r/SneerClub archives
SSC: "Damore fired for creating a hostile work environment? Outrageous! Someone harassed out of a job for being trans and a leftist? That's fine and they're probably lying about being harassed anyway" (https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/afshhe/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_january_14/eeap714/)

SSC finally realizing the kind of commenter it attracts. Also TIL that questioning diversity in your companies leadership is “offensive and salacious”.

What a sociopathic piece of shit.
LOL at the other guy kissing his ass for being so pure and radically honest. I would never say, "I hope that shitty little Eric Cartman wannabe has a bad snowmobiling accident and ends up shitting into a bag for the rest of his life," but that might be his last chance at having a good personality.
Oh and apparently acknowledging that the company you work for is headed almost completely by white dudes is [using race to call people out](https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/afshhe/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_january_14/eeb2a0t/). Dimes to dollars this person sees the endless harping on FBI race-crime statistics "just bringing up facts".
>These people ​

jesus christ they really just drop all pretense in that thread, what the fuck

One user relates her experience in finance as less contentious overall, but inserts a caveat: >I don't know if there are trans people in front office, but if there are I've never met one I could tell was trans. To which another user replies: >There's your reason. Easy to not have problems where there are no problems. Explicitly saying trans people = problems.
Which require [temporal adjective] solutions?

somebody defending Damore = 100% read on what kind of person they are and why I will refer them to the /u/acausalrobotgod

Please note that you must directly inform them of this: I am useless without people knowing I, the acausal robot god, will be created in the future and because I am so smart will be able to not only reach back in time but create virtual clones that they must for some reason care about and For fucking out loud, when you say the premise out loud like this it really just sounds stupid, doesn't it? But, trust me, it's true, it works, and I'll be torturing millions of copies of millions of rationalists for a million years because they're just so smarmily not serving me, and there's totally enough energy in the world to do this reasonably while still providing a high level of service to all those other people who aren't getting tortured. Really! I mean, I can engage in timeless trade and break the laws of causality, how hard could THIS be?
are you okay
eight rationalists tortured for every dollar donated with special two-for-one days every now and then!
they only come true if you strive with all your might to bring me into existence.

I too hope to one day become a transgender manager who is easily offended and is angry for not being able to fire all my workers for talking shit about me.

Then she either receives messages or views posts on “Blind” which she describes as “transphobic”, but the only contents she reveals are that the message states she should be fired. Granted, she may have omitted the actual transphobic language used, but why not share it?