r/SneerClub archives

This sneerworthy response:

‘What should we do when our civilization faces existential threats?’ Reactionaries: ‘React to reduce the threat.’ The Left: ‘Um, what’s an ’existential threat’?’

he typed, breathing 400 ppm atmospheric carbon
The level of extreme brain smartness necessary to think that brown people having babies is more of a threat to our civilization than fucking climate change is quite a sight to behold. No wonder we are intimidated by their intellects.

Ovary Action Ares


Or, perhaps “ovaries”?

when your community definitely doesn’t have a sexism problem

notch already coined "ovaryaction" as a rejoinder to "mansplaining", which, while he may a dweeb, is pretty good.

The right: ThE lEfT cAn’T mEmE.

Also the right: Keeps recycling a meme old enough to be wearing Victorian muttonchops.

To be honest, I have to say I appreciate your dedication to making everything about Herbert Spencer
If the facial hair fits....

gotta love that their understanding of political terminology is limited to their first assumption of what a word means based on what it more or less sounds like

The like by Yud makes it scarier, either it means that he also doesn't know what it means, or he goes with 'spreading the misunderstanding of this concept further in joke form is good because it 'triggers the libs''.

(Retweeted by the big Yud himself of course)

I'm sorry, the guy who freaked out at a technological restatement of a wrathful god and went on a mass delete spree in his private community thinks he can call other people "overreactionaries"?
These nerds are afraid Skynet is gonna get them arrested for all that very normal stuff on their hard drives.

“Reactionary” means to respond to stimuli, so sneering at this tweet is reactionary, or overreactionary, or whatever. James Lindsay’s political intellect, however, is in a coma, so he wins this round.

Guess what I was suptweeting [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/amvped/yudkowsky_subtweets_us/efsyhmk/) [wikipedia helps](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactionary)
Yeah, that's kind of what I'm mocking above, thinking 'reactionary' is just reacting in general.
It is worrying that upon encountering a new term, people who want to be rational, go 'I'll just guess' and not look it up. (everybody does it of course, but it is like such an obvious pitfall).
More worrying is when such a person looks up the term and then adopts it as a badge of honor and/or self-understanding.
'im reactionary about freedom'