r/SneerClub archives
The singularity is not near: The intellectual fraud of the "Singularitarians" (https://www.salon.com/2018/05/13/the-singularity-is-not-near-the-intellectual-fraud-of-the-singularitarians/)

I want to like this, but, uh, salon

Come on the singularity isn’t near. It already happened. The AI’s are called corporations, and they run on people.

Also, they hate it here.

The intelligence explosion just isn’t as explosive as people think. And swap out ‘make paperclips’ with ‘make profit’.

Here they are, telling ghost stories about Paperclip Maximizers, while the automatic subject has been going at it for 300 years and shows no signs of stopping before climate change has fried us all. ​ This is the most utterly bizzare thing about singularitarianism/superintelligence for me.
look global warming is clearly a hoax. We need to stop the untermensch from breeding and taking up so much resources else our technofuture will never arrive. (/s obv) (That reminds me, anybody here ever read hplusmagazine? What happened to that blog thing was weird as fuck). And yeah, I agree the lack of worry about climate change is pretty strange to me. (scotts recent post which feeds 'it is all just overblown leftwing overreaction' bias thinking also doesn't help).
What I find strange in rationalist culture is that they are obsessed with AI because of x-risks but don't acknowledge that these are still completely theoretical risks. If they were really concerned about extinction they would focus on climate change, which we all know is real.
Perhaps intellectual masturbation is easier than actually changing your life/behaviour (and political activism). I know I fall into a habit of intellectual pursuits over actually doing shit myself.
I think it's that, combined with the feeling of superiority you get when you discuss topics like AGI which most people know nothing about. The whole "the future of the universe is determined by the first AGI's utility function" is really a way of feeling important.

the singularity is near

look busy

> look **one-boxy**

Singularity is the most bullshit concept which I’ve actually seen be taken seriously.

oh hey, it’s Corey Pein!