r/SneerClub archives
"The defining feature of Sneer Club is its project to suppress truth and enforce a demonic totalitarian agenda. This is the same project pursued by SSC's moderators and by those who harass and threaten Scott ... but it is a much larger project. This project is the project of the Democrat Party." (https://old.reddit.com/r/CultureWarRoundup/comments/akmh13/rssc_xpost_culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of/ef6wyqv/)


I look forward to his next blog post about how sneerclub was right.
gosh do i love bullying
How is it that Scott, someone obsessed with the ancestral environment and man as a monkey-machine, doesn't recognize the value of societal shaming in order to discourage harmful or anti-social behaviour?
I actually tried to make this case, ages ago, on the main blog. The counter arguments were the predictable "but they'll turn your weapons against you," which of course they will.
it gets a bit tiring at times, but hey them sweeet Soros bucks
plz bully
Which is pretty funny because CW is by far the most popular feature of /r/LessWrong.
Here's a sneak peek of /r/LessWrong using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LessWrong/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Nick Bostrom's classic, remastered for a wider audience.](https://youtu.be/cZYNADOHhVY) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/LessWrong/comments/8ekk13/nick_bostroms_classic_remastered_for_a_wider/) \#2: [How did reading "Rationality: From AI to Zombies" benefit you?](https://np.reddit.com/r/LessWrong/comments/9zy209/how_did_reading_rationality_from_ai_to_zombies/) \#3: [Frontiers of Gerontology | Eliezer Yudkowsky & Aubrey de Grey \[Science Saturday\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB2ftGpFVPU) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/LessWrong/comments/933tan/frontiers_of_gerontology_eliezer_yudkowsky_aubrey/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/afd0dd/blacklist/)

You are deeply evil people, and you are part of a deeply evil project. Your long struggle to threaten, blackmail, and terrorize Scott, to invade this subreddit from the outside and overwhelm it with hordes of simple sneering enemies, to destroy it - well, it’s not quite at an end, because it never will be, really? At least not in your lifetime. But this particular leg of your villain’s journey is at an end. Was it worth your time?

.u.zontargs would undoubtedly be embarrassed that I’m speaking so dogmatically in his defense, but it remains true that he is our Scott now - you have missed this boat. Your efforts to cheat him and defame him and destroy him have failed, because any honest person who’s been keeping track of what’s going on knows. We know, Zorba. We know how disingenuous you’re all being. We know how much bullshit is contained in each post you all make. We know how you act, what agenda you act on behalf of. We do not trust you, and we have not trusted you since we started paying attention. We know what you promised, and even when you promised it, we were not expecting you to follow through on it. We simply kept track, for later comparison. .r.CultureWarRoundup is where we will be, now that your already thin pretenses have decayed to the point of breaking. Anyone else who actually cares about truth-seeking conversation will be there, too. We will tolerate all honest discussion, and we will not tolerate enemy action.

someone SRD this

How can you type this up and think anyone will take you seriously again?
A tinge of r/IAmVeryBadass to that, as well.
I would have skipped lunch if I knew I was going to be having something this rich.
This should go on the sidebar.

now that SSC prime seems intent on killing the culture war thread

Is this paranoia that they can’t Nazi as much as they want to even there, or are the SSC mods finally realising that they are in fact defined by the literally white nationalist plurality of comments on the subreddit they are literally responsible for?

edit: well, gosh! How long until they freshly Nazi up the sub again

> Also, we talk about really weird stuff here. That's intended, and it's something I like about this community; however, given the weirdness, Scott Alexander no longer wants it on /r/SlateStarCodex. "Weird."
haha we should exterminate the undesirables. Spork! lol im so weird
lol im so random excuse my heated gamer moments
>I in no small part got modded for gushing about Jordan Peterson and achieved the most Quality Reported comment for criticizing toxic masculinity as term. If that's not enough, well then I spent Christmas turning a living, breathing animal into sausage and this. By hand, myself, every step of the way. Maybe I'm am not a traditional "conservative", but I certainly red tribe. Weird.
SSC mods reading the sub through nazi-filtering glasses: >hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very weird!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO weird!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!! DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein weird again ^_^ hehe…toodles!!!!! >love and waffles, >t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m
[Weird in certain ways common in the hard sciences.](https://i.imgur.com/Uknj3vm.png)
>doesn't respect boundaries but gets laid anyway I believe the word you're looking for is "rapist".
Someone pls explain this "meme", it baffles me :P
It's a nerdtastic version of the "nice guy" view. The guy on the left is actually respectful to women, but in turn gets ignored by women (but dammit he's *smart!*). The guy on the right is a douchebag, who is stupid and cruel and a rapist, but he says the right stuff about women on Twitter, and thus gets laid. Ponder the mind that believes such garbage.
(Hello all, new to commenting but have been reading this a bit as catharsis after discovering "rationalists"). I think this garbage is at the core of many of these people's worldview. They think they are entitled to women after fulfilling criteria X, Y, and Z (which will vary depending on the personality of the Nice Guy in question). They convince themselves that these criteria are "rational" (and that "rational" is even a meaningful category here). Since women don't surrender their bodies (& time, attention, emotional labor, etc.) upon fulfillment of these criteria, women are irrational. And from women being irrational easily follows all the other things that get sneered at here: anti-feminism, anti-anti-racism (the slide from anti-feminism to anti-anti-racism to racism is fascinating and awful), anti-anti-Trumpism, all of it.
Yes. I think it's mainly driven by scott himself realizing that. The idea is to keep his slatestarcodex branding clean. The nazism on the main sub will just have to be more subtle now or not about "the culture war".

it’s wild how these dorks are always going on about an imaginary leftist campaign against scott when in actual real life scott ended up getting doxxed by some reactionary incel weirdo on the suspicion of having shadowbanned brazenautomaton

like, the most softball possible criticism from the left is a CAMPAIGN OF EVIL HARASSMENT AGAINST SCOTT but the actual doxxing by an alt-right incel is totally small potatoes, i guess

what, what?
[mentioned here](https://asundergrowth.tumblr.com/post/178481891190/but-what-about-me-objects-the-educated-white-guy) fwiw. in which, quite apart from all the rest of his extensive catalogue of horrifying opinions and personality traits, brazenautomaton continues to be the *densest* motherfucker.
thank you so much for this link
Details? (You can leave out the actual content of the dox, but say more.)
i mean there's not much more to it than what i described- brazenautomaton posted on tumblr saying that he was pretty sure he was shadowbanned on SSC. then one of brazen's followers reblogged it to add "@slatestarcodex CARE TO COMMENT DR. \[scotts real last name, and a link to scott's profile on a medical website\]??" scott then commented "nobody's shadowbanned, you however are permabanned for doxxing me though" and then the doxxer commented with more of scott's information and also to be antisemitic at scott. anyways the doxxer, in addition to having a lot of fascist content on his blog, also had a lot of links to the blog "omega virgin revolt," so they're clearly an avid fan of that blog and it's ideology, and honestly might even be the person who runs that blog. (to be clear, brazen didn't co-sign this and was clearly very upset that one of his followers had chosen to do something like this. however, i feel brazen should reflect on how his conduct might be attracting an unseemly crowd who could do harm to the people he cares about)
Ah. Thanks for the details. And brazen needs to -- well -- reflect on the choices he has made.
> And brazen needs to -- well -- reflect on the choices he has made. things that will never, ever, ever happen
Honestly, as a guy who tangentially follows normie-levels of alt-right tactics (see: Andy Warski, Ralph Reports, etc.), the self proclaimed "IBS" crowd (~~Irritable Bowel Syndrome~~ Internet Blood Sports) want nothing except anti-SJW drama, including doxxing and harassment. You need to be chin-deep in faux intellectual alt-right steelmanning to not see this coming. Seriously, I can't think of anything comparable on the "sJW" side [edit] as the willingness of the shittiest alt-right to doxx themselves at the slightest provocation.
... huh

Hello, it is I the communist logician. My two goals in life are to suppress truth—fuck you, Kant—and support the Democratic party!

*Democrat party
\****DEMON***crat party
Well. *This* is what real truth seeking looks like.

side note but lol at the idea of the democratic party hating masturbatory elitist technocracy

r/ssc is soon moving the culture war thread to a new subreddit. Many commenters are not happy. They are especially salty in r-culturewarroundup, the right-wing sneerclub-in-denial. Happy sneering.

When the "culture war" threads became their most popular by far, it was only a matter of time before the mask started slipping: it was always just a place for right-wingers with a thesaurus to pass around a bong packed with their own farts, thinly veiled by occasionally genuflecting on the altar of "devils advocacy"

I think it’s inevitable that the culture war will either reach a boiling point or the right wing will fade from existence and our civilization will implode from decadence and insanity.

Hrm, yes, conservatives— those people who are our civilization’s stalwart defenders against decadence. It is actually The Left who are in favor of a society in which medical care is a primary cause of bankruptcy while billionaires purchase yachts with on-board imax theaters.

Decadence lmao. These dweebs read the wikipedia summary of a pop history book on the fall of the Roman Empire and they decide that that’s exactly like what the SJWs are doing to us dude!!!

"Decadence" is of course measured by how many pronouns a society has. Its root *dec-*, meaning 10, refers to the number in use at the nadir of Roman Cthulhu-left-swimming-ward; the association with a corrupt and fallen culture came afterward.
"Decadence" has been (((Decadence))) since the early 40s at least, something to do with they think Jews promote porn and, idk not working hard I guess?
And, of course, they destroyed the Roman empire by tricking them into adopting weak Christian morality. As opposed to the greatest church of all time, Catholicism.

Now, I’ll take a page from your kind’s playbook. This is my “ragequitting SSC because everything’s fucked here and I give up on dealing with you people” post. It’s not really ragequitting, though, because curiously, I’m not experiencing anger as I type and send this post - by this point, I’m mostly just laughing and feeling good and smug

and my mouth isn't filled with bloodm, it's victory wine
He is in fact, *actually laughing rn*
[zontargs is our Scott now](https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/akk8nc/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_january_28/ef72vzo/).
[ahahahahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA](https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/akk8nc/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_january_28/ef791eq/?context=3) CIVIL WAR NOW!
when you were just a few years too late to run with the neoreactionaries

The richest vein of sneerworthy material since the Sequences?

If nothing else, the salt can be used to grit the roads.

I have only ever had but one prayer, and it is this: “Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous”, and He has granted me this.


don't disappoint me like that

The Democrat Party.

now I so so so want Laura Loomer to handcuff herself to the railings outside MIRI

This is the same guy who wants the U.S. to own South America. Apparently me not thinking that’s a good idea is part of a “demonic totalitarian agenda”? I’d say the exact opposite.

This but unironically