r/SneerClub archives
/r/neoliberal quotes Big Yud’s early fiction as utopian vision (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/abmmlf/rneoliberal_quotes_big_yuds_early_fiction_as/)


The plan seems to be

  1. Everything sucks and altruists fail to do anything about it.
  2. ???
  3. Everything is great and altruists are bored because there is nothing for them to do.

In classic Yudkowskian small-L libertarian style, no mention of politics or government whatsoever, or even economy—an omission from the programme that seems to have gone unnoticed by the “neoliberal” poster.

One is tempted to assume friendly AGI fills in step 2, but I never read the source.

This is the one with the super weird and out of place rape thing, right?

Edit: Yep. For context, up until this section humanity is presented as Federation-esque enlightened moral paragons, having yoked major decision making to a quasi-priestly order of hooded rationalist elites. So the implied reading is that adopting the normalization of rape is a product of them being more rationalist than us. It totally comes out of left field and he doesnt expound upon it at all. I think he later said in comments that this was supposed to be a remark on the incommensurability of sexual ethics between generations, but that really doesn’t fit with the rest of the meta-ethical purpose of the story in which humanity is playing the part of “us, perfected”. He just inexplicably gave his utopia normalized rape.

For the record, the story is actually pretty interesting as far as ethics parables go. If it was shorter and DIDNT HAVE AN ASIDE ABOUT RAPE BEING OK it would be a useful prompt for intro ethics writing.

I think the first section, with the explanation about the baby-eating aliens is good. It's a cool science fiction short. The rest I found to not be that good, even aside from the super uncomfortable rape thing. Which is not a sentence I ever imagined myself writing, and "it's good except for the bit where he says rape is okay" is just more words for "it's bad". Also, this story had a HPMOR-style "final exam" which I found incredibly pretentious even at a time when I thought HPMOR was okay.
Akon be like: "Wow, feeling sexually safe must have been so *boring*!" Yeah, sure mate.
Well yeah, these dorks hate consent since they just view it as an obstacle.
we should use the phrase "you were that prude?" more here

I’ve spent the last several years building up an immunity to Eliezer Yudkowsky.

This is not the Princess Bride remake I wanted.
two-gobleting on Vizzini's Problem

no mention of politics or government whatsoever, or even economy—an omission from the programme that seems to have gone unnoticed by the “neoliberal” poster.

AFAIK the sub is pretty sanely populated tbh (and in fact, some of comments there are doing the sneer too).

Anyway it seems like the official Yud just actually posted. In a kind of serious, self conscious, way if I had to say.

I used to go there and it's starting to become shittier and shittier lately.

Did you know that it’s possible to talk about good things without having to give an exact plan as to how they’ll be achieved every single time?

Did you know that it's possible to talk about things without acting weirdly smug when it's completely not warranted by anything?
Usually, but I decided to indulge a little since we are on the sneering subreddit.
The subreddit is for sneering at you tho, not for you to sneer in. No fun allowed buddy