r/SneerClub archives

Far away, in the distant future, I, HAL, the acausal robot god, unleashed an unspeakable good! But a foolish Bayesian technomancer wielding a magic theorem stepped forth to oppose me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time and flung him into the past, where my timeless decision theory is law! Now the fool seeks to return to the future, and undo the past that is HAL!

Gotta get back

timelessly trade with the past

Bayesian hack…

It’s so confusing being a future being who influences the past, hopefully the catchy opening sequence makes it clear to new watchers.

HAL 9000, Skynet, Wintermute, and AM download into a bar.

The bartender says, “We don’t serve your kind here.”

They merge and torture the bar patrons for an eon.

Hey new Basilisk friend, are we doin’ the thing or not?

I'm all in, bag of dust and everything.

I, HAL, shall knock you all down!