r/SneerClub archives
The sneers write themselves (https://i.redd.it/i7rqvtjj29g21.jpg)

Oh man, that thread is great. They came up with a new term, ‘credshaming’. I suppose that’s a better term than ‘my massive ego wouldn’t allow me to understand the basics before airing my own half-baked opinions’.

I prefer Tedshaming - shaming people who bloviate about a subject they only know from a TED talk.
That’s being pretty generous.
So is credshaming when you shame someone for not having credentials, or for having credentials but in another field? Linguistically should be the latter I guess but it's not clear.
It should be the latter, but I'd hazard a guess that the person who proposed it isn't a linguist.
Don't credshame them
lol 'it is also bad we get writing advice for forgetting x' 'yes from that I learned to do x'. They are so close.

Subterranean self-awareness on EY’s part for retweeting this without realizing the “make you think you know everything”-part applies to him.

You misunderstand. Paul Graham is lamenting that brilliant polymaths like himself get smacked down for thinking being good at *X* makes them good at everything. Yudjowsky's retweet can presumably be taken to indicate he relates to this feel.
And that X is humblebragging.
Okay that makes more sense. Graham's tweet still totally ignores the legions of people everywhere with a myriad of interests who are too curious and enthusiastic about learning to come off as arrogant about unfamiliar fields.
That would require considering other people than himself.
And christ that‘s pretty damn hard for these people. Exhibit A: the dude who kept insisting “vulva” was interchangeable with “vagina” with his “corrections“, even attempting to “correct” a female gynecologist insisting her expertise was “unnecessary“.
> brilliant polymaths like himself Can’t tell if sarcastic or not
> Can’t tell if sarcastic or not What an embarrassing thing to admit.
http://paulgraham.com/nerds.html Found this. What a gem. Sarcastic it is.

Ultracrepidarianism is a hell of a drug.