r/SneerClub archives

The founder of Quillette just posted something of a manifesto, in which the closure of /r/ssc’s Culture War thread serves to illustrate the need to protect free speech. In retrospect it’s not surprising it would come to the attention of Quillette, but I’m surprised that it would be given that degree of prominence. Isn’t that shutdown largely due to /r/sneerclub’s efforts?


I'm here to say "ineffectual dork web," because somehow no-one's said that yet. Ineffectual dork web.
ischiorectal fart web
Word. They make us sound way more militant & determined than the reality of a bunch of people on the internet posting in the vein of [castigat ridendo mores](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castigat_ridendo_mores).

Isn’t that shutdown largely due to /r/sneerclub’s efforts?

Honestly, I kinda wish it was, but really I don’t think it is.

From Scott’s own admission, he had that thread shut down because he was harrassed by doxxers who called his irl job.

He and the rest of the rationalists then tried to put the blame on all their detractors (prominently including this here Club), despite having no evidence whatsoever to lead them to think that.

So no, it’s not due to “/r/sneerclub’s efforts” if by efforts you mean sneering at dumb stuff from the CW thread. If by “/r/sneerclub’s efforts” you mean harrassing Scott, then you’re also wrong, since nobody here is endorsing that kind of behavior.

Edit: also, after checking OP’s post history, I have trouble thinking this post was made in anything resembling good faith.

Edit 2: also, how could I forget to say this? Fuck that article, and fuck Quillette. They’re such a cliché it hurts.

Like, this shit:

Today, these strictly enforced thought codes are pervading spaces where naturally open-minded and liberal people work, such as academia, media and the arts. Complying with these repressive codes and, worse, being expected to report those who breach them, sticks in the craw of people with naturally liberal predispositions—even if they share many of the progressive aims of those who enforce these dogmas.

Why must they, twice in an otherwise unrelated paragraph, mention that “liberal predispositions” are “natural”? Like, I know this is a weird thing to get hung up on, but it’s so typical of the way they talk!

Also this:

Most arguments are pointless and there is no reason to get into fights with people whom we otherwise want to cooperate with and build mutually beneficial relationships.

Like, “we must defend free thought but also never fight!” Ugh.


He goes on to describe the distress that was caused by months of harassment and misrepresentation of the forum, his blog, and himself.

Nice job putting on the same level actual harassment and mere “misrepresentation” (which, among the IDW and the like, is often just synonymous with “accurate disagreement”). This is how they convince people that this sub is “evil.”

> naturally Some HBD people think political views are largely genetically determined. (So it isn't a weird thing to get hung upon imho).
> So no, it's not due to "/r/sneerclub's efforts" if by efforts you mean sneering at dumb stuff from the CW thread. If by "/r/sneerclub's efforts" you mean harrassing Scott, then you're also wrong, since nobody here is endorsing that kind of behavior. I think we should be careful with this. I am a big proponent of taking responsibility for one's own language. One of my biggest concerns with the Scotts of the world is their belief that they are entitled to the privilege of total, uncensored free expression of their every minor thought without ever having to take the blame for actions their speech might have inspired or activated, intentionally or otherwise. I do not think SneerClub (well, or anyone) should emulate this trait. The truth of the matter is we have no idea how much influence we did or did not have on the mods of r/slatestarcodex, Scott, or the randos who decided it was a good use of their time to do and harass Scott. I think it's entirely possible some lurker casually read a thread here to that was (righteously) mocking the rationalists and decided (very wrongly) that the next logical step was to call Scott's house. I am not saying that did happen, but I am saying we don't know for sure that it didn't. Let's not get to the point where we attempt the GamerGate habit of saying "Well, sure there are harassers out there, but they have nothing to do with us despite being motivated by our same reasoning and calling themselves part of us and therefore we are absolved of all responsibility."
But on the other hand, it seems to me from the RIP post, that Scott is making a scapegoat out of us. In what must be an impulse towards honesty or ass-covering, he makes mention problems with his friends, other subreddits (I looked up the math thing, not sneerclub related), and in his words: "my own bad opinions and my own bad judgment." I think there is a lot more going on here than we aren't privy to. And Scott has every right to not give us privy. But I don't think we need to buy into this scapegoating as the "correct" middle position between us being vocally the good guys, and Scott *et al* vocally insinuating we're the baddies. And the GamerGate analog is too strong: people having provided detailed accounts of how 4chan collaborators worked to dox and harass feminists and SJWs. We have not conducted any such program against Scott (it's against our principles and against reddit's rules). There may very well be serious trouble in Scott's life, but I'm unwilling to take responsibility out of principle and out of fact. I really see no concession to be made in response to his public performance of indignant indignity. Maybe I'm being too much of a hard-ass about this, maybe I am being cold. But we're anonymous peoples too, now publicly maligned by Scott and harassment by his goons.
> the GamerGate habit of saying "Well, sure there are harassers out there, but they have nothing to do with us despite being motivated by our same reasoning and calling themselves part of us and therefore we are absolved of all responsibility." This raises the question: did whoever harassed Scott & his friends claim to be part of us? I know that the twitter account he referred to in his eulogy didn't claim to be part of us. At least, when I searched twitter the other day the account never had. Where's the evidence that the harassers claim to be sneelclubbers?
> did whoever harassed Scott & his friends claim to be part of us? Well, this is an open subreddit. We're not collectively responsible for each others' actions, or implicitly condoning them by our participation. But someone did dox him here.
> But someone did dox him here. If that has happened I would like to people to actually fucking report it.
>[there doesn't seem to be anything here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/about/reports/)
It appears that the comment has been deleted, but still shows up in some reddit views (which was how I came across it.) It was probably reported already.
I'm not as plugged into the Bay Area and its rationalist subculture as a lot of people here (nor tumblrs or discords or other community hangouts) but is there an anti-Rationalist/SSC nexus that comes close to sneerclub in size or mental real estate of Yud/Aaronson/Alexander ? Fingers seem to be pointed here because it's not at all obvious what other group those culprits would be in.
What possible responsibility could /r/sneerclub be absolved of? This has been happening with the SSCers coming in here with their bait-and-switch: first the claim is that /r/sneerclub was harassing Alexander, then it's "well you create a climate of hostility" or some shit like that. But I don't buy that narrative at all, there's simply nothing about the way that people operate on here which could be cited in any *particular* way (that is accurate, precise, rather than generic "I just have a Tipper Gore-esque feeling") as any kind of causal link between the subreddit and harassment, and notably has done anything to establish one beyond the level of speculation linking angry music to Columbine.
What we can do is be vigilant of any attempts to organize harassment, including in side channels like Discord and chat groups. If we do that we are in the clear. The GamerGate reaction would have been "She's probably faking it for attention", and SneerClubbers haven't gone there at all. I have not seen any trace of SneerClub encouraging harassment. Scott's and Yudkowsky's accusations are attempts to stifle criticism of themselves inside the rationalist sphere.
OK so do exactly what the mods have been loudly doing, thanks for your help
Hmmm... I'm not sure about this. On the one hand, I'm with you on the "taking responsibility for one's own language" thing. I do absolutely take responsibility for anything I've ever said and done (to varying degrees: I'm not gonna beat myself over some bullshit I said 10 years ago. I've grown since then, and changed my mind about some things.) Anyone on the Internet is free to go through my post history on Reddit (or other websites: I've used the same username for years on different platforms and I'm quite transparent about this) and point me towards anything bad I might've said. On the other hand, I'm not ready to accept the idea that writing in a mocking tone about some people's ideas can cause/lead to/encourage harassment. Until proven otherwise videogames don't cause school shootings, death metal doesn't cause Satanist murders and sneers don't cause doxxing. Especially, I think the comparison with GamerGate is out of line. IIRC, there are *actual traces and evidence* that people identifying with GamerGate oranized to harrass people, while afaik nothing of the sort exists in Scott's case. I fully believe Scott when he says he was doxxed and harrassed, but he can't go and put the blame on *all his detractors* without some evidence more receivable than "well they're all evil SJWs!"
I think you have to be pretty careful about assigning blame to people for what their speech "might have inspired or activated." In fact, I'd say don't do it. If you have solid reason to think the speech *did* inspire or activate something negative, then sure, point that out (though the speech might be worth it anyway). But why should anyone let SneerClub be made a scapegoat on the basis of "might have"? Correct me if I'm wrong, but we don't know the harassers were motivated by SneerClub's reasoning or even liked SneerClub. They might have. They might also hate SneerClub and think the problem with Scott is that he's insufficiently fascist. Mere imagined possibilities are not a reason to take responsibility and accept scapegoating, or even to temper opposition to scapegoating. I would also say blaming critics for harassment without good reason is irresponsible speech.
> I am not saying that did happen, but I am saying we don't know for sure that it didn't. Which isn't saying much, or at least anything actionable on our part. I think we can say that this subreddit is responsible for amplifying the 'worst' of the CW thread, or rationalism in general, to some degree. But that same 'worst' was already there, as acknowledged by CW commenters themselves who would call out the tendencies of the thread before themselves leaving.
I am saying we should be vigilant and explicit about discouraging this behavior in exactly the same way that Scott is not vigilant about discouraging fascists.
What, exactly, do you recommend "we" (mods? I don't recognise you on the modlist) do?
I don't think the mods need to do anything, but I do think we users need to more frequently clarify that although we mock Scott/Yud, we don't think they are bad people in real life, or at least not bad enough to deserve harassment. If we only ever say that Scott is bad/fascist/crypto-alt-right/whatever, then someone nodding along may well conclude that doxxing/harassing is a reasonable next step. Personally, I think it means we need to shift our sneering demeanor a bit away from "Scott is evil/despicable" and a bit more towards, e.g., "Scott is silly/pathetic/eye-roll-worthy". The latter is less likely to encourage real-life harassment, and has the added benefit of being more accurate in my estimation. (disclaimer: I like many SSC blog posts; I'm annoyed merely by the AI ones and the racism-doesn't-exist ones.)
> we don't think they are bad people in real life, Do *we* think this? Some of the rationalists sneered at here are clearly bad people IRL, e.g. the Dragon Army guy. The sneers are them are due to their actions IRL, not merely some blog post. Also, I don't like this internet/real world dichotomy. If someone spends their time on the internet being racist, that is bad, even if they're super kind and generous to their friends. It's like the adage that people who are rude to wait staff aren't nice people; you have to look at how they treat everyone, not just their friends/peers. >Personally, I think it means we need to shift our sneering demeanor a bit away from "Scott is evil/despicable" and a bit more towards, e.g., "Scott is silly/pathetic/eye-roll-worthy". First off, I think we should be careful to not conflate criticism of someone's actions with them as a person. Saying that it's bad that Scott provides a platform to racist needn't be accempanied by the implication that Scott is an irredeemibly evil person. (Also, who the hell uses words like "evil" in this context? Stop aping Yudkowsky.) That aside, do *we* think that Scott merely deserves eyerolls but no real condemnation? I don't. For instance, "Untitled" isn't just pathetic, it's also toxic. "You are still crying wolf" isn't just silly, it's also apologetics for racism, and as such ought to be condemned for realsies.
> (Also, who the hell uses words like "evil" in this context? Stop aping Yudkowsky.) I actually think this goes to show how one sided the civility/respectability police are being here. No one in Yud's circle has called him out for calling sneerclubbers evil, or beyond-the-pale, or etc. Indeed, the only people worthy of unqualified condemnation and uncritical censorship are those that sneer. EDIT: if anyone has a the power to stop all this, it is Yudkowsky himself. It's really honestly the two-faced-ness that I've been observing among the "free thought police" that has really bothered me: "our human biodiversity studies are golden, your gender studies is grievance." And I think that is has been ironically highlighted lately in the Scott's RIP: the only kind of discourse that is bad is the anti-"discourse" discourse.
>the only kind of discourse that is bad is the anti-"discourse" discourse. It's like upside-down world's paradox of tolerance, the only intolerance we won't tolerate is intolerance of intolerance
Fine, but the point is that while the people we sneer at are condemnable, they are not infinitely condemnable; there should be some space to say "yes, they are bad, but they are not *that* bad". At least for people like Yudkowsky and Scott (some of the culture war users I've met sound like truly terrible people). Many people believe that if someone is sufficiently bad and causes sufficient real-life harm, doxxing them and calling their workplace is a reasonable thing to do. Honestly, I haven't really seen arguments that it *isn't* a reasonable thing to do, neither from sneerclub nor from the rationalists. People just say they're against doxxing but don't justify why. At least for me, the answer to why I'm against doxxing is that the targets are *not* sufficiently harm-causing in almost all cases. Therefore, I think it is prudent, when criticizing Scott, to mention that I don't think he is anywhere near causing sufficient harm to be worth doxxing. In other words, he makes me eye-roll/sneer rather than making me rise to action. He is not Trump.
> Fine, but the point is that while the people we sneer at are condemnable, they are not infinitely condemnable; Nobody is infinitely condemnable. So what would be the point of noting that these specific people aren't? >Many people believe that if someone is sufficiently bad and causes sufficient real-life harm, doxxing them and calling their workplace is a reasonable thing to do. Sure, of course. If you know that the Unabomber is Ted Kaczynski, then it's not just reasonable but obligatory to doxx him. (Though he didn't have a workplace to ring up.) Or for a more modern example, various Trump officials who have been harassed at restaurants and had protests outside their homes deserved it, and those who found out and shared their schedules etc. were doing something good. But I think it's pretty clear that Scott isn't a murderer or presiding over human rights abuses or other such things. I mean, I could preface all my posts/comments about Scott with "Disclaimer: while I think Scott is bad, he's not as bad as the Unabomber, so don't doxx him." But I feel that wouldn't have the effect you desire.
I don't think such a preface would be a good idea. All I'm trying to say is that sometimes, on sneerclub, we fall into the trap of taking the rationalist community too seriously. They are largely nobodies. They don't matter. It's good to keep that in mind and let it show in the mood we use when sneering.
>sometimes, on sneerclub, we fall into the trap of taking the rationalist community too seriously. Again, who is we? As I pointed out [elsewhere](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/auiqc2/intellectual_dark_web_vs_sneer_club/eh97646/?context=1) in this thread, sneerclub is generally low effort. We don't treat the targets of our sneers seriously and deserving of real effort to refute. This is an ethos the mods have tried to cultivate. There's a few instances of serious discussion I'm happy sneerclub has played host to, e.g. the Bent Drill stuff. But for the most part we've tried to discourage taking these things too seriously. See [rules 1, 2, and 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/91th1q/new_rules_for_sneers/). Or to make the subtext text: in my observation, the contingent of sneerclub that takes the rationalist community most seriously are the ex-rationalists. While the old guard sneerers have tried to discourage this. Physician, heal thyself and all that.
Arguments against doing are about the same as arguments against the vigilantism: its not your business, and youre probably making worse judgments than you think you are.
Hmm. That's an interesting perspective, and carries some weight since I respect your judgement. I guess one reason I haven't come up with that myself is that his harem building is so much less public than his various other cringeworthy endeavors (e.g. money grabbing with MIRI) that I can't even tell whether it's truly egregious or just exaggerated. I've never met the guy, and I can't even find a good source for the math pets thing. But if you say you've seen real harem-building behavior on his part, that does lower my opinion of him substantially.
>money grabbing with MIRI I've actually had a look at MIRI's financial releases, and if it's a money grabbing scheme I'm not particularly impressed with his ability to transform his social capital into income. Starting SE's at big firms make close to double what he makes at MIRI. His reported income ($125,000), if he were the breadwinner for a household in SF, would place him barely above the low income line. Suffice it to say, I think both MIRI and Yudkowsky are deadly serious about their proclaimed mission and morality. ​
$125,000 is not low income anywhere in the country. Even in SF, it is above the median household income. (And as a parenthetical sneer, it's not clear if EY is hirable as a SE at a big firm.) Anyway, I agree MIRI is not a cynical get-rich scheme - Yudkowsky surely believes he's saving the world - but raising money for the purpose of saving the world, much of it trading off directly against other EA causes such as malaria nets, and then spending it producing the pathetic output that MIRI produces, is still cringeworthy behavior from my point of view.
>$125,000 is not low income anywhere in the country. The point was to illustrate the COL in SF rather than to pretend that a 6 figure salary isn't a lot of money. That said, a household earning $117,399 is actually somehow low income in SF if they have 4 kids.
Not sure if anyone in SF has 4 kids though :P
I personally find Eliezer to be a rather off-putting person, and also someone astoundingly unable to self-reflect or understand why much of the internet sees him the way they do, but I've never been particularly impressed with the "math pets" accusation. Are there any allegations of substance, other than the mix of "sapiosexuality", BDSM and polyamory ("harem")? It seems to me like if the idea didn't seem so perverse and weird, people wouldn't react anywhere near as strongly. >to the detriment of your ability to build credibility outside of it for the ideas you believe are of, like, existential importance is bad behavior. Under a consequentialist framework, many of the things even the most dedicated people do are examples of "bad behavior" that gets in the way of "important work". Also, I think the only people who've heard of "math pets" , outside of people who know him IRL, are pretty much all highly aware of sneerclub, so I'm not sure this affects him as much as you seem to be implying.
from what I've seen from yud himself, I am willing to take the bet too. he is definitely exploiting his status position in the community for his sexual/emotional benefit. and this is very bad indeed. he seems completely oblivious (by choice?) to the power dynamics surrounding celebrity-fan relationships
>he is definitely exploiting his status position in the community for his sexual/emotional benefit. and this is very bad indeed. As an aside, nothing to do with Yudkowsky, but don't most male celebrities and famous people leverage their social status for their sexual or emotional benefit? It seems to me to be generally considered socially acceptable and it is frankly ubiquitous. The entire notion is deeply ingrained in our culture even, the classic example is the groupie. Frequently the fans seem to be far more enthusiastic about the notion than the high-social-status figure in question. It's only when there are other circumstances, like underage girls or abuse in R. Kelly's case or infidelity / workplace seniority issues like in the case of David Letterman do people seem to find it troubling.
yep. especially in americas celebrity culture
>Also, 'harem' is not 'poly', it's a specific accusation about the kinds of relationships someone is having. Harem, at least to me, just means "one guy, many women" which is a normal outcome of heterosexual polyamory **if the women in question have other partners too**. Are you making a claim about the power dynamics involved? Or do you think these women don't have other partners? >self-professed sadism I read the post you reference, and he describes himself as into ***sexual*** sadism, "if she's turned on by it". It's literally the **S** in bog-standard BD**S**M. He's into BDSM. I think I see more clearly what you're getting at though: that he leverages the social status he has his community to engage in particular kinds of relationships with women. People leverage their social status for sex or relationships all the time and it's generally socially accepted, and I don't think your issue is with BDSM or kinks in particular, so is it the combination of the two, or the way Yudkowsky does it? Ultimately, I'm simply not sure I see your point and making a big deal out of Yudkowsky being a *sadist* when it turns out he's just into BDSM doesn't help your case (I'm just being honest here, it would after all be presumptuous to assume you care). ​
>People leverage their social status for sex or relationships all the time and it's generally socially accepted, and I don't think your issue is with BDSM or kinks in particular, so is it the combination of the two, or the way Yudkowsky does it? I agree that leveraging social status for sex and relationships is pretty ubiquitous and accepted *when it's based on money* (though there's no dearth of leftist/feminist criticism of it of course), and in fact, what little taboo it does have is usually centered on the lower-status woman (gold digger, Yoko, etc.). But, I do think this generality kinda changes when the power differential isn't based around money. People talk all kinds of shit about Mormon polyamory, cult leaders sleeping with their subordinates, Hollywood executives and #MeToo, preachers/teachers/coaches getting with their subordinates even when they're of age (which is actually illegal for teachers in most states iirc), etc. I think Yudkowsky fits better in the latter group. He's the central figure of an ideological group formed around him, and the level of reverence some of his followers show him honestly creeps me out sometimes. I think the societal perception of his polyamory would at least be a little shaky if he was actually on the radar. BDSM only compounds this imo. I think BDSM can be perfectly valid, but I also think it's pretty prone to abuse if participants aren't super conscientious about consent. It just seems like a tricky thing to pull off to me. Of course, I have no idea about his sex life - maybe he *is* super conscientious and does everything by the book - but his narcissistic public persona makes me doubt it, and even if he is, the power dynamics involved make any consent a little murky to me.
>facilitates less abuse and more healthy, stable (hey, even maybe marital and baby-making) This strikes me as a rather... traditionalist opinion? I'd be interested in your views on some of these kinks or practices (polyamory, BDSM) in a vacuum. Part of my apprehension is that I do genuinely find this sort of thing rather perverse, but I'm not sure how much of that is me being a bit of a square and privileging the social norms I'm familiar with. I don't want to be motivated purely by emotional disgust, I want to have some sort of ethical reason when I condemn a sexual or social practice (ad-hoc rationalizations or justifications are a problem here). It does still seem to me that some of the kerfuffle over "math pets" is driven by the weirdness or the disgust factor, which does not necessarily tie into any solid moral or ethical reasoning. That said, I do find some of your claims quite plausible and/or reasonable: 1. The norms in the Bay Area rationalist community facilitate abuse or unhealthy dynamics (e.g large age differences). 2. It's not a good look, externally. Your point about hiding abusers and real sadists, though, does that not simply apply to any community where BDSM is normalized?
I was not referring specifically to the mods, I think you guys have been on-point on this. I am mainly saying it's wrong to say "oh well it sucks he got harassed but it for sure wasn't us"
The problem is that I [struggle to see](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/auiqc2/intellectual_dark_web_vs_sneer_club/eh8yvy6/) what the alternatives are, until somebody provides even a shred of evidence that /r/sneerclub had anything to do with it. Currently, it's circumstantial speculation on the level of "no smoke without fire" except that the bare existence of any smoke *is itself a bald speculation*. I simply refuse to give in to these arseholes who think they can believe whatever they want just because "buh out-group mean".
> I am mainly saying it's wrong to say "oh well it sucks he got harassed but it for sure wasn't us" except for the bit where that's literally the truth. Seriously, the claim's a lie for which not a shred of evidence has been shown.
I guess we can get /u/noactuallyitspoptart or another mod to edit the sidebar for a general statement against doxxing, harassment, etc.
I'm loathe to do that because it feels like an admission of guilt to me, and something that the crazies can hold up as evidence that we take responsibility (just like they already have done with /u/completely-ineffable's comment on the matter)
In my pessimism of this sort of internet drama, I think people will believe what they want with or without evidence, so an advisory won't hurt any more than without. But of course, it's also just words, not something the mods can act on. So whatever. The dumb shit just has to play out like it usually does.
Besides what poptart said, the proper place for that would be the rules sticky, not the sidebar.
> I am not saying that did happen, but I am saying we don't know for sure that it didn't. I think I would first require literally any evidence whatsoever that this is what did happen. You're hammering this point - but conspicuously not supplying said evidence. Do you have any? If not, then you should stop perpetuating a lie.
Well, IIRC *someone* was, but of course we don't know *who* or their affiliation.
>good faith I'm not really part of this club, to be sure. But my real evil secret is that I don't read SSC at all, haven't read Scott's account of what happened, and that this was a lazy post, made because two forums that I do keep an eye on, Quillette and this place, seemed to be colliding. The only reason I ever even heard of "SSC's culture war thread" was through /r/SneerClub. The replies to this post have clarified that there was no actual sneer-club campaign to close the thread. The only rationalist forum I read (with regularity) is LW. I date from a time when *neoreaction* was the most visible "political opposition" to LW - I refer e.g. to the founding of MoreRight - and /r/SneerClub was an odd little novelty. But that was a different political and cultural epoch.

Isn’t that shutdown largely due to /r/sneerclub’s efforts?

That would be surprising, since shutting down the thread wasn’t an effort on /r/SneerClub’s part. In fact, I’d say it was all pretty surprising once it happened. Outside of maybe a few cherry-picked frustrated comments wishing the CW thread was shut down, you won’t find much at all top level advocacy for shutting down the thread before the event. And, after, the congratulatory posts were all pretty tongue-in-cheek.

And it wasn’t really totally shut down, just moved to its own sub.

Another motive for this action, unmentioned by the article and less mentioned as this becomes a flashpoint for the ‘free speech’ moralizers, but mentioned at times by SSC mods, is that the CW thread was ‘taking over the subreddit.’ Moving it to its own subreddit seems like a practical decision on that concern alone.

EDIT: And since the reactionary narrative is being crafted and scapegoats are being assigned, let me say that, no, I don’t think Scott, his readers, everyone who posts/posted to the SSC subreddit or the CW thread are Neo-Nazis, or more specially neonazi child molesters, or whatever (white nationalists, right-wing, etc.). I don’t care about, like, most of the people involved and their opinions about things in general. I’m here to sneer, yes, at cherry-picked posts and comments, per the name of the sub. I’m not interested in some agenda to silence even self-identified Nazis. But I will sneer at overt attempts to gussy-up their views for mainstream acceptance and it’s my right to express my sneer publicly.

We can have a discussion about the possibility and desirability of limitless freedom of speech, whether freedom of speech entails a right to platform, freedom from criticism or social exclusion, derision, etc. but I imagine we won’t. Like the concept of ‘culture war,’ we have to presume these terms as given, as if referring to sensible things, and then discuss.

Yeah, it's worth mentioning that the claim that sneerers think they're all neo-nazis or whatever is a deliberate misrepresentation
And not one that wasn't a long time coming. The esoteric lesson behind the exoteric "You're still crying wolf" was always going to be "They think we're all wolves."
> Like the concept of 'culture war,' we have to presume these terms as given, as if referring to sensible things, and then discuss. Yes, this! Rationalists, or I guess probably more SSCers in particular, do this weird thing where *they* set the terms of the discussion ("culture war," "HBD," etc.), and any attempt at reframing what they talk about in its proper context (politics, racism, etc.) gets shut down by accusations of "misrepresenting" them.
It's, from what I gather, a pretty old-school internet-libertarian strategy.
100% "voluntary" actions can be coerced so long as they're not literally forced with violence "Violence" means what you'd expect it to, except it excludes enforcement of private property "power" only applies to the public sector; a CEO has no power over their employees, because their employees are "voluntary", the hierarchy isn't "violently" enforced, etc. "roads" means [404]
Well, what a surprise...
I can however quite believe that rationalists he knows in real life pointed out that, as a moderator and active participant on the subreddit, he is *literally* one of the people responsible for what happens on it, and that the shit on it reflects on him. And that can't be his fault, and they're in his ingroup so it can't be their fault, so it must be ... ***THE OUTGROUP!!***
Would be a great opportunity to develop a view on the question of responsibility, or lack thereof, with respect to providing a platform for extreme views. But alas.
For anyone wanting to really understand what happened (and /r/sneerclub's role), I choose this response as the most valuable. It makes two points - the shutdown was a surprise here (i.e. there wasn't a campaign with this in mind), and it wasn't really a shutdown, just a move.

there is not enough Italian chef kisses in the world for that quilly post.

edit: Really, what I would like to know is why rationalists, SSC, and rando cs professors elected to get themselves so obsessed over sneerclub. Because, upon reflecting on the extent of the SSC-rationialist-conspiracy complex that was built up before Scott closed down CW, I don’t entirely get why they got themselves so worked up. (I think I know part of it: the rationalist #metoo moment, as short-lived as it was, must have been a really vulnerable moment for them. And we did facilitate that somewhat.) Is it because we started accumulating expats—thus precipitating the feeling of an “enemy within” at SSC? Were our critiques too good, thus making the community feel (rightfully) intellectually “pantsed”? I don’t know…

>Were our critiques too good, What's funny is that for the most part we don't do critiques. E.g. the LessWrong post about mansplaining evo-psych to your ex-gf is so obviously sneerworthy that there's to need to provide a critique. Everyone here can just look at it and see that it is bad. So were the SSCers stopping by having the same issue. Did they click a link and it was clear to them that the linked thing was bad? Is this all just the pains of having to ask, are we the baddies?
lol, that is true. A sneer is not a critique.
these people have been unable to cope with others not loving them for the past decade lesswrong started going batshit at rationalwiki approximately from the moment an article on them existed, because it was not fawning now you might think this was narcissistic, but technically,
I feel like this sub is like those anti-Scientology groups that are a mix of ex-Scientologists, people who lost loved ones to the cult, and people who just want to laugh about alien lord Xenu. The reactions from the cult leaders are quite similar: simultaneously attacking and banning all mentions of the outside group. At least Yudkowsky hasn't set lawyers on us yet.
as a veteran of such Usenet groups, I can confirm it gets a bit like that

I wanted to say ‘not everything is about sneerclub, stop being narcissistic!’ in a moment of ironic self referencing. But it really is about the CW thread.

Right-of-centre people were not completely banned from the thread

Good to see nobody is misrepresenting the issue and complaints. I was about to go complain about Fake News.

(for non sneer people reading, the issue is not “people honestly and civilly arguing for their opinions. And that’s the scariest thing of all.” The issue is “people honestly and civilly arguing for eugenics, fascism, discrimination, removing of voting rights of undesirables etc, with less and less pushback over time. And that’s the scariest thing of all.”).

Edit: ow and look, nobody mentions 4chan’s /pol/ also had Scotts dox, and 4chan has a history of harassment (and pol specifically can be a bit anti-semetic). (Not saying there should not be a look inward, or that sneerclub didn’t help create an environment where people felt justified in harassment btw. Just pointing out that only pointing here without proof is weird).

Edit2: daaammmmm the comments on that post. (uncharitably: ‘the problem is that after climate change hits, these crazy SJWs will stop us from machinegunning refugees, and then the jihadis will win and defeat the white people’)

astonished to discover that the third comment is a guy talking about human biodiversity

my read on claire lehmann has always been that she doesn’t give a shit about politics and is just in the IDW game for the secret ramsay centre money, but i’m still constantly amazed by how much effort goes into this stuff. just how much time they’ve spent building this elaborate ideological labyrinth around the single simple fact that they don’t like black people. you’d think it would be easier to not be racist than to devote your whole life to conspiracy theories about how the cultural marxist elders of zion won’t let you be racist

edit: also how do these people not get tired of complimenting each other? they spend so much time talking about how nice and smart and charitable and perfect everyone in the idw sphere is, and that enables them to get super outraged whenever anyone slanders one of their precious smol beans, but it’s so transparently just an attempt to gain the system. scott seems to think that correctly aping certain social cues should guarantee him access to cultural capital, and he and his mates are all constantly furious that a basic level of politeness isn’t enough to win them universal respect. they really do think that if they utter a magic formula you’re ethically obliged to pat them on the head and tell them they’re good boys, no matter how reprehensible their actual beliefs might be. ideas don’t matter at all to these people, the highest good is merely being polite

i’m also reminded of that scott aaronson megapost where he talks about how much of a special angel he is, and how normal his relationship with his wife is, and how it makes him sad that people still insist on making fun of him

Relevant quote from elsewhere online:

Fascists aren’t pro-“free speech.” They’re pro”mandatory listening.”

They don’t want anyone but themselves to speak, and they want everyone to be forced to listen. That’s why they think being blocked is somehow impinging they’re rights