r/SneerClub archives


>[fourteen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words) most embarrassing oversights ​
If you wrote that yourself I'm seriously impressed
It's copypasta from lesswrong with a couple edits to add Scott in and rephrase as him critiquing his fanbase

Wow, that sub looks like quite something.

Also, fuck you OP for making me read the words “math pet” once again.

That sub is [substantially better than ssc, ](https://np.reddit.com/r/RationalPsychonaut/comments/92tf9d/jordan_peterson_misrepresents_studies_on/)which is kind of funny. Edit: Apparently 2 years ago they were [more sympathetic toward his grift and nonsense. ](https://reddit.com/r/RationalPsychonaut/comments/5hbhtq/jordan_peterson_is_one_of_the_wisest_people_on/)
>Wasn't that simply taken very far out of context? Oh look, it's the typical defense of Peterson. What is the context for his comments? An alternate reality?
Oh, that was unexpected.
I'm ootl on math pets, please explain?
It's [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/8sjxm9/comment/e10kds2), but don't say I didn't warn you.
excuse me what the FUCK
You were warned. Now you know and you can never unknow.
oh god o fuck im quitting my math degree and i never want to think about math again for fear it will remind me
Take a deep breath. Don't do anything rash. The first few days are the worst. Eventually you'll develop coping skills, although sometimes I still have flashbacks when I gaze upon a particularly tricky PDE.
[CW: math pets, sexual assault, suicide] Holy shit. Read up on this, it keeps getting worse. The math pet thing, weird. But I get it, kinks are weird. (Imagine being punished for saying 0 is a prob ability however, and poor people with dyscalculia). But then it keeps getting so much worse. Sexual assault, suicide, scening in public, blaming victims, not getting the concept of consent, being unwilling to change as a community over this, not seeing this as a huge problem, and then the kicker, scott (*) implying it was all in her head, and not getting the concept of [revictimisation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victimisation#Revictimisation) (A wizard/psychiatrist should know better!) *: I refuse to call him [scooter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbB3iGRHtqA) for pisces pricing related reasons.
> (A wizard/psychiatrist should know better!) That's the craziest thing about Scott. If he was just a random guy, I'd think, well, maybe he's just misinformed, a lot of people are like this online, right? But he's not your average Internet-surfing basement dweller, he's a person whose job requires him to interact with people and know stuff about those people. So how can he have his head so far up his own arse?
Peterson has the same problem. Esp in the whole trans pronouns debacle. (But he does it constantly, recently I even saw peterson proudly take up the stance that when people misunderstand him, he doesn't have to explain what he means, he just repeats the first statement in the same wording (which means he fails as both a psychologist and a teacher). Then was smug about it and mentioned this in an article somewhere with something like 'these liberals just don't understand me'). /angry rant