r/SneerClub archives
r/ssc discusses women in films. It goes exactly how you think it would. (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/a8mc25/rssc_discusses_women_in_films_it_goes_exactly_how/)

Generally expected galaxy brain takes in there, but some of it was… surprisingly good?

The problem with the Ghostbusters approach is that it mistakes evincing shallow feminist sentiment (“take that, misogynists!”) with actually being feminist (having meaningful female characters that transcend retrograde cliches). The Leslie Jones character being a sassy black woman stereotype was particularly egregious. The Evangelical Christian equivalent is something like “God’s Not Dead”, which is more about the characters dunking on atheism than modelling Christian virtues.

That’s pretty much the most succinct description of what was wrong with the new Ghostbusters.


Because they're mostly teenage to 30-something male nerds. I say that as a 30-something male nerd.
No hero's journey for the chaos dragons.
>Often action movies revolve around an hero risking their life for X. The set of valid X is much smaller for women They're clearly not familiar with material survival rates during childbirth throughout much of history. >because women are not the disposable gender And they're clearly not familiar with the data on female infanticide, but when they are, they pull up all this crap about men fighting in wars even when said grown ass men have the (often risky but still favored for many millennia) option of escaping the country. Still, none of them can point to hard evidence of baby boys literally being disposed of and leaving the country's gender imbalance with a glut of women by millions (which is the gender switch of what happened in China & India)
But bearing children is what women are *supposed* to do. That's our purpose. Pregnant women get special treatment from everyone -- privilege, you might even say! How is it heroic for a woman to potentially risk her life for something she's obliged to do anyway? ETA: Also, pregnancy involves fewer explosions. Hopefully. Though I've heard things.
> Though I've heard things. Curiosity piqued
Need /s. I’m sure you could find someone saying this the cw thread.
> what women are supposed to do they still have the same teleology of religious people, they're just atheist liberal capitalists
> How DARE you. Cameras are for ranting into, and posting on YouTube (like a true intellectual) Is that why they like PewDiePie so much now or is the overt racism? Probably a little bit of both tbh.

This is symptomatic of a larger issue, which is that most mainstream media today is one note anyway.

Like a user is complaining about one of the women in Game of Thrones being too powerful. But everybody in that show is powerful and violent, it has the depth of a puddle. Can’t have interesting/rounded female characters when few of your characters are interesting or rounded anyway

The current most popular web serial among the rationalist crowd is, like, fuckin’ whole ass hog into the asskicking strong female character shit. How hypocritical are these bozos.

PGtE is popular on /r/rational, but that sub is much less bad than /r/SSC. The posters there buy into stupid rationalist ideas to various degrees, but my perception has been that there's much less of the extra racism, sexism, and general terribleness of /r/SSC. I wouldn't be surprised if people in the culture war thread either hadn't heard of PGtE or did in fact consider it to be "SJW propaganda".
Here's a sneak peek of /r/rational using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/rational/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[RT\] \[HF\] Mother of Learning Chapter 91: A Path Paid in Blood](https://www.fictionpress.com/s/2961893/91/Mother-of-Learning) | [520 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rational/comments/9q9kkt/rt_hf_mother_of_learning_chapter_91_a_path_paid/) \#2: [\[RT\] \[HF\] Mother of Learning Chapter 92: The Scramble](https://www.fictionpress.com/s/2961893/92/Mother-of-Learning) | [441 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rational/comments/9x7kcg/rt_hf_mother_of_learning_chapter_92_the_scramble/) \#3: [\[RT\] \[HF\] Mother of Learning Chapter 85: Critical Mass](https://www.fictionpress.com/s/2961893/85/Mother-of-Learning) | [334 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rational/comments/8mmdf8/rt_hf_mother_of_learning_chapter_85_critical_mass/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/8wfgsm/blacklist/)
Scott managed to somehow create a fan club that took the worst things about Rationalism and combined it with the ~~worst~~ things about the anti-SJW crowd and HBD crowd. It truly is a remarkable accomplishment.
>The current most popular web serial among the rationalist crowd Which? Girl Genius? I don't have a good handle on what's popular in the crossover between those interest groups.
Practical Guide to Evil. It's practically the biggest one on the subreddit as a matter of fact.
Oh, you said web serial, not web comic. Got it. Thanks!

Swear to God these guys are just incels with thesauruses.

Hi, my names Chloe and I’m currently doing a study on women in the film industry. The rise and fall of women in front of the camera. It’s all about what the industry is like for them, why is it necessary to remake films with an all female cast. My main focus is to look into why we need this rise of empowering women on screen, when that’s how it should of been in the first place. Because men and women should be equal on screen. I was wondering if I could get any of your opinions on these topics and maybe how you see the future for women in film? Thank you, Chloe :D