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Real Truth Confronter Jonathan Haidt writes a letter of support for Boghossian delineating how he might have used an institutional position to commit outright research fraud, but ordinary fraudulent papers are not as ideologically useful as the ones he and his colleagues produced. (https://twitter.com/peterboghossian/status/1084326030825873409)

The things we found out over the weekend were that

  1. Their resident galaxy brain Lindsay is already pivoting to describing their project as “postmodern from the start”

  2. Pluckrose told me that they had hired their current documentarian long before the first papers were conceived because they assumed they would need the “help” to “get the word out” about their project. Apparently this is a very very normal thing for a scholarly endeavour.

  3. chrisiousity told us that they had outside funding before starting the project that has not yet been revealed, but an ex-TA of Boghossian revealed just how far Boghossian was in alt-right circles shortly before the project began, including flying Sargon in for his philosophy class.

Lindsay's Twitter makes me wish I could give wedgies through the internet.
He has a doctorate in pattern recognition, you see. [I find this tweet almost makes up for it.](https://twitter.com/mccormick_ted/status/1074462005648605185)
Lindsay makes frequent references to being a mathematician, but he has no publications listed on MathSciNet. So a sad irony of his life is that he seems to be better at writing papers in a subject he despises than he was in his chosen field.
If this were a novel, Lindsay would be a pretty dark character who shows the bitter difference between a lot about contemporary people trying to put in an effort and successfully distracting trolls.
> including flying Sargon in for his philosophy class. What in the everloving Christ
Gotta watch that video. It gets *so* juicy.
look, "postmodernism" is a word meaning "making shit up" that's just *science*
So, is Sargon Alt-Right? Because I think he's just a shitlord pseudo-intellectual. The Mario of YouTube {Skepticism} Are you putting him in the same bin as Richard Spencer? Because the "alt-right" that he represents kinda doesn't exist anymore as a semi-organized force. Or does alt-right just mean "internet skeptic anti-progressive republican?"
he's firmly in the alt-lite box at the least, and has a habit of Heated Gamer Moments. He's quite heartily part of the cluster.

Fascinatingly, Haidt appears to take the view that it’s the “social constructionist” aspect of Sokal’s hoax that got his article published, suggesting he never read any of the relevant material - but more importantly rather bizarrely making it far more explicit than need be how much his letter of support comes from a place of preferential political sympathy with Boghossian.

>Fascinatingly, Haidt Those words should not be together. It is impossible for Haidt to be fascinating, just look at his face.

Can someone give me the run down on when faking data is ethically acceptable? Is it just if it’s embarrassing for the journal that accepted the article with the fake data? Wouldn’t letting Boghossian off the hook because of his own political beliefs about the legitimacy of the “grievance studies” fields be exactly the kind of consideration of moral/political beliefs Haidt is decrying?

>Can someone give me the run down on when faking data is ethically acceptable? Generally, it's okay to use deception in a study if it's needed *and* approved by the IRB. They didn't do the latter. Things like resume studies do this all the time. What wasn't cool was letting the fake data get published. They should have withdrawn the study as soon as they got their acceptance letter. There's potential harm in letting another researcher start a project based on their fake data. I don't think there evidence of that in this case, but the hoaxers admit they only stopped the project once they got found out. They were willing to keep the fake data published as long as possible. >Wouldn't letting Boghossian off the hook because of his own political beliefs about the legitimacy of the "grievance studies" fields be exactly the kind of consideration of moral/political beliefs Haidt is decrying? Yes. Boghossian also argued that he shouldn't have gone to the IRB because there was no harm. But, the purpose of the IRB is for independent researchers to make that determination, not him. The rules on human subject research apply regardless of potential harm. He'll likely get a light punishment, since there was little harm.
I admit that I meant all the questions in my post rhetorically, but I am happy for this very informative reply!
No worries! I've been explaining this stuff for a few days. The hoaxers have been depicting peer review and IRB stuff very incorrectly, so imo it's a good use of my time to clear up any misconceptions. Plus, these guys are ridiculous.
But the IRB itself is kinda overkill Brazil-esque nightmare.
It is another administrative ~~step~~ hurdle, and conservative in the sense of minimizing harm, but it's one step if you prepare and compare to previously approved studies. This one isn't much different than, say, a resume audit. Plus, Lindsay has stated if they couldn't get approved, Boghossian would have backed out, and him and Pluckrose would proceed. That's fine, but it's harder to pretend it's a study without a professor on board.

In fairness to Haidt, him misspelling Boghossian’s name as Bhogossian is pretty funny

Of course, the inevitable comparison with Alan Sokal is there, even though it doesn’t change anything to what Boghossian actually did.

Maybe I misinterpreted Sokal, but I always assumed he had more of a point than LOL LIBS R DUM.
Sokal was complaining about misuse of scientific concepts/terms in humanities scholarship, which definitely is a thing that happens but I'm not sure if it happens that often (the only person I can name off the top of my head who has definitely done this is Irigaray), as well as the relationships posited by some people between scientific inquiry and reality (which is another big can of worms). His paper was only accepted because it was sent to a journal that didn't actually reject things, and they told him to remove some of the nonsense stuff, so it's not clear what it actually proved. Also he didn't have any data to fake, so there weren't any official ethics violations.
I imagine the editors of Social Text assumed that a prominent physicist publishing under his own name would be doing so in good faith, and that he, as the subject expert, would be accountable for the scientific content of the article.
They did, and they said as much.
Sokal defended Boghossian on this one. I thought Sokal was a lefty (Actual Marxist to boot), though of a very stemlordy sort he hasn't milkshake ducked has he

Christ, the title of Haidt’s professorship is quite a load of bullshit.

This is what I don’t understand about the ‘grievance studies’ hoax. They wanted to prove they could get ‘conceptual penis’ style nonsense into more established journals, and they failed. So they wrote a bunch of ‘the kind of papers that get accepted by the kind of journals they wanted to laugh at’, and some of the more reasonable seeming of those got accepted. But surely you don’t have to write fake papers to laugh at ‘the kind of papers that get accepted by the kind of journals they wanted to laugh at’, because those journals are already publishing those kind of papers, and if you find them ridiculous you can just laugh at them without any additional effort. The only extra thing they brought to the table was that they didn’t believe in their own work. But LEJ Brouwer didn’t ‘believe in’ classical mathematics when he was publishing his early work in topology. Does that mean math is debunked? Should Math. Ann. be ashamed for publishing a ‘hoax’ paper?

Math isn't real though. Only feelings are real. Wittgenstein told me so.
I'm a mathematician, and I've come to the conclusion that math is mostly an elaborate fantasy world. But then I've come to the same conclusion about everyday life, so it's cool.
You should read some Wittgenstein. He taught us how words don't have meaning either, only feelings have meanings.
I've read Tractatus and PI, and also Hans Sluga's book about him.
I have no idea what math is. It's fun though. I like it.
me but for being alive
I don't know enough about the publishing end of the humanities to know whether or not the journals in question are "real". And I literally have a Minor in Humanistic Studies, because at my school it was a better history program than the history program. I remember doing a bunch of stuff on cultural reletavism, but it wasn't presented as "think this way or you're racist" I do see an argument that maybe this just reveals what a joke the journal process is, almost making it vanity publishing at some of them.
Well, journals in all fields lie on a spectrum between 'literally no filter at all' and 'extremely selective'. Science is by no means immune to this. See, for example, [this](https://retractionwatch.com/2014/02/24/springer-ieee-withdrawing-more-than-120-nonsense-papers/) sting on OA science journals. Note also that there have been lots of cases of extremely respectable science journals publishing stuff that, on closer inspection, turned out to be bullshit. What happens is that authors can learn to follow particular 'codes of conduct', and if they do so they can sometimes get rubbish past referees, even at good journals. It seems like some fields even internalized faulty assumptions about what constituted good statistical methodology to the extent that large amounts of the canon should probably be erased from the record. ​ Something like this seems to have happened in this case. The author's tried to publish something like 'the conceptual penis', that made no effort to conform to good practice in that community, in a respected journal and found that they could not. So they put in what seems like a fair amount of effort to learn the right 'code of conduct'. They were successfully able to do this (it probably helped that two of them were already humanities scholars), so they did what they did. My point is that this doesn't tell us much about the quality of work done in that field, as we either already thought it was mostly nonsense, based on what was already being published, or we thought the ideas they got accepted weren't as stupid as the authors believed them to be. ​ It may reveal something about the standards of some journals, but we need a comparison to the standards of other fields, which as we know are far from perfect, to make a real judgement. ​ For what it's worth I think there probably are some quite silly ideas floating around that branch of the academic literature (as there are in many others), but I don't really care, because it has basically zero influence on the world. The Right likes to hold up 'crazy ideas by crazy leftist academics', but what they're really concerned about is what I would consider perfectly reasonable social reforms.
>They wanted to prove they could get 'conceptual penis' style nonsense into more established journals, and they failed. What do you mean, failed. They had 4 complete BS papers published, and seven more in the pipeline.
I think the operative phrase here is "established journals"
7 were accepted, and 2 more were under review in a state where they would likely be accepted with major revisions (read: less hoaxy). The other 5 in the pipe were either in their first iteration (1), rejected (3), or similar to the first 2, but worse(?). So they went 7/18 ignoring the 'revise' papers. The highest journal "rank" was #9, and that was the one with huge amounts of data for a testable hypothesis (dog park). Other ranks were in the teens or higher, which are not successful ranks in any field.
I have to disagree about teens not being 'successful ranks'. There are lots of fields where you'd expect journals ranked in the teens and lower to be solid and have good standards at the very least.
I double-checked. For gender studies, it was #9, #20, #31, #36, #40, #57, and one unrelated (poetry). Worse than I remembered. Way worse than their claim of "top journals". Obviously, rankings are imperfect, and standards may vary. But it's all hard to generalize, since the hoaxers didn't bother to try this in another field. Or, submit only to the top 10 or so. Or list all of their rejections.
I don't know what the situation is like for gender studies, but math, for example, has lots of fairly small journals, and the '9th best' math journal in any sensible ranking is going to be very highly regarded, and #57 is going to be pretty selective too. Most ranked journals in math are reasonably selective for correctness, though some are not able to attract many submissions that are also interesting. I mean, I'm not defending this hoax at all, as I think I've made clear with my comments elsewhere in the thread. But, while the claim of 'top' journals is essentially false, if their 'study' had indeed demonstrated that journals with those rankings routinely accepted rubbish papers, then that could also plausibly be cause for significant concern.
Maybe I was too hasty on "any field". I work in a pretty multidisciplinary field of chemistry, and nearly all of the other fields I talk to shoot for top 10 journals. You can publish in a lower one, but unless it's highly specialized, the reviewers are way less cutthroat. The crteria shifts from "is this actually a novel result" to "does this seem valid". You definitely start seeing more of the fawning language Boghossian et al saw from their reviewers. That's what struck me the most. But, maybe gender studies is very different.
No worries. Math is probably an outlier, at least in STEM, though I think parts of the humanities are closer to the math side than the science side.
>though I think parts of the humanities are closer to the math side than the science side. That now makes sense to me. Mods, pardon my ultimate sin: my priors have been shifted in sneerclub.
Lol. In the authors' [own words](https://areomagazine.com/2018/10/02/academic-grievance-studies-and-the-corruption-of-scholarship/): >“Are we correct in our claim that highly regarded peer-reviewed journals in gender studies and related fields will publish obvious hoaxes?” was answered nearly unequivocally and in the negative by November. >...nothing like “The Conceptual Penis” would have been published in a highly regarded gender-studies journal.
Do look up what they actually got published. These were all quite silly papers with obviously nonsensical data. Yet somehow..
What data is nonsensical?
The one for Dog Park. Even the most cursory look reveals it to be made up nonsense.
It'd be more productive if you said something specific beyond 'it's silly'. What's nonsensical about it? Any other studies strike you as nonsensical? And how?
Examining dog genitals from any distance is kinda hard.
Is it? If they're not long-haired, it's trivial. If they're well groomed in the rear, it's also easy. Maybe some are hard, but not enough to justify 'obviously nonsensical' imo. Edit: BTFO by standpoint epistemology (I've owned dogs AND checked genitals)

It’s hard to buy the “fraud” argument since there was no intent to leave this on the permanent academic record. On the other hand I think failing to gain IRB (ethics) approval is a clear violation and he will have to face appropriate consequences for that.