r/SneerClub archives

Jesus fucking Christ


It is the idea of reputation economies (like in [eclipse phase](http://eclipsephase.com)) and going 'this is a good idea' and not ['ARGH STOP! DONT DO THIS!'](http://eclipsephase.com/cory-doctorow-reputation-economies-are-bad-idea) Edit: btw, I do think [stackexchange](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/7237/how-does-reputation-work) did it right, and at least they didn't try to link reputations to offsite effects in a big way. And well, they didn't care about 'free riders' and just tried to create a rep system that creates a positive environment in which questions get answered. (I think [jeff atwood](https://blog.codinghorror.com) wrote more about the reasons behind the upvote/downvote rep system of stackexchange, and anybody who wants to implement a 'smarter' karma system should look there first, and not at lw).
Nah, their entire ideology is 100% built out of the exact same "terrible thinking" they claim to oppose. Yud formerly calling his site "Overcoming Bias" is honestly fucking hilarious, since their """""""Bayesianism""""""""" ultimately boils down to "worship your pre-existing biases and discard anything that doesn't fit them, because you are a genius who couldn't possibly be wrong about anything"
This idea comes up over and over in transhumanist circles. See [http://hplusmagazine.com/2009/03/19/why-whuffie-wiser-hacking-economy-blues-social-capital/](http://hplusmagazine.com/2009/03/19/why-whuffie-wiser-hacking-economy-blues-social-capital/) for an example. I could trace it back to Sasha Chislenko's "Message Rating System" idea.


> I am so fucking sick of their bizarre fantasy-novel pseudofascist bombast about "heroic deeds" and such. It's worth remembering that Yud's biggest (if not the only substantial) beef with Ayn Rand was that she didn't use Bayesian methods.

the real deconstruction of market economies is in the comments

They really have no idea how Boeing makes [money](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harpoon_(missile)), do they?

Not only is the author of this blog apparently entirely ignorant of the concept of "government contracting," he is apparently also unaware of the much simpler concept of "pooling resources." >Lots of people want to fly. But very few are able to pay for the construction of a 747. So we only have airtravel because there can exist intermediaries who can make that payment...
SpaceX I'm willing to give them a pass for (it would be naive to expect them to keep track of all the classified cargo they're hauling to the orbit). Palantir, granted, is blatantly a spook contracting organization, to the degree that it would be hard to actually point to some end user product that they are selling to people like me and you (at least I've never heard of one). But hey, maybe Peter Thiel looks like a normal human being you can do lines with when you've got your ghoul-colored glasses on. But Boeing? "Half the military-industrial complex on its own" Boeing? There's naive and then there's willingly ignorant. edit: shit, this was supposed to be a reply to dgerard's comment.
and Space-X, and Palantir, he was three for three