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Nah I’m good

This is all going to be really embarrassing in a few years.

seems pretty embarrassing right now, tbh

this conversation is a vision of hell and everyone involved in it is an instrument of satan

“there are people who specifically seek out broken people who are manipulators who are looking for easy marks,” which is a demonstrably true statement

This part seems like talking sense. Everything beyond that point just gets weirder and weirder. I can’t even tell who is arguing for which side anymore, just that they’re all very angry about it.

I can't even tell how to interpret that threading representation!
leviathan-supersystem is literally a Holodomor denialist and *still* comes out looking better than the Rationalists

I feel like these people could hear a bland positive statement like “Always remember to take care of yourself and drink plenty of fluids” and interpret it as “We must exterminate the low status males from this planet in the name of cultural marxism and for the eternal life of Stalin’s memes”

Is there anyone who would say, "I'm a lot happier, and my life is objectively better, since I started walking around obsessing about The Cathedral and the Culture War"?
I mean the stock options I get from working for Cultural Marx have really diversified my portfolio
>~~I~~ We mean the stock options ~~I~~ we get from working for Cultural Marx have really diversified ~~my~~ our portfolio
Better to live one day, one miserable, glorious day, as an Enlightened One, fully in control of my powers of Rationality and capable at last of stripping away the cloaks and veils of lies that surround the machinations of the wicked men whom control our very world through the power of The Cathedral than to live in blissful, piggish ignorance of the same, all while coddled by liberal media, anesthetized through (((soy))) products and morally neutered through the sinfulness of homosexuality--better one Enlightened day I say to you--and upon this point I shall make my stand for to know the truth and the shining, blessed light of the AI God is greater than any number of lifetimes of petty human "happiness."
Yummy pasta. I'm keeping it.

Anybody in this thread smoke weed?

I slonk fat doinks bruh, u?

I saw the first response was from brazenautomaton before even reading it and, well

Dude has enough problems that I don't feel comfortable making fun of him It would be really nice if literally anyone in his community he might actually listen to would push back on his depressive nonsense, but none of them seem willing to do that so.
it's a difficult situation because the guy clearly is sincerely troubled, but also it's clear he uses that as a pretext to be a complete prick to people all of the time, and the lesswrongers hovering around him enable that in every way i don't know what the solution is, but i don't think it's for everyone to continue carefully tiptoeing over his eggshells while he tramples over everyone else's.
A fair number of people have in fact tried to argue with him or to gently nudge him in a more reasonable direction; it doesn't work. I've never seen him change his mind about anything, and usually when people argue with him he ends up concluding that they too are just popular people going after him as an easy target. There are a lot of people who used to argue with him and eventually gave up, and ended up blocking him or at least ignoring him. Basically if you consistently argue with him you end up having the same highly-emotional argument over and over, and no one really has the energy for that. So the only people left interacting with him are people who... don't do that, either because they find his views relatively unobjectionable or because they've decided to walk on eggshells around him, like you say.
he actually horrifies other rationalists
A lot of these guys feel ripped off by self-improvement (particularly PUA and "entrepreneurship" scams, in a lot of cases, I'm guessing), so they gravitate toward subcultures that could not have been better designed to actively make them socially *worse*.
i don't bear any ill will towards him personally but i am disproportionately invested in the idea of him finding some decent-ass treatment for his major major *major* depression. like. please. bring some light into this man's life. i don't care about his views, please just make him happier and dissuade him from being a fucking douche to other vulnerable people
> decent ass-treatment *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by )^[xkcd#37](https://xkcd.com/37)
ETA: >_<
Hey no need for that, ass-treatment might help too.