r/SneerClub archives
How dare you be concerned with a realistic scenario rather that scifi speculation!? And you didn't even tweet out a formal proof that paperclip maximizers are impossible! (https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1077112062612975616?s=19)

I mean maybe when tweets were 140 characters you could claim they weren’t big enough to contain your proof, but now you have no excuse, and no right to criticise Big Yud unless you can prove to his satisfaction that he’s safe from bad robot and will live forever thanks to good robot.

These systems leave no room for humanity, yet they define our daily lives. When I began rebuilding my life this summer, I painfully discovered that they have no time for people who have fallen off the grid — such nuance eludes them. I came out publicly as transgender and began hormone replacement therapy while in prison. When I was released, however, there was no quantifiable history of me existing as a transwoman. Credit and background checks automatically assumed I was committing fraud. My bank accounts were still under my old name, which legally no longer existed. For months I had to carry around a large folder containing my old ID and a copy of the court order declaring my name change. Even then, human clerks and bank tellers would sometimes see the discrepancy, shrug and say “the computer says no” while denying me access to my accounts.

From Chelsea Manning’s op ed. But sure, Roko’s Basilisk is a much more pressing issue.

As a novice sneerer wth is #octothorpe thelastderail?

This is the only hint I could find https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/979595816586244096?s=20
Wait so it’s just Yodel Mountain for bad robot paperclip death?
>You're being too charitable, which is also a bias. This wasn't a neutral "of these two risks, here's what I think their relative probabilities are", it was an obvious putdown of people who visibly care about the second risk.
rationalist slang is a conlang, and like all conlangs it is only understood by like 5 insufferable nerds
5? I would think the average for a conlang is <1
So, you know how when people are talking about climate change, and some conservative in the back chimes up with "the real problem is that liberals will use 2 degrees of heating as an excuse to push big government", and sure, more expensive fuel *is* bad, but it's like the guy doesn't even realise that climate change exists beyond another card to play for near-term political battles? That, but for AGI risk.


Yeah, but now it's all automated so the people responsible for the administrative work of randomly fucking people over can leave their jobs to become Python coders with five years of experience and/or homeless (which is good because then we can sell them million dollar bachelor apartments). It's the perfect system. If you disagree then you're probably a luddite and/or a socialist. Also the Nazis were socialists.
"Neoliberal colonialism is good because it's WHITE PEOPLE who are in control, digital beings are amoral, possibly evil" - crypto-fascist liberals

I’m beginning to think Yud doesn’t actually believe this shit, and it’s just a way to get LessInformed people to donate to MIRI, thereby enriching him and enabling him to spew more BS like this (the cycle continues).

I've seen no evidence he isn't completely sincere.