r/SneerClub archives

Link. I will never understand these people. SPN is probably the most inclusive and least racist show on TV, and somehow they bring it into the culture war. RIP Sam and Dean. Rationalists are analyzing your show.

But to be serious for a second. How the hell can these idiots read the same books and same nerdy stuff and come to these opinions? That is what pisses me off the most about these people. Like, how are you going to read Wheel of Time and become a Nazi?

But to be serious for a second. How the hell can these idiots read the same books and same nerdy stuff and come to these opinions? That is what pisses me off the most about these people. Like, how are you going to read Wheel of Time and become a Nazi?

This is something I think about probably way too much. As far as I can tell, in terms of lived experience, I have more in common with those guys than with most of the people who have the same opinions as me. So where did our paths fork?

For now, it remains a mystery to me.

>As far as I can tell, in terms of lived experience, I have more in common with those guys than with most of the people who have the same opinions as me. What lived experience? Being a middle class white nerd? There are shitload of us in almost every ideology. There are leftists, liberals, libertarians, you name it, with the same stereotypical nerdy interests.
Decency and character?

You have to remember these are all the same people that read Douglas Hofstadter and then became singularitarians.

Aside: there's a great comment from somebody in cog sci or something in a thread on Hofstadter on /r/askphilosophy. Speaking to some friends/colleagues who know the guy personally, they ask them, "so what *do* you think of his stuff"? The reply is glorious, even paraphrased: "He's not bad, but on the other hand yeah I also had ideas for breakfast"

You abbreviated the word “Supernatural” to “SPN”?

That's been the de-facto abbreviation for it for years now, I believe.
> [Actual Serial Killer type shit](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/am36kj/race_blind_casting_is_bad_unless_supernatural/efj3p97/?context=2)
I'm honestly not sure what you mean by/are referencing with that (or why you linked to a comment you made that's, like, directly above mine...)
I mean that the abbreviation is Actual Serial Killer type shit, not sure what's supposed to be unclear about any part of this conversation
I can't tell if you're referring to some piece of media/information that's named Actual Serial Killer, associating the abbreviation of Supernatural to SPN as the behavior of someone who's an "actual serial killer" and using capitalization for emphasis, or anything else that could fly over my head but I can't identify.
> and continuing to prosecute the other end of this surreal conversation. Well, it's worth pointing out that the shit you're saying doesn't make any fuckin' sense.
Get some rest dude
Thank you for clarifying.
lel how do you feel about physicists abbreviating supersymmetry as SUSY? I guess if Actual Serial Killers came up with the abbreviation it would be SPSM, which... oh boy
it's been the abbreviation the fans have used for many years
I'm standing by my principles as expressed elsewhere in this thread
I respect your principles though I don't understand them.
they did it in the linked thread too, weird.