r/SneerClub archives
[NSFW] i found a piece of artwork with the title "Sneer Girl" and it reminded me of this sub (https://www.alicesaurus.com/sneer-girl)

i’m sure the SSC/motte & bailey crowd will appreciate that she has blue hair, a choker, and gauged earrings.

What is up the motte bailey thing?
They moved the culture war posts to a sub called "the motte" or something, which is ironic because it's very close to the motte&bailey accusation they quite reasonably face regarding those threads.
Lol. I was just thinking, "she's even got the hair, bless."


The art itself isn't NSFW, the tag indicates that I actually like the art and am not sneering at it.
we abuse and overload the NSFW tag here. I think there's some way to define it differently in the CSS, but also that nobody can much be bothered.
NSFW means serious/unironic