r/SneerClub archives

You actually can redistribute IQ! Just clean up all the lead in poor communities, and then directly pump it into elite private schools. Nice try Geoffrey!

You could also just subject them to [the controlled treatment of "having been killed by a car"](https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/am5dcd/the_causes_of_individual_difference_in_inelligence/efjkm3z/). SSC has Jeoffry's number!
I can see how it'd be read that way; my intended "goof" was more that, say, Flint (or most other LIAs for that matter) have insanely high lead levels in their kiddos due to their water infrastructure -- I grew up in a place with lead pipes, so "don't drink the water" was always impressed on me.
I...don't see how this suggests you're not joking about violence against kids. The first one makes a joke about negative redistribution, and you specifically twist the joke so it's about pumping lead into the kids.
I might be misunderstanding the use of negative redistribution then; my take is that since the lead in poor communities is in the infrastructure, if you were aiming to get it into rich kids, you'd put it in the same places in rich communities.
The point is the sadistic twist from the slightly edgy "put it back into rich communities" to "specifically put it into the kids"
Fair enough; I'm realizing that it could also be read as a school shooting joke, which was *definitely* not what I was going for.
I didn't read it at as a school shooting joke, I read it as a "let's pump kids full of the lead from flint's water supply" joke
That was more in line with what I was going for, yes. I'd imagine that we'd be having a pretty different conversation right now if you *had* read it as a school shooting joke, though. Either way, that's not an interpretation I'm much keen on on people making, so I took it out behind the ol' "wow I only thought this halfway through" shed.
Alright then!

In contrast, “right wing shut-in losers” are obsessed with IQ because it’s the one thing they think isn’t affected by society. Wait, it totally is ? Shut up regressive leftists!

I’ll steal your brain juice, Geoffrey. Just as soon my toothbrush collection is complete…

“social activist progressives” hate my Xbox Gamerscore because it’s one of the few resources they can’t redistribute by force. GAMERS RISE UP

LOL. Didn’t libertarians and conservatives like Robin Hanson “joke” or “thought experiment” about “redistributing sex” (i.e. redistributing people classified as sex objects, i.e. women)? They protest too much on the subject of overly intrusive redistribution, IMO.

One weird trick.

All I can hear is “hi i’m Geoffrey and I have no idea what ‘resource’ means.”

Look at this clown who hasn’t heard of eating people’s brains to gain their powers.

This post was made by the Sylar gang.
That's a reference I haven't seen in ages.
I watched it then and I still had to look up the name to remember what it was God that show was bad
It was worse than bad! It was a show that had potential and then completely wasted it!
tbh i think the history of tv superheroes/sci-fi has demonstrated for my purposes at least that there was no realistic chance of its having actual potential
Eating the brain is killing the golden goose. Keep the kid alive and you can harvest that sweet sweet adrenochrome.
Diablerie: childe tested, sire AAAAAARGH-proved
C'mon, it's just a Qlippothic Mind 2 effect, it's not like it's *hard* or anything.
You. I like you.
In my sleep, I dream / those things which dream of you / Valentine's day, *barabbi*.

That’s why the left supports lobotomies for all!

Watch out Harrison Bergeron, the Handicapper General is coming for you!

not with that attitude