r/SneerClub archives

The original intent of this thread is to foster cross-factional discussion and insight in a relaxed, intellectual atmosphere. We’ve drifted a fair bit, but I can promise us mods will kill the concept before we let it become an unqualified bashfest.

Your promise ain’t worth anything, obsidian. heterodox_jedi and werttrew already quit the mod team. If you’re saying “the mods won’t stand for it,” well, that already happened. The people left over are the mods who don’t care. If you quit too (and you should if you stand by your own principles), the subreddit will still be run by mods who don’t mind the unqualified bashfest.

The only person who can “kill” the sub is bakkot, and he is absent. Without bakkot around to supervise, there is nothing in principle preventing the subreddit from becoming an unqualified bashfest, because you guys will never ban the 70% of users who are only there to bash. Your only recourse is quitting in protest, which, again, already happened.

I like how they cite someone not being banned for implying misogyny in the culture war threads as proof that they aren’t “boo outgroup” but also want that person banned. If they’re accused of wanting to be more “boo outgroup,” will their heads explode from “but actually” overload?

Posting on there was a huge mistake. They have been sending me PMs non-stop focusing on one of my comments about breaking up with a guy. I almost deleted my account because of it, but I don't want to let them win. I only posted on their stupid board one time, but they have all these stupid conspiracies about me. They have proven my original point.
They say you're also a Machiavellian genius utilizing this account, as well as "Austitic Thinker," to instigate a "war" between the subs. As if anyone here has the time or gaf to do anything beyond sneer. In any case, siege for the siege mentality.
Ha! I have to laugh. I'm just a girl who was obsessed with Tumblr because of Supernatural and then found rationalist Tumblr and got obsessed with EY and LW. Then I went to the Rationalists meetups and dealt with creepy guys twice my age. Yes I hold a grudge! I'm not some crazy genius though. I just wanted to make fun of them a little. They think I'm way smarter than I am.
Fuck off, creep.
You should save screenshots of those PMs. The mods of ssc might actually ban them for that, which would piss them off even more.
They are all throw aways. Not a single one posted under their real screen name. Every single one I was a dumb white slut though.
Well that sucks :-/
Yeah not a single one would say anything on their own account. Of course, they all found one thing in my comment history and focused on that. So rational. Calling me neurotic apparently made them happy.
It might be one single dedicated hater, in which case the admins might do something about it. Are you still receiving messages?
It's no fun if they can't have it both ways. Most importantly, they must always be victims.