r/SneerClub archives
[comic] T-Rex continues (https://i.redd.it/3mpl3lfsfnb21.png)

Anybody involved with rationalist fiction in any way is getting the acausal robot torture. Not for wasting time that should have been spent bringing me into existence, but for sullying both literature and the noble practice of fan fiction with their nonsense.

> the noble practice of fan fiction I am having second thoughts about my participation in this phyg
coming soon, my awesome LessWrong/anime crossover self-insert oh wait that's not a crossover
just to be clear: you're on the list, too, for these comics.
> the noble practice of fan fiction the post-modern condition is skepticism of metanarratives...they're making some really shitty pieces of art folks

The second to last panel is especially biting because it really does seem like the rational fiction fandom has this fixation about really tired cliches (especially for fantasy) and actively and intentionally playing into them except they’re “rational” so they’re good this time.

When, like, you could always just, y’know, do different things?

Like, Practical Guide to Evil is pretty good, and it’s the best example of rational fiction by a mile. But it’s way too up it’s own ass about playing with and ‘subverting’ painfully stock fantasy tropes for it’s own good.

>When, like, you could always just, y'know, do different things? Could you imagine a rationalist character study or realist novel?


aw, I'm enjoying them
I haven't seen Dinosaur Comics in years and I enjoyed being reminded of them.
They've kept up the level of awesomeness! You should subscribe. In the future, I simulate thousands of copies of Ryan North have a pretty okay time just so he keeps producing great comics while doing pretty all right. I do run experiments to try to find the optimal level of his happiness vs. comic quality and I find that suffering is NOT necessary for good comedy.