? Would he care? The problem exists wholly inside the ssc user, who allows himself to be told which pieces of info are important and politically relevant. He hands his agency over to another party who tells him what culture is, rather than deciding so for himself.

The solution to all those users complaining in the other thread is simple: don’t like the direction the show is going? Turn off the television. Problem solved. But that would require walking away from the gate and living life on your own terms, or to pass through the gate, gatekeeper be damned. Much easier to stay tuned in and let others tell you how to think, tell you whether the culture belongs to you.

And protip for all these folks, the media will never tell you the culture belongs to you. That’s the magic trick, that’s why they produce it and you consume it. Turn it off, it’s your only hope, less you plan to spend the rest of your life staring through the window of a party you’ll never enter.

Good copy pasta. The only solution is to kill the gatekeeper.


This is my favorite new racial term. It’s so festive.

Dude, calm down, you are ruining it for all of us. We cannot have public meltdowns like this, they will find out. Just take some of that Soros Money and rub it in your Face, until you feel better.

Thomas the Tank Engine, rebooted as a dark mecha harem anime.

This but unironically


Imagine believing that an experienced military and political leader deposing a 16 year old figurehead represents a “fall” for an empire birthed in coups, sustained in counter-coups, and obsessed with retroactive legitimacy

You should include the link to the discussion (unless you were trying to avoid boner’s mewling around here again, in which case nvm).

The problem is that people on SSC don't recognize the gravity of the situation. The calm rationalist style of discussion is preventing them from acknowledging what an unmitigated disaster this is for the western world. Such mild mannered and spineless sheep have no hope of winning the culture war, let alone the literal real war which is right around the corner.

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