r/SneerClub archives
/r/SSC user posts a meme, gets downvoted and banned - just kidding, the meme was pro-HBD so he gets no ban and 50 upvotes (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/achgor/rssc_user_posts_a_meme_gets_downvoted_and_banned/)


I think this is very unfair; in all my time on /r/slatestarcodex poking fun at all the nazi nerds, I’ve never resorted to an outright meme, as I assumed the mods would shut that shit down. Had I known that Patrick memes get an exception… why, I would have had so much fun! For example, to j9461701 if you are reading this, a Patrick meme just for you. It even has the same beginning as yours:

“So we have overwhelming evidence IQ is mostly genetic yes?”


“And we know IQ tests are very good measures of g factor, which is as close to true multi-factor intelligence as we’ve ever found”

“Current research data says that’s accurate”

“And we have had large increases in virtually all IQ tests over the second half of the 20th century all over the world, increases too large to be attributed to genes, right?”

“Sounds accurate”

“So then you’d have to agree that just because something is ‘mostly genetic’ it does not mean that environmental impacts cannot have a large effect on it?”

“That’s unscientific PC nonsense and I will not tolerate it!”

The best part is the poster’s comment on a reply that pointed out the impact of the non-genetic portion of IQ: >Do we observe that? This sounds sarcastic but I genuinely don’t know. Human biology isn’t one of the things I know a lot about.

Maybe if you don’t know much about human biology you shouldn’t be posting racist memes that claim your position to be the scientific one?

It's weird to see one of them break kayfabe like that.
It's an oddly common phenomenon once you get in the habit of [pulling on loose strings.](https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/a6n725/which_technologies_hypothetical_or_real_have_the/ebxwxgp/)
He's losing the argument so bad he's retreated into arguing there's no scientific literature on sleep deprivation, then you get a week-long ban for saying "google it"? I swear, **TP0** has blackmail material on the mods or something. Dude might be the biggest piece of shit on that subreddit (at risk of pointing out the obvious; his name is a transphobic slur), but somehow not only does he never get in trouble for constant rule-braking and general bad faith behaviour, people who argue with him seem to get banned a hell of a lot.
On the other hand, if i was trying to moderate a subreddit supposedly focused on high quality discussion, i can understand being really annoyed at people who say "google it".
TFW you're trying to moderate a high quality discussion forum and you realize you're on ssc.
hmm, today i will moderate my high quality discussion forum <--- clueless
If your opponent demands you prove the existence of something that obviously exists, they're already acting in bad faith. "Google it" is a reasonable response. In this case; **TP0** doesn't want to talk about the possibility that sleep deprivation might impact IQ test performance (because it destroys his argument), so he's trying to pivot. By getting **RandyColins** to link to some specific scientific papers, TP0 can instead argue about the quality of those papers or otherwise change the subject. **RandyColins** doesn't take the bait and gets banned for it.
I don't agree that a response to a bad-faith "opponent" (interesting choice of word) is likewise acting in bad faith - on discussion boards like reddit a conversation isn't just for the benefit of the participants but also for the people reading it. If youre talking about something IRL you can just say "fuck off" and leave because you only have to worry about how you and the other person will read it, but i don't think that makes sense to encourage on reddit (again, for a board like SSC with a fairly specific purpose).
>I don't agree that a response to a bad-faith "opponent" (interesting choice of word) Oh fuck off.
Sorry, was just trying to make a joke there :(. I side with Randy here and generally this sub...
If I was trying to moderate a sub for high quality discussion I think I would probably start with "no usernames that are transphobic insults".
Just one way in which sneerclub has higher quality discussions than r/SSC.
ys thats fucked up .
As it so happens, I explained the [rationale behind my choice of words](https://www.reddit.com/r/CultureWarRoundup/comments/a6wvab/rssc_xpost_culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of/ec2f6p5/) elsewhere.

“And we know IQ tests are very good measures of g factor, which is as close to true multi-factor intelligence as we’ve ever found”

I can’t stop boggling at how horridly stupid this sentence is. Every read makes me feel some more gray cells evaporating away.

I guess I’ll go read some astrology almanacs for a change of pace, which - as we all know - are as close to true prediction of future as we’ve ever found.

Mostly when it's exactly what they want to be true.
It's definitely how they approach any attempt at giving POC the kind of opportunities that could eventually close the IQ gap. "Well we already tried giving black schools more money and it didn't work, so there's no reason to think that we could help black students in any way."
Remember when the subprime mortgage collapse was caused by authoritarian liberals forcing the poor banks to make risky loans to minorities, knowing they were genetically incapable of making good on them?
Reading about that train of thought really fucked me up because I spent a lot of time on philosophy of science specifically because of the subprime mortgage collapse and wider crisis in general
I got one of these guys yesterday in a podcast interview, where he tried to get me to justify the SEC's existence in realtime, in the face of FORCED MORTGAGES TO THE POORS
Look, I put a whole dollar into the Ronald McDonald House donation box and poverty still exists. Welfare is doomed to fail.
By giving them money, you’re only incentivizing children to get cancer. Why do you like sick children?

The non-genetic portion of IQ is randomness. The shared environmental portion of IQ is zero.

Definitely no bad faith here.

“So then you’d have to agree that just because something is ‘mostly genetic’ it does not mean that environmental impacts cannot have a large effect on it?”

you have to know basic biology or basic stats to understand that.

or, you know, not be a racist

This reminds me of this great article I saw showing how group differences in traits can be caused by environment even with 100% heritability.

Here’s the gist if you’re pressed for time

I’m really loving how offended they get at being called out for racism, it shows their hand. If they had actually calmly and rationally proved racial supremacy, it wouldn’t be racism, it would simply be science.

Instead, they seem a bit touchy that their claims might be examined, a bit afraid of scrutiny or inquiry. When confronted with evidence to the contrary, all they have is downvotes. So rational.

What’s even weirder is their attachment to the word “race.” Like, there are *other words* you can use, dude.
Weirdly, I think they’re pretty cool about tone policing and rhetoric based arguments. If you point out that writing a fake dialogue where you make your opponents look stupid might not be a convincing argument, they seem to agree. But if you go after the thin factual basis for their arguments they unleash a flurry of downvotes.
> writing a fake dialogue where you make your opponents look stupid This is a huge and essential part of Scott Alexander's shtick. (Presumably qualifying as "microhumor.")
For a second (when I was looking at my comment reply notifications) I thought you were talking about the baseball player and was thrown for a loop.